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Posts posted by mondays

  1. Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    How I Kicked tinyMCE's ASS today!!! and you can too ...


    1. tinymce uses javascript as the web page loads to takeover a standard textarea tagset to add its wysiwyg editor tools.


    2. Its a javascript code - so we need to use javascript to disable the editor - which removes the IFRAME and pop-up tinyMCE uses to make our lives miserable.


    3. I have no idea if this will work at every site, and I have a feeling certain sites will lose the ability to put html code in the text area boxes if tinyMCE is removed - just a hunch - my site doesnt - so Im cool with this solution. If you use this, and you can no longer at rich text or html to the textarea, and you need to - like for backlinks - you'll need to find another workaround.


    4. Here's the JavaScript code I found on the tinyMCE developers forum and API documentations, wiki-examples. Where mydiv is the ID of the tinyMCE host html tags. These will be either DIV or TEXTAREA tagset as I understand it.




    So I went and read how this POS editor worked cuz it was making me bonkers! Found out there was code to turn it off. Only issue with that is - you need to have the DIV or other html tag that tinyMCE is parasiting into / in / on whatever in order to use the code. So I used the nifty little uBot "Choose By Attribute" to see the details of the [textarea ] [/textarea] tags to see what the ID=??? or name was ... See images





    Once the tinyMCE editor was disabled and out of the way - I just shoce the textarea attributes like any other element, and then set uBot to change it like a form field.


    Voila! tinyMCE's ASS ... officially kicked [ for the time being ]


    Hope this helps ya'll


    Bot On with Yo Bad Selves,



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