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Posts posted by TommyTx

  1. Amen to shared hosting.. its damn near impossible to keep them out on cheap shared hosting... it might be worth taking the time to set each site to alert you if anyone logs in or for example if the byte count on a page changes.. can send you an email instantly or even a tick-tick on your cell phone via text... gives a real secure feeling to know that if someone tries to redirect your site on any one of 500 sites you know instantly and don't have to wait to see the adwords account drop to zero... and who the hell has time to check on 500 sites even once a day.. I could set something up for you for free...if you like.... it will even send you the IP of the sucker who is breaking in... we could light off a gas cannister but that might burn the server down... hee...heee.


    Wow! Praney.. I just noticed we both joined this club the same month back in 2010 and you have 1500 posts while I have 80. Wow you must have been writing like a big dog... course I travel through out a ton of forums... not just hang out here.

  2. There is a ton of security stuff you can do...

    1. get rid of admin for user name.

    2. use the password generator use my pgm to put all 500 weird passwords into Roboform so you can access the sites quickly.

    3. Set up email and/or text to your phone to alert you if anyone logs into any site..

    And the list goes on and on... I love designing automation and its all free..

    Contact me at jackrabbitsec if you want to chat... check out http://52payperclick.com to see that all I do is hobby stuff so its all free.. if I do it at all.

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  3. Works good for me..and I use at least 3 different versions of WP including the latest... as matter of fact I just finished my own personal flavor of auto wp posting...and it works great... just having a little problem with selecting the Category automatically...


    What are they saying in the WP forum..

    Have you tried remote posting from xmlrpc and even email posting to see if the same problem exists.

    Is it one server or do you use more than one?


    I would have thought the WP forum would have offered some suggestions..


    Have someone do some comments... does that screw up..

    Have a friend go in and do some posts does that screw up...


    It ain't wordpress... can you imagine how many millons would be ripping the WP heads off in the forum if it was a wp problem....


    Just keep trying different things... you will solve it...

    Try a earlier version... keep working.

  4. Well... I love vb6.. and all vb... once i learn vb.net a little better I might love that too..

    So if you want me to look at it, ship it to tommytx@earthlink.net and if I can do it in a couple of hours, it will be free... if its going to take a ton of time... its still free, but I will only play with it when i have a minute here and there. If you wanta chat you can reach me on jackrabbitsec on Skype... its free.. if you don't have it you should get it ... regular chat + voice and I can even call you on land line anywhere for free..

    Be sure to include all the things you want the final fixed version to do.. and exactly what is currently broken.


    I have recently purchased a windows server.. and its so neat... you can dump ubot, or autoit or visual basic, and turn on the Windows scheduler and that sucker runs just like it was on your desk top 24x7.. i love it..


    Its my first experience with a windows server, and its just like your desktop.. only in the sky... no more keeping my desktop on 24x7... and not only that when I am out of town... i can check up on it by going to the server....


    If anyone has something they want to turn loose on a windows server, let me know i have a ton of space and so far only one domain running.... boy what a waste of a full blown windows server...

  5. Are you trying to upload the compiled version? Normally we upload the uncompiles...

    Let me tell you if you have 500k uncompiled I doubt it will work any way because compiled it might be several gigabytes which would be worthless anyway.. You would need a mack truck to haul it.


    IF it is too classified to be uploaded uncompiled it won't get much assist from anyone as they cannot work with it...

    Another option is to upload only the section you are having problmes with.... and if its classified that won't give away too much. Just chop out the section giving trouble... you will get better resutlts that way.

  6. Hey.. I said I had some time not some years... I am only one person... but who know maybe we can gen up some ideas and even get the Head man to pop in and make a couple of new videos if we come up with something really exciting.. The best I will be able to do time wise.. is after a bunch of requests are made, select one or two and do a video on those one or two... but there is a lot of super programmers here and they might jump in and do a couple also..



    is there a possibility to perform operations in say C#.Net or something similar integrated with UBOT, well my motive is to make UBOT work on multiple windows..( Say Multi-Tasking)



    What ever ubot calls must be compiled.. so yes if you compile c++ it should call just fine. I have not personally called a multithread c++ program, but it should work.. as ubot turns the whole shebang over to the called program and if that sucker multithreads ubot could care less... it just sits there like a dummy and waits for it to give control back...



