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Everything posted by JackCrow

  1. Thanks Aymen. I have been looking into a few different themes. I was reading about Optimize Press earlier today and people really seem to love it. That $97 is a bit much for me right now. :-/ I hate that over the top flashy sells but I guess it's the name of the game. I would think $5 is such a low price for a bot of this short that people would be all over it but clearly that isn't the case. In all seriousness, I the bots I've been working on are something a lot of people will want. I just found a coupon for Optimize Press so I can get it but I need to be making SOME money before the end
  2. Hey Everyone. This is the first bot I’m selling it’s a very simple one. Despite its simplicity, I think it offers something a lot of people want and does it in a way I’ve never seen. I’m going to be setting up a ClickBank, Jvzoo and Fiverr today so I hope that helps sell a few copies. If you’re able to help me get the word out your kindness will be re-paid once I’m a little further along. Thank you to all the people that have answered my constant, stupid questions since joining the Ubot community. Each of you has a friend for life in me. Also, I used Ubot Locker and I can’t recommend it e
  3. Thank you Meter. You've been very helpful and it means a lot to me. I'm going to mess around with it and read the how to once more. I'll be ordering Ubot Locker on the next unemployment check.... Living the dream over here. Anonym, you are correct. This bot is very simple but it uses a list of accounts. I plan on making lots of bots and am improving my skill set everyday. I know in the future I will need security and encryption for the bots I'm making so I'm learning as much as I can. I plan on releasing a few free bots but as you know, I am beyond broke and even if I only make a little bit
  4. Hey Carl. That worked for me. Thank you so much for all the help you've given. :-) And thank you Utsavat for the input.
  5. I am going to to be ordering Ubot Locker but I posted a while back about protecting such things as lists and this is the response I got- Hey Jack, For keeping sensitive information like private proxies and account information, I recommend you host them server-side and have them encrypted. Then, upon startup your bot should read the encrypted file from your server, decrypt it, and use it within the bot. That way you keep your list secure, and since it's on your server you can always update it if you change private proxy providers I will send you my Paypal info now. Cheers, -meter
  6. I got it figured out. I'm a dumb-ass.
  7. Hello. I've been playing around with this most of the day and could use some help. The accounts all have different passwords so adding the names to a list then shuffling isn't going to work. I would just like to log-in from a random account from the table. I know there is an easy way to do this. Can anyone share? The account information looks like this. sadyesantarsier,xobjpksbup054luettahausen910,wwovxvzuja801
  8. No.... I actually just changed a few commands so it was a workaround. It's very frustrating learning all of this stuff. I'm learning quickly because I'm working on it most of the day but it pisses me off when I get hung up on stupid things. Thank for the help. You have no idea what it means to me.
  9. Hey Guys. I'm going to be releasing my first bot in a few days and I'm looking into different encryption software. I'm not that concerned with someone stealing my code (I'm a newbie and my bots are fairly simple.) but some of my bots work off private proxies and account lists. What is the best way to go about protecting such information?
  10. is my question so dumb that it's not even worth answering?
  11. Dang it. It's still not working for me. I know I'm missing some stupid little thing. Can someone have a look at this code and let me know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, it means a lot to me. <define $My Command { loop($table total rows(&accounts)) { navigate("https://twitter.com/", "Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "") type text(<for="signin-email">, $random list item(%justaccountnames), "Standard") wait($rand(2, 5)) type text(<for="signin-password">, "password", "Standard") wait($rand(2, 5)) click($el
  12. Thanks Lazy Bots. I was messing around with that a little before. I'll try it out.
  13. Hey guys. I'm trying to scrape the html from a Twitter button. I would like to just be able to click on the button but because it opens up a new window I don't think this is possible. So I'm trying to scrape the html from the button then navigate to that html. I keep getting a series of errors and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Could someone try this code or let me know a better way to go about this? I've been on it most of the day. The image is the tweet button- navigate("http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1159353221/feminist-pop-up-festival?ref=category", "Wait") wait for browser
  14. Hello. I'm trying to get my bot to log into twitter and if it reaches an error to re-start the loop. I'm really trying to get the define function down but I'm having difficulty. Can someone please look at this code and let me know where I'm messing up? A clear and proxy switch was also part of this code but I took it out. Thank you for all the help. <define My Command { loop($table total rows(&accounts)) { navigate("https://twitter.com/", "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") type text(<for="signin-email">, $table cell(&account
  15. Thanks. The only issue I'm having now is clicking on the tweet button because it opens it in a new window. I'm guessing it's a scrape as well.
  16. well, it's still not really working for me. Guessing image capture won't work for the follow button? I've been messing around with a lot of things but to no avail. I'll keep digging.
  17. Jesus, just when I think I'm starting to get Ubot down I'm smacked upside the head. Thank you Ninja. I'll play around with it.
  18. Well, that's clearly not me. :-) Maybe I'll get to that skill set one day.
  19. Cool. I'll mess around with it. Again, very sorry for the nob questions. Believe me, I search the forms and all around online before asking here. Don't want to bug you guys with too many simple questions. Thank you.
  20. I am also fairly lost on this. I've found a few codes but they're not working for me. I would like the script or loop to restart when the page comes to an error but they're not working the way I would like. Any help would be amazing.
  21. Yeah.... I have no idea how to do any of that. If that by chance in the how to manual?
  22. Hey Meter. Thank you for all of the extra information and help. Shoot me a message with your payment information and I'll send it right over. I have one dumb-ass question- If I have files like lists of private proxy information or account information I'll be able to set it up so the user is unable to access these lists, correct? Or maybe you can share how I can include this type of information and keep it safe? I bet this is already part of the software so sorry for the nob question. Message me so I can give you money!
  23. How about getting the bots to work on Macs? That would be kind of awesome and I know people would get a lot more customers.
  24. Or maybe I need to scrape all the links then navigate to the list at random?
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