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Posts posted by Biks

  1. Yeah spin your contextual link and even use your web address raw as well. Every single link you create could have different text if you wanted. Very simple to do.


    I screwed myself on this one. I have a company that called something like "Joe's Plumbing". Since my keyword is in my title, I used THAT as my anchor text for years. Worked like a charm until Panda. I wasn't hammering my main keyword i.e. "plumbing", but thought I was doing a crude version of branding by using my full company name. Now it looks to Google that I over optimized for my keyword. :-(

  2. Having aged Twitter accounts seems to get less scrutiny by Twitter. (I guess some of my failed Twitter marketing attempts I did two years ago may pay off with just the accounts I created!)


    Do a search on Fiverr for PVA (phone verified accounts) for Gmail and other sites. No idea how I'm supposed to phone verify accounts with Ubot so it's easier to just ordering them. I managed to buy 50 for 5 bucks.

  3. As a non-programmer (I make pretty pictures with After Effects and Photoshop for a living), it took a while to get the "flow" of how things work. I'm sure to someone who KNOWS how to program, most of it is self-evident. As an example, what are the ways you would use a variable? I know what it IS, but how do you use it? These guys show a few examples, but it's certainly not all the ways you can apply them. After a while you end up with a "bag of tricks" on how to do specific things.

  4. I had this working fine in version 3.5




    I just want to select the top choice - NEWTONVILLE, MA. Facebook forces you to choose a menu item, you can't type "Newtonville, MA" and be done with it. I was able to choose this is ver 3.5 by doing an ARROW DOWN and ENTER key. Simple right? Can't do it in version 4. Here's what I got (log in to Facebook)



    navigate("https://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?type=users", "Wait")
    type text(<name="q">, "new", "Standard")
    click(<title="Search for people, places and things">, "Left Click", "No")
    type text(<value="Type the name of a city or region.">, "Newtonville", "Standard")



    This used to work in 3.5:


    plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "keyboard event", "Down, "Key Press")
    plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "keyboard event", "Enter", "Key Press")


    Seems like it should but doesn't. I've tried FOCUSing on the element, nothing. Is there some way to select it via javascript or something? Now, I CAN make it work by doing an on screen click:


    plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "click mouse", "Facebook User Scrape v1* - UBot Studio Professional Edition", "HwndWrapper[UBot Studio.exe;;REMOVED]", 1068, 424, "Left Click")
    plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "keyboard event", "Down", "Key Press")


    Problem is, I want to compile my bot and give it to others. Programming a "hard click" on the screen gets messed up depending on how you have your browser window configured. (right?)

  5. How do I get Ubot to search the actual URL for something? Some sites will throw you to a captcha or even ban page (Twitter/Facebook) if you've done something naughty. I know I can look for an element on the page, but I know I'm in trouble and I need to stop my bot IF I've ended up on a certain page.


    As an example on Twitter - they may throw you to their captcha page:




    Any way of saying "if the URL has  "captcha" in it - do this"

  6. I got a running Twitter auto poster that spins a message along with a users name. Occasionally the message goes over 140 characters. I basically want to add this to my bot:


    Set {variable} after spinning message

    If {variable} = 141+ characters  = SPIN AGAIN

    If {variable} has 140 characters or < = DO NOTHING


    Is this a regex thing? If I gotta throw a couple of bucks at this just to have somebody pay attention, I'll certainly do it.

  7. I've created a bot that follows and likes all sorts of stuff on Pinterest. I've now got my list of followers and I want to compare that to my FOLLOWING list and click the UNFOLLOW icon for each. I'm just not sure how I go about comparing some data before I click a link or icon.


    My scraped FOLLOWERS list looks like this:









    When I jump to the FOLLOWING side of things, I've got this list of people I want to compare to my list and I want to click the UNFOLLOW button if they aren't on my list. Fortunately the href data for the Unfollow icon is the same as my followers list.


    I assume I need some sort of IF command. IF the unfollow button matches anyone on my FOLLOWERS list, do not click it. If that person isn't following me - click it.


    Do I have to load up all the names first? How would I go down the list and do one at a time?


    ** UPDATE **


    OK, now I got the same question for unfollowing on Twitter. I found this link on this forum:




    Magzmedia suggests retrieving the feed from the Twitter API and using that. It looks like you grab the user IDs by navigating back to Twitter. He suggests that you can somehow use his example to follow/unfollow. I get the concept but not sure how to execute it.


    Anyone have any examples of an unfollowing script?

  8. Well Freddie77, you won't appreciate my comment either..


    Youtube automatically stops the counter around 300 views. You can certainly run the counter up to 300 views with this bot. At the 300 mark, Youtube checks to see WHERE the views have been coming from. If they all came from one IP (like this bot), then your counter will "freeze" and will ignore any more views from your IP. Just throwing in a few more proxies and rotating through them won't do it. You need to have a descent amount of IP variety to push past this limit.


    There are other websites that deal SPECIFICALLY with this issue like u2bviews.com, enchanceviews.net, etc. They FORCE a large amont of users to watch your video in the background.