    Stevd... looks like you go too much on your plate..... whooooo... do you ever sleep.. I did build a control panel once for a thousand gambling sites all running SEC cloaker.... that might be before you guys time.. actaully SEC cloaker is still running fine... but min to zero support... used to be very popular..

    I do some programming in Vb.net but usually end up whipping up a Visual Basic 6 when I am in a hurry... I know it so well I can do it in my sleep... Vb.net take a little more thought for me... but I do like it...

  7. You mean command UBOT to set up a mysql data base? That is an idea, but I wonder if more than just a few would be interested in doing that.... I could do it but would need a few more votes for this... anyone else or any other ideas you might have for a video.. want to do videos on things that would help the many not the few... again pls search youtube and this forum before suggesting..

    That way we can put them in order and have the group vote and then maybe we could as a group do all of the ones geting several votes....

  8. First off if you have not been able to turn your puter into a money producer(ATM) you might be in the wrong business...


    There will be no howto "AutoIT" here as that is another forum.. I don't want to get banned... I merely suggested that you will want to learn to use the call feature of UBOT as it is a neat way to get other things done.

    Whether its in another language or even the old DOS stuff..


    here is something really neat when you want to get a list of all files into a text file on your hard drive for ubot to load and process...


    1. Use the notepad editor to enter the following commands..

    dir /b *.jpg > dir.txt

    2. This will save a list of all .jpg files in that directory.




    3. Note the by using *.jpg it will only save the .jpg items to the file only..

    4. Save the notepad file as dir.bat

    5. During the process as UBOT runs...

    a. call dir.bat and it will place all .jpg into a file name dir.txt

    b. Now use UBOT to load the new dir.txt file into ubot and process as desired.

    6. Guess what you could load all the htm pages by changing to *.htm


    As I program in nearly any language imaginable.. its pretty easy to find something that works...

    UBOT is without a doubt one of the easist to program and is great for anyone who is not willing or does not have the time to put in a hundered hours a day learing a full blown programming language..


    Edit... oh.. I forgot.. before bringing ubot in for the kill... i mean Call..

    test the one line file you made above simply by doubleclicking on the dir.bat file on your hard drive...it will smartly in alphabetical order dump all you .jpg files in that directory into the text file named dir.txt... once you double click on dir.bat... then double click on dir.txt and see the list your self..


    Now that you know it works... try a call in ubot to make the same thing happen...



    dir /b *.jpg > dir.txt

    dir /b c:\myotherdir\somedir\*.jpg > dir.txt

    dir /b c:\myotherdir\somedir\*.jpg > c:\lastdir\ballsdir\dir.txt


    additional ways to place a one liner into dir.bat and have the files land somewhere else... other wise they land in the directory that the dir.bat is located in..

  9. Hey I have a little time on my hands and I occasionally make videos just for fun.. If anybody has any thoughts on what they would like to see in a UBOT movie... jump in here.. Whether its auto log into squidoo or any other special site... let me know... I will pick one that seems interesting and uses lots of features in ubot so you can build the same bot and really feel like you accomplished something...

    I have had a lot of PMs about the call feature and have recently been able to program autoit a free script program then compile it and call the autoit program when I needed a feature that ubot was having difficulty handling. The call feature is really nice, as you can bring ubot up to a hard spot that you just flat cannot figure out... and call in some other program to do that one step, then divert back to ubot and keep rolling just as if you had never left ubot....


    Ok.. jump in.. what would you like to see... if a lot of newbies jump in with basic stuff.. then maybe I will do one very basic and one very complex.... please search the forum and you tube, as there is a ton of videos out there and if you ask for something and I seach and find it on the web at you tube then I won't do it... as I hate re-inventing the wheel over and over..


    Throw in as many as you like but give them a priority... and who knows maybe one of the aces here will help out and do some videos...also....

  10. Each bot is compiled independently and the master bot calls all the little bot to do thier thingy...

    Here is something to think about though,,, the bytes taken up by all the bots will be significantly more then the one bot...

    For example an uncompiled bot of 10k size uncompiled might be 300k compiled...

    While a 100k uncompiled might only be 600k...

    so can you see that a hundred 10k uncompiled might be 10 x 300k = 3meg. or 3 million bytes..


    So yes... ubot is not frienldy when you need a huge one...


    sorta between a rock and a hard spot... ring me up on Skype at jackrabbitsec.. I will give you some other ideas as to how to work around the size problem.. must take that sucker a little while to load.. huh?

