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Posts posted by silviulucian

  1. Personally I was a little surprised to see it come out of beta when it did. I use Ubot 3 a lot and it helped me scale my business up so I have a ton of love for it but I can't seem to get anything done in Ubot 4. My gripe with it is that it hangs for minutes at a time in different places (sometimes when you select an element, other times on the simplest of things like a navigate node to page that's just a couple of Kb big) and sometimes it's behavior is inconsistent (sometimes it goes past Wait For Browser Event - Everything Loaded nodes like they weren't even there even though the page is clearly still loading... which of course messes up the rest of the script since elements that the bot expects aren't on the page yet) and then there's other weird stuff like text nodes that stop working... $search page nodes that error out on occasions when they should work, etc.


    Now, I can't consistently replicate all that mess so I can't submit bug reports for them as such but I'm curious to see what everybody else here thinks about Ubot 4's production worthiness?

  2. it's crazy fast! just wanted to put that out there


    also helped me discover that the Skype IE plugin really slows the browser down (and UBot as a consequence, so if you have Skype installed, you might want to try disabling that for a speed boost even if you don't upgrade to IE9)

  3. I do not understand your Enhancement suggestion. Would you mind breaking it down?

    just a way to edit the ubot script with a text editor (ie. like with imacros)


    hope that made more sense


    i love the visual editor, but as your robots grow in complexity, it's just hell to navigate nodes and maintain them (once you start nesting nodes more than 3 levels deep it's teeth pulling time)

    • Like 1
  4. what I ended up doing is using javascript to click the button inside the only iframe on the page


    var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
    var inputs = iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    for(var i=inputs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
     if (inputs[i].name == "commit") {
       input_file = inputs[i];


    being able to run javascript like that is a really powerful feature of UBot I think is not emphasized nearly enough

    • Like 2
  5. Sorry to bump an old thread but I have a similar issue.


    Lilly, your example has me a little confused. There's no field being chosen in your example... the iframe body just gets overridden. So the problem of actually clicking input fields or typing in them is still there. Or am I totally missing the point?

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