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Posts posted by Digital101

  1. I have something odd going on and can not figure out why it is happening. 


    When I navigate through a bunch of profiles with the scrape define below included in the loop it slows down from taking a few seconds to 3-5 minutes at somewhere between 100-150 profiles. 



    If I run the loop without the scrape define included it works just fine without slowing down and I have taken it to over 3k profiles viewed. 


    The scrape is activated with a checkbox and an if


    Any thoughts on a fix would be great. 





             if($comparison(#Scrape_Profiles"=""true")) {
                then {
                else {



    define Scrape {
        set(#scrape_name$scrape attribute(<class="full-name">"innertext"), "Global")
        set(#scrape_location$scrape attribute(<name="location">"innertext"), "Global")
        set(#scrape_company$scrape attribute($element offset(<href=w"/vsearch/p?company=*">, 0), "innertext"), "Global")
        click(<innerhtml="Contact Info">"Left Click""No")
        set(#scrape_email$scrape attribute(<href=w"mailto:*">"innertext"), "Global")
        set(#scrape_phone$scrape attribute(<id=w"relationship-phone-number-*">"innertext"), "Global")
        if($exists(<class="view-public-profile">)) {
            then {
                set(#scrape_profile$scrape attribute(<class="view-public-profile">"innertext"), "Global")
            else {
                set(#scrape_profile$scrape attribute(<href=w"http://https://*.com/*">"innertext"), "Global")
        set(#scrape_address$scrape attribute(<id=w"relationship-address-*">"innertext"), "Global")
        append to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\saved\\scrape.csv""{$new line}{#scrape_name};{#scrape_profile};{#scrape_location};{#scrape_company};\"{#scrape_email}\";\"{#scrape_phone}\";{#scrape_address}""End")



    @Volund - I get that when i click a UI button within Ubot using the "Main Button Click" but it is usually fine in the compiled bot








    It does work in the compiled bot without throwing off the errors. With a little tweaking I got everything to run like I wanted it to and it was easier than going down the path I was on. 



  3. There is a plugin by Pash that enables you to use the "Main Button Click" and allows you to assign Run, Pause and Stop to a define and can be used for buttons :)

    its not free but its definitely worth the money ;)





    I already have the plugin though not sure how that function  would work in this situation. I tried setting it up a couple different ways and it did not work and threw off a bunch of errors. The video was not any help at all. I will post the screen shot with the errors over in the plugin thread and see if I can get some feedback on making it work. 

  4. In my last bot I used the Stop Pause Check code and it worked fine. However the bot I am currently working on has a lot more going on and I am looking for something with a quicker response without having a million "Stop Pause Check" commands dropped everywhere my code.


    First thought was to run a thread looping in the background checking for the change in the pause value. What I got from that was exactly what in hindsight I should have expected is that it stopped the background thread and did not touch the main thread. 


    I tried a few other things, none of which worked. I found this as it seemed to be geared towards multiple threads but it did not work for me. 



    The bot itself i not using multiple threads (yet anyway) so with the one in the background there would be only two working. 


    Any help would be great. 




    As an additional question what would be the best tutorials for multi-threading? Preferably one that assumes I do not have a clue. 



  5. Tried Hotmail - can't get it to connect through the 'Wizard'.  I'm using






    For an imap connection I am using the following
    host imap-mail.outlook.com
    port 993
    ssl yes
    And yes my address is an @hotmail address but the outlook host is what the site said to use and it works. 
  6. So what are sellers suppose to do when someone asks for a refund like this??


    There must be some Protection for sellers??


    It depends on how the payment was funded. If it came from the buyers paypal balance or was funded by a bank account all you need to worry about is Paypal's rules so you can cover yourself. If however the payment was funded by a credit card then the buyer can go through their cc company directly and when the cc company takes the money back from Paypal you are pretty much out of luck because Paypal is not going to eat the loss. 


    Even accepting the payment as a "personal" send money payment is not going to save you from  cc chargeback. In addition taking "personal" payments for commercial transactions is against Paypal's TOS and if they catch you doing it they will more than likely cancel your account so that is not a solution I would use. 


    Most people are not going to screw you over but no matter what there will always be a few, you just have to work that into your business model like all your other expenses and try not to take it personal. Every business in the world that accepts anything other than cash has this problem, it is just one of the things that suck about being in business for yourself rather than working for somebody. The key thing is to realize that it IS going to happen once in awhile so keep that in mind when working out your pricing. 

  7. Hi

     For the past year or so I made some thread on questions that I had ask to help me out using ubot. But forum seems to only show recent 5 perhaps threads I made.

    Is there a way to view all my recent post from the start?




    Did you check the find content button in your profile rather than searching? There is over a page of threads you started going back a year


    Edit: the link did not work just go to your profile, click on the find content button on the right and on the left click on "only topics"

  8. Well i think anyone who is subscirbed should get new version, why the hell are we paying monthly subscriptions then. Now tricky question is what with a non subscribers? Can they subsscribe and get a new version? Not sure if that is fair to all of us whoa re subscribed every month.


    IMO anyone who is subscriber should get new version, who is not should pay 200$ or some number. I think that would be fair. By subscribing u are supporting developers to make new things, so it is good thing.


    You do get the new versions as a subscriber or at least I did. The only extra I had to pay was when I upgraded to  the Dev edition from standard. 

  9. By the way, I don't think rotating proxies will be effective since sites always know if it's a public one or not. Just my opinion though. 1.gif


    It depends on what you are using them for. Public proxies work just fine for heavy scraping or posting a lot to the same sites when you do not want to burn your private IPs up. For actual posting to sites where you plan on going back using the same account they are not really the best choice and for that I generally use private. 

  10. Is it possible to build a bot that would automatically rotate proxies after finishing a task? 



    I know the bots are meant to work with the internet, but is there a way for the bot to change his own settings? such as rotating proxies? 


    Grab a list from a file, load it into a list and then change them each time you run through whatever loop you are running. 


    ui open file("Proxy List",#proxylist)
    add list to list(%proxies,$list from file(#proxylist),"Delete","Global")
    change proxy($random list item(%proxies))
  11. I think I know what site you're talking about and if I'm right I can't tell you why it's like that since it was a long time ago but probably to save time ;)


    You can just create a very long if then statement that says if the category number = 20 or whatever number then set a variable to be the name to be the category name which displays in a stat monitor. And of course if its not that number then you use an else if for the rest of the category numbers.


    I thought of that after I posted and it would work but looking at some larger sites as well and I do not see that scaling all that well without confusing the hell out of me. I was hoping there was something simple that I was over looking. 

  12. I am scraping a site and want to show the current category in the UI. Right now I have it showing the category number but that does not really tell the person looking at the bot much of anything. What I want to display is the actual category that matches each number. 


    Been thinking about it a bit and all the ways that come to me seem to be convoluted enough to be somewhat ludicrous and I figure there is probably a fairly simple way I am missing.  If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. 



  13. I figured it out. I made some changes to the .htaccess file in the root of my domain and while I checked to make sure nothing was broken in the main part of the site I did not check the locker folder. Once I removed some of the changes it started working just fine. It is a bit odd as I do not see why it broke the sessions but I will play with it when I have more time and see if I can figure out exactly what is going on with it. 

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