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Posts posted by Biks

  1. I was going to work on this exact thing in a couple of days. By voting up comments, you make them "sticky". Which means your comment and link back to you will sit there indefinitely, while the other comments roll off the page.


    I was wondering how I was going to do this. The CHOOSE FROM CHOSEN number will change as more people comment. Not sure how you would identify where you are. Here's an example:




    Once your in the top two, then it would be easy. Once your comment has rolled off the first page, how would you track it down?

  2. I got Twiends working. (If anyone is wondering) The big hurdle is having the pro version to click the start of the video. Randomly pick from the ALL menu, scrape the time before it starts, add a few more seconds then WAIT that amount of time before closing the window. Then loop, loop, loop! I notice if you crank up your seeds, you'll get more views on your video.


    I gotta work on increasr next.

  3. You do know how to view more source code with the right click select? When you right click on an element, there is a tag on the top of the menu, to the right is a little pop up menu. By selecting within THAT menu, you'll see more elements associated with your selection. Never knew how that worked until recently, I was always pulling up the source code within another browser.

  4. Kreatus: yea, just got the pro version. (profile updated)


    LoWrIdErTJ: OK, so how do I apply that to a variable? I see the "run Javascript" command, not sure where I would stick the variable (with my keyword) into it.


    BotBuddy: OK, I can't even recreate your example manually. I can build half of it but I don't understand what's going on. I see that $text to uppercase does it to ALL the letters and you're trying to subtract everything but the first letter.


    It seems you're assuming that it's a 2 word variable. {1}{2} I'm saying I want to uppercase the first word for ANY length of keywords. I could have some 4 keyword groups. That's why I thought a regex expression would deal with the variable length of words.

  5. Ah, BotBuddy is going on about us Mac owners again. :-)


    OK, if it makes you feel any better - I now have my Mac Laptop formatted for and booted into WIndoze JUST to run Ubot. I also own two other PC's that are sitting 5 feet from my MacPro. (which I'm typing on now) I own parallels for the Mac which allows dual booting but I don't bother with it. Running natively just works better.


    Ever notice that some people don't care where they live or what their house looks like? Those are PC users. :-) It's cheap and functional. Try explaining aesthetics to someone living in a trailer. :-)


    Oh, did I mention that I haven't installed ANY virus software on my Mac in over 6 years?

  6. Hey BotBuddy - thanks for that bot. I've been looking for a way to insert the date into the title of a saved text file. Obviously I would need to change the formatting of the date since slashes can't be used. Yup, I know I could reformat it with a replace or javascript strings...but eh, I'll get to it on another day.

  7. OK, the next question is - does it make a difference if your comment link is on a related post by topic? I suspect that it's all a myth, just blast away. How would Google qualify if a blog entry is about WEIGHT LOSS or ACNE if the author is writing about multiple things in one post? I suspect the only thing that matters is the PR or trustworthiness of the site. Still - ANY link must be worth something, right? This is why blasting thousands of random links with comments still works?

  8. What you really should be doing first is scraping for certain blog footprints. This way the attribute tags/names will be more consistent and your bot will work more likely. I've built a couple of auto commenter bots and it's surprising how many variations you encounter within just one platform.


    A sneaky thing I sorta got to work is scraping the authors name off the page, insert their NAME into your spam post. (I always come back to this blog to see what <AUTHORS NAME> has written.) How can this be spam when you mentioned the authors name? :-) Note: Scrapebox DOESN'T do this. Blogengine blogs have a tag for authors name. Still, my bot didn't always work because of the subtle differences between all the versions and themes.


    The next step down was to scrape the domain name and insert THAT into your spam comment. (I always come back to <DOMAIN NAME> and see what has been posted! Great stuff!) As an example most Wordpress blogs don't include the authors name.


    At this point I'm not sure if hammering comments is very effective. I can't see how Google is just ignoring, seeing that Scrapebox is cheap and ubiquitous. Can anyone still vouche for comment spamming?

  9. Even better - mailinator.com and yopmail.com


    Mailinator has about a dozen redirect URLs, so you won't be hammering on one email address. No sign ups, nothing. Pull a random user name out of your butt and these sites "create" the account immediately.


    As an example - An "account" would be lumpybrownsocks@mailinator.com. Just navigate to: lumpybrownsocks.mailinator.com. No password needed. Real easy to open and verify whatever message you have there. I've had very few sites reject an email from the mailinator variation URLs. Of course everyone else on the plant COULD read your email, but you're only using this for signups anyways, right?


    But if you insist on Yahoo - then Yahoo mobile is the simplest interface to program for. (forgot what the URL was - there' a tutorial bot around here somewhere)

  10. You're a mac guy. Well that explains it. I cannot help you anymore. Mac people are useless to me. Hang on while I fall off my High Horse.


    C'mon, I've been making pretty pictures my whole life on my MAC computer. This is why I keep asking so many damn questions about programming. While you programmer types were drinking Jolt cola never seeing the sun, I was wearing my Steve Jobs black turtle neck sweater and getting laid. Little good that sweater does me now. :-)


    Okay. Did you try running the bot and then disconnecting your Remote connection?


    Yea, that was the first thing I (foolishly) tried.


    In all likelihood, it is probably the memory. Yes, you are correct about using older PCs. I have three and they all have a different bot or two doing something. However, I am using an Opensource remote software. I think it is call either TightVNC or LightVNC.


    Hmmm...this $50 box only has 512 Meg RAM. You might be on to something. I'll take a look at the VNC stuff and find cheap Dell RAM.

  11. Lemme "jiggle the handle" on this some more. If it's supposed to work this way, then I'm more compelled to hammer at it. I mean why doesn't everybody pick up $50 Pentium 4's and run an army of bots? Since most of my bots are waiting around for a webpage to load anyways, I image a hot rod computer won't get the data up any faster. Now, I do notice a slow down when I'm editing/creating Ubots when I've got a long string of commands to go through.


    I'm primarily a Mac guy, so I bought I originally bought an older PC just to do IM stuff. The other question is it better to invest in a super fast PC and run multiple instances on it, or just keep stacking $50 PCs up?

  12. I think you are okay. Just minimize it.


    I'll bet if you were to hook up a monitor that you would see the bot operating fine. What you are actually seeing is a screen refresh issue with the software doing the actual "Remote"ing. You're actually seeing a time lag in screen refreshes.


    Nope. It stopped. I had set something up last night for it to run and minimized the window. Come back this morning and the counter was at #3. I then watch it take an hour to finish up what it was supposed to do.


    Could the single processor have anything to do with it?

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