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Posts posted by JackCrow

  1. I keep hitting this error when scrapping a certain website. Is there a way for Ubot to clear the cache server? Not an issue on any other website, I'm using proxies, running cccleaner, ect. I've tried os clear cache and that doesn't work. Same with resetting the browser.


    I'm an admitted nob when it comes to this topic. Thank you.



  2. Thank you both very much. Any courses you'd recommend for learning python? Please know that I'm a bit of a nod and had no prior programming experience before getting into ubot.


    As far as my bot goes. I just created another bot that checks to see if it crashes and if it has then it restarts it. And while I know there's a better solution it seems to be working.


    Thanks again for the insight and let me know if there's anything I can do for you in the future.

  3. Thanks for the responses. Dan, what language would you recommend me learning? C++?


    Nick -


    What version of ubot are you using? It's the newest version


    How are you handling your list? Are you keeping them to a minimum(under 1k)? Yes, almost all of them with about 3 being over 5k.


    UBot is 32bit so you need to not exceed its memory limits. Trying :/

    Refactor your code to use less "set" commands use a custom function(define) instead. Good call. I'll fine tune it a bit more.


    Thanks for the help.

  4. Alright so I have this scrapper bot I've been working on for months and I've run into two errors after a few hours of running.

    clr.dll error

    stackoverflow exception
    I have it running on a kickass vps, .net is up to date and I've rebuilt this bastard about a dozen times. Keeping the lists small, no java, css, images or anything else, running it on the 21 browser, ( I tried the other browser as well.) Running Headless browser, the whole sabang. I even keep the resetting of referrs and user agents down to a minimum. Still crashes. So I rebuilt everything in exbrowser, SAME GOD DAMN ISSUES!
    So does anyone know why this thing crashes after a few hours? Only plugins I'm running are autoclose browser crash and autofree memory from Advanced Ubot and they don't have any issues in my other non browser bots. Anyone have any idea what could be causing these issues? I've been working on this for 4 months ( just the crashing issue, not the actual bot ) My hope is to have this bastard running 24/7 but at this point I get 2-5 hours. Worthless. And before anyone asks to see code, I seriously doubt I'm doing anything wrong. Thing is smoother than a Nebraskan redhead at a Jr. High Prom. I'll get plugins or whatever is needed. I just need this hoe working cause papa gots bills to pay and the landlord doesn't accept broken bots for rent payments.
  5. Response from support -


    Please disable your AV, Anti-Malware, Proxies, Firewall, and Microsoft's
    User Account Control (or UAC). These programs have the capability at
    disrupting internet communications. UBot Studio and its compiled bots
    need a clear path of communications to our servers in order to download
    the necessary support files.


    Response -


    Are you sure that's the issue? I've made no changes and this seems to be a common issue. I run Ubot on 2 different version of windows and the same thing is happening. Am I able to downgrade to the older version of Ubot so I'm able to run Ubot correctly?

  6. Hey Everyone,


    I have a weird dilemma that I'm sure there's a simple solution. I can't access my browser. Check out the below image, normally the browser is on the right hand side, which I assume is the norm. I feel like the nods are expanded all the way... I don't know.




    And below's an image in script mode. Notice how the browser is now viewable? However, when I switch it back to nod mode I'm again unable to access the browser. I've tried opening and closing, opening different ubots, changing the size of the window, everything I know of. Any ideas? I feel like there has to be a simple solution.



  7. Hi Code,


    Thanks for the help but I'm still having issues. It seems like it worked once or twice but then stops... What a pain. Though, I was running it without CCleaner beforehand. Think that could be the issue even though I'm cleaning cookies? If you run it in a loop or with proxies the click won't show... errrr... Any ideas?

  8. Sorry if what I'm saying is confusing. I'm just trying to send some fake traffic to a bitly link and make it look like it's coming from Facebook. I've tried just about everything and I'm not sure if it's a Facebook or Bitly issue. I am guessing it needs to be an actual click because the referrer didn't work but the damn clicks don't seem to be working either. Below is a bit of code. Please note, I've been running CCleaner, clearing cooking and using different proxies on every click. Also, it seems like the pop-up window will not open unless it's internet explorer.

    set user agent("Internet Explorer 10")
    allow popups("In New Window")
    navigate("https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=577292809083778&id=100004091927612&pnref=story""Don\'t Wait")
    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", 10)
    if($exists(<innertext=w"http://bit.ly/*">)) {
        then {
            click(<innerhtml=w"http://bit.ly/*">"Left Click""No")
            wait($rand(30, 40))
        else {

    Seems to make sense, right? Well, now visit https://bitly.com/1v9EJjc+ Please create a free bitly account if you don't have an account already so you can see what sites the bitly link is coming from. You'll notice that the traffic is not coming from Facebook or it might not be read at all. I've tried several different things and I can not get it to have Bitlink read that it's coming from Facebook. 


    What am I missing? Am I doing this completely wrong? All I need is to send a bit of fake traffic to a bitly link and have it come from Facebook. How the heck can I do that?

  9. Hi everyone,


    Quick question. I'm trying to fake a bit of traffic to a Bitly link and I'm hitting a bit of a wall. ( no puns intended ) The issue is that while the traffic is being delivered, the referrer does not get picked up by Bitly and it reads as unknown. I'm guessing the link needs to be actually clicked on the page I want as the referrer but I'm not sure how that could be done on social media sites outside of having to sign into an account each time.

    I've attached an image if it helps explain what I'm saying. The Facebook traffic is legit while unknown is the fake traffic I'm sending. Any insight is greatly appreciated.


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