  9. I've scraped tons of things with v3.5 using PAGE SCRAPE. What is the equivalent of doing that with ver 4? Version 4 seems to be forcing me to choose an element and just dealing with that code. I got used to selecting left/right aspect of scraping in v3.5 - can I work like that in v4? There are many times when I want to select the last portion of an element and continue to the first part of the NEXT element.


    One thing I'm trying to do:


    Go to Facebook

    Display the friends of a user

    Do a search by name/current city/hometown etc.

    Scrape search results (user URLs) - anyone who has a +1 Add Friend after them. (but don't include the button itself


    I want to wild card everything up to the +1 Add friend button, but grab the html URL of the user.

  10. So I've watched Aaron Nimocks tutorial on Javascript on Squidoo. (http://player.vimeo/video/8798088


    Got the hang of it for the examples he had shown:

    Run Javascript: jqGeneral.incVal('module_35');

    Run Javascript: jqGeneral.addModules();


    It was easy picking out the appropriate javascript from the code. I want to add a comment and click on the SUBMIT button on a page like this: (works if you are only logged in)




    The javascript code looks like this:


    <SPAN class=gb_submit_fake onclick="SquidooComments.new_form('58505622', '0', jQuery('div.comment_insert_pt', jQuery(this).parent().parent()), jQuery(this).parent(), {visitor: false, squidoo: true, facebook: false, email_notify: true, twitter: false}); jQuery(this).parent().hide();">submit</SPAN>


    What the heck do I grab and use? I've tried the whole thing and a couple of parts.


    **** EDIT 2 hours later ****


    Interesting, I can't post a reply. (say I don't have permission with the credentials supplied)


    Optical path? Move mouse and click? Can't do that, I'm not trying to make a bot for this single page. The submit button is all over the place.


    **** EDIT 4 hours later ****


    Still can't reply to this post (same error)


    You have to click the text box, fill it and just drag the button over


    C'mon..that was the first thing I tried. No go. Now, the OTHER buttons drag over like the CREATE LENS. Can anyone verify that it does indeed drag? If so, then what? Why would my Ubot browser prevent me from doing this when everyone else can? Anyone experience something like that?

  11. I'm just trying to find a string to select the last half of a url. I want to trim off the text to the right of the last forward slash. I want this:




    To turn into this




    The flow I want to achieve is - start at the end, select everything back to the first slash. What I've come up with is this:




    With \x2f.+.$ - it ignores all the slashes to the first one, why? What am I doing wrong?


    With [0123456789]\x2f.+.$ - I'm almost there, but I don't want the last number included.


    I've spent way too much time with Photoshop to get a deep understanding of this programming stuff! :-P

  12. I'm trying to scrape some proxies off of a webpage - http://www.ip-adress.com/proxy_list/


    I just want the Elite proxies and I've got my scraped list looking like this:



    I want to eliminate any line in this list that has either "Anonymous" or "Transparent". How do I do this to a list before I save it?

  13. So I'm trying to automate www.youlikehits.com It's a site that will give you likes, folllows and views for Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Digg etc.


    When you attempt to follow someone on Twitter from their site, a 2nd browser window pops up. Can I tell Ubot to switch to that window? (then program something for it)


    Anyone get anywhere with youlikehits.com? Seems worthy of a bot.

  14. Look, this is basically it. This assumes you're already logged in:




    Loop that as many times as you can. I've added a couple of things to my newer version like scraping the display time and adding a few seconds to it. This way you won't have to wait the default of 76 seconds that I have here.


    Again, get the Pro version any way you can. There's gonna be times when you'll have to do a manual click so it's worth it if you're not just screwing around with bots at this point. Thanks for those other sites!

  15. Like I said, with the pro version of Ubot, you just put the mouse on the video and program click.


    Works like a charm, I've had one Ubot running for days at at time. Gotten over 2k of views so far. Seems to fail when Twiends wants to update and you've got to restart. I was looking forward to scooping up Facebook friends, but they removed it!

  16. Without any looking at the html or UBot - I'm guessing I would do this:


    Post your comment. (as long as the video wasn't getting hammered with comments, yours will be the first one for a while)

    Select by attribute all the "vote up" buttons

    Use CHOOSE FROM CHOSEN and figure out which number your comment is. I'm guessing it will be #3, after the two mostly voted ones on top.

    Can some sort of javascript be used to select and click the "vote up" button? If not, move mouse and click by position. (with pro version) Still not sure how well the click by position will work if the page has different blocks of text above it.


    I wonder if you could use FOCUS on that particular roll over, put the image in the same spot of the screen, then click it.

  17. (5 minutes later after going through my fridge)


    OOH! I just thought of something! You can find all your latest comments on your CHANNEL page within the RECENT ACTIVITY box. (if you have it turned on)




    THAT link will take you right to the comment you want to vote up. It looks like it hops around on the page, but at least you don't have to rummage through dozens or even hundreds of comments to find yours.

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