  11. Is this a site that has worked in the past and has now stopped allowing your decapture.com project?

    Or is it a new one that you have not done before...


    It's possible that the webmaster is familiar with ubot and has been hit many times before.. if you know the crawler(ubot) footprint, its easy to foil you by detecting the ubot and preventing the grabbing of the capture.

    I design a lot of the crawler fighters and you may be up against something like that...


    Just a thought.... but keep trying... I doubt that it is a capture buster... but it is still possible.

  12. This sounds a little more complicated that I have time to work on....

    I would guess that no one will be able to help you here unless you allow access and walk them thru exactly what you are trying to do... after that explanation, I have no idea of exactly what you are trying to do or what you need help with....

    My guess is the only way anyone can help you here is to allow them temp access and walk them thru the problem step by step then get suggestions or a solution and then immediately change the password once they are out.

    Not much damage anyone can do by being in the site a few hours.... just make sure its not someone who has done 3 posts .. first they probably dont' know enough to help you and second.. the more posts the longer they have been around and visibiliy on the forum for long periods without someone bad mouthing them means they are relatively trustworthy... and again not much damage anyone can do in a few hours....


    Some projects are so intricate there can be no solution unless the person has infinite details of the problem.. and can see them first hand.... all our MLS's do the market analysis for you by comparing all the nearby properties automatically so I have never had a need to invent such a tool...

  13. OK! We are gonna need a lot more info to help....

    1. I assume you can't give us access to that second form cause its inside the password area..

    2. I see there is a guest entry... does this allow us access to these forms or no..

    3. The form you enter the original address in.. is that your form or one of the MLS forms?

    4. When you manually fill in the radius form, it then auto goes and fills in the data on all the addresses?

    5. Does the manual portion work ok..

    6. Does UBOT fill in the radius form ok.. but then just fails to click the button.

    7. or is ubot clicking the button, but then the filling of the data is just not occurring after the UBOT click.

    8. Ok... did I get it all right, part of it, or none...heee...heee..


    Have you tried having ubot fill in the form and then stop and you manually click the button just to make sure that all the other stuff is working fine...


    What happens if we enter an address and click... will it go to the form and fill in data or is all that inside the password area... course we would need to know a valid in range address.. looks like the California area.

  14. Be very careful scraping real estate sites unless you are faking the true look of a browser... then scrape slowly to make it look like a visitor and not a nasty spider... like UBOT.. most real estate sites are monitored carefully for unusual activity... and you must admit scraping 100 pages around a specific address... looks shady to me... since it would be done very rapidly like in 30 seconds...


    Not too much of a problem if you are scraping a single agents site (they just simply ban you and cannot cancel your MLS license), but if you are inside an mls with a license they will remove your membership in a blink of the eye... then you can no longer sell real estate as you no longer have access... worse yet your friend is an agent and let you access his password to help him and you just in a blink of the eye removed his livlihood... its easy to scrape and appear to be a normal user, raising no eyebrows.. if you use the right tools and that is not UBOT as it leaves a trail.


    How do I know so damn much about this... I are a licensed agent, and have sold more than 10,000 copies of a software that monitors sites for unusual activity for banning... and I continue to add daily scrapers to the list as they come out and are easily identified.... especially if they scrape more than one page in 5 seconds...


    Why am I telling you all this... well, I design software mostly for fun all day in every possible language..you can imagine.. and I don't mean language like Japanese, Russinan, Chinese and English... what I mean is visual basic, mysql, UBOT, C++, and whatever other language you can think of....


    So what does this mean to you.... if you have an idea that I think is interesting... contact me on Skype at jackrabbitsec and we can discuss different methods you can use... and if its an interesting project, I might pop it out for you in a better language for free..


    Don't get me wrong... i love UBOT, but its currently difficult to make it look like a real browser....

    I use it for many things but never for attacking a site that would kill me if it got detected... and its easy to detect UBOT as not a real broweser...


    Good luck with your project... and there are tons of nice folks that will help you, and to help you sometimes you need to post a url so the nice folks here can give it a try and solve it for you.. Problem is, that 100 of us willl be hitting that page and trying to solve and that alone will alert the owner about something funny... then when you get it working you are already banned.... we don't purposefully do that, but we are trying to solve...


    A better way sometimes to get our help without getting you in trouble, is as follows:

    1. Especially if a password is reqd to get the page..

    2. Use the Page save in IE to save the entire page with the images...

    3. Copy this dupe to one of your servers not connected with the original site..

    4. Make it look as original as possible...

    5. Then give us the new link to try to solve...

    6. Once solved, you should be able to easily convert the program to work on the origainal site with a few url changes..

    7. I do this myself a lot when its a hard one to solve... since I do not want to alert the owner while I am experimenting... with a ton of hits...


    Hope this helps... use SKype if you are interested in learning more...its a fun hobby for me....

    What you don't have Skype? YOu should get it, its free and beats the hell out of MSN and Yahoo..



  15. Here is an example of a search I was referring to... look thru these while waiting for some help to your specific problem... I find that if you find your own fix you learn 10 times more and lots of other stuff while you search for and answer... and you will see that many folks solver their own problem while looking for answers..



    =1"]Search for Ezine



    Can't get the link to work right... just type "ezine scraper" into the search box and it pulls up tons of stuff on ezine scraping..

  16. <!-- google_ad_section_start -->

    <div id="body">

    <p>Nurse educators are very crucial to the field of nursing and are needed at just about every level of







    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->









    Scape all text between the start and stop below... is something you might work on..


    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->


    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->



    I am on my way to work right now, but I might get a chance to play with it some more later tongight... but anyway with the code you sent maybe someone can play with it today for you.... lots of folks do pitch in here so I am sure someone will find a solution for you... ezine scraping is popular and there are probably a ton of them here on the web.... if you don't won't to do all the work, ask if someone has one to share also... its much easier to modify one to do what you want than to design it from scratch....


    I do all my ezine scraping using VB6 which has a microsoft INET module... works great but you would need to learn Visual Basic 6.... so stick with ubot.. it can do a great ezine scaper job.. and I have seen some here already working... maybe even search the forum for "Ezine Ubot Scraper" or even the web.... they are all over...


    Good luck maybe someone will have your bot all repaired when i get back later today....

  17. Might be helpful if you gave the exact url of the ezine article you are working on... that way others here may be able to offer assistance... following negative results, just post the basic ubot code you are using and lickety split someone will fix it for you... unless its top secret.... however if you are a beginner.. I doubt it very top secret.... these guys have seen it all before... and then some...

  18. To determine if frames exist... using IE..

    1. Click view

    2. Click source..

    3. remember the code....




    1. move the mouse to areas on the screen that looked blocked or boxed...

    2. Right click

    3. View source


    if the code is different then frames are used and to gather data requires making sure ubot is looking at same area that you want to extract...


    However I am not sure frames are being used, just a thought for something to look out for.

  19. Ezine articles go out of their way to keep you from scaping... it can be done but requires some study...

    you may be picking up a frame in one section and ubot is picking up another frame...


    if you do file, view source code using the dropdowns the code will be the main code only if frames are used..

    if you scroll around the page and do right click then view source (IE that is) you will then see the code that might be in a frame located under the mouse..


    if the code is the save when viewed via the drop down and when viewed by right click on the page then frames are not being used... if the code differs then frames are being used and scraping must be aimed at the desired frame areas to gather the correct data.


    Somtimes the frames are actually part of the css and difficult to detect via viewing the code.

  20. It takes very sophisticated software to read the cards... and I am sure they have thought of that and made it more difficult... Depending on how much you are willing to spend, its possible to set up something like de-capture.com does where you take a snapshot of the screen and instantly forward the image to some foreign coutry to receive an instant respose where a real person view the image and sends back the actual cards displayed...

    Then its pretty simple to process the cards based on any sort of rules...

    Big cost would be to set up (3) 8 hour shifts of folks to monitor the results 24x7 ... would be expensive, but not if you were making 3-400 per day... then would be peanuts... its possible that decaputre would experiment with youo to see it a partner deal could be achieved... meaning the same folks monitoring the incoming capture would also respond to your cards image...

    I doubt if UBot would be best for this, as many other programs are better for that much detail... UBOT is great for someone who knows nothing about programming and in that mode is fantastic but totally ties the hands of a good programmer with missing capability... Not knocking UBOT, just not best when you need a ton of versatility...

    Again.. UBOT cannot be beat for someone brand new to programming...


    Just some thoughts..

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