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Posts posted by tripros

  1. Hi there, can't update past 2.18 and 2.18 will allow me to create the UI, but go to export and runs indefinitely without ever showing the code. Any resolutions anyone is aware of? Disabled my anti-virus when running and installing. This was my last tool to create UI's and now have no other options. Anyone have any suggestions? Need a UI building resource to continue. Thanks!

  2. Hi Pash,

    Ok, did some more testing and it's not the libraries, it's the youtube login that is not working. The define command works, but skips over the login section because it doesn't continue logging in, it just stops, times out, and goes on with rest of the process.

    I compiled a new version of this bot using 5.9.55 and latest version of your plugin, and it doesn't work on the Win 7 computer and doesn't work on the Win 10 computer. The old version worked fine on the win 7 computer (with older version of your plugin and older version of ubot).

    Has the login changed at all? I didn't change anything because none of the update notes mentioned needing to update the login, but now doesn't work on any system with no changes except ubot 5.9.55 and latest version of your youtube plugin.

    Any thoughts?


  3. Runs just fine, in fact, when I run the node 'add list to list' manually, it works, but not when I call it through the define. Here I tested loading the Google login txt file and worked fine. As I mentioned, doesn't appear that the Login define is running at all, like it is skipping it. But again, nothing was changed to the code except for the file location and this still works on Win 7 but not on this Win 10 machine, the login function doesn't even run it appears because the read file function works just fine.



  4. Thanks Pash, yes, have tried that before and tried it again now, still getting the out of range error. It appears that the login function is not even running. I made no changes, except for the file location, running this either in ubot (as admin) or after compiling (running as admin) still does not work. In ubot, gives out of index error, in compiled but, just skips over the youtube upload and does all the other functions.


    And if I run the node with the add to list manually, it works.


    Only difference is this is now on a Win 10 machine, other one that still works is running Win 7

  5. Thanks Pash, yes, included images below. Verified the AccountAPI list is pointing to the correct location for the file on the hard drive, and if I run that section of the login define (right click, run node), it loads fine, but running the login function doesn't trigger the loading of that list for some reason, getting the error in the image below. This works fine on my old Win 7 machine, but this is on Win 10 and doesn't want to continue.





  6. Pash, 

    I'm having issues when moving a bot using Adv Google plugin from Win 7 PC to Win 10 PC. Same bot, no changes, works fine on Win 7 but gives me 'Index Out of Range' error on Win 10 when trying to login to Youtube. I noticed the comment above and checked the APPDATA folder and it created a folder 'Youtube.Auth.Store.Test' but it was empty, so didn't save anything in there. Not sure what the issue is, any thoughts? I was thinking it may be new login process for google accounts or something, but still works fine on the Win 7 PC so not sure.


  7. Thanks for this Buddy. Not sure it's related since I haven't experience any of the same issues pointed out in the tracker like steaming code showing, and no errors pop up. This is all using the default internal browser. 


    Every bot I've loaded so far to test in X has had some issues, mostly hanging, not being able to click on links in the browser, errors when loading UI (not showing at all or lots of formatting/layout issues).


    Not sure it's productive for me to keep testing until there are some updates released or if someone can provide solutions to the current version.


    Am I the only one experiencing these issues since it appears no one else is posting anything? Maybe not upgrading to X?



    • Like 1
  8. Updated to Ubot X (6.03) and can't get any bot I have created in the past year to work properly. Issues include:


    1. downloading files (doesn't work, not sure if this is loop or download function)
    2. ui HTML problems (UI from previous bot I loaded shows up in every bot I open afterwards) sometimes not formatted properly
    3. Ubot runs extremely slow, hangs, won't exit and generally runs very inconsistently
    4. won't load files (key does not exist, etc - looks like this issue it was added to bug tracker)
    5. lots of errors when opening existing bots, errors that didn't show in 5.9x
    6. Can't click on links and load new pages on built in browser, especially on Google websites (Google my business, adwords, etc)

    Followed Nick's suggestions to keep 5.9x on the system, so will be using that for the time being, but certainly can't use X for anything until it's more stable.

    • Like 1
  9. The plugin is generating an error that it is expired and can't manage any plugins because Ubot shuts down after the error, so I'm stuck. I've deleted the plugin from the directory where all my plugins are stored, but still getting error. How can I reset the license or just remove the plugin so I can continue managing all my plugins?



  10. You can also use the free Heopas Custom plugin


    and use the hide buttons state command (load on startup) and it will clear that up. I've used it on several bots successfully. This is a bug in latest Ubot that hasn't been fixed (and don't know when it will, still shows open in bug tracker) and has nothing to do with this or any other UI builder. Thanks to Jason for this tip.


    • Like 2
  11. Thanks Pash, I did not receive that error hat I can't use the code, it just didn't work and I watched the login process and it always stopped on the YT channel selection with the new code. And yes, that is the example plugin code I used from the one dated 02-23-17.


    Still doesn't work. Any videos on this to troubleshoot?




    1. check "Update Log.txt"

    2. check sample file "Youtube Sample V3 (23-02-2017).ubot"

  12. Hi Pash,

    Upgraded to latest version of the plugin at the same time installed everything on a new computer and can't get the login to work, I've been using an older version for a while now and it still works and knew when updating would run into this so put it off (for good reason since it broke right away :) ) specifically the selection of the proper channel (there are 6 in the account). You helped me before, but that code no longer works for the new version plugin it appears. I took the oath2 login code from the updated example file and moved that into my bot and it always stops on the channel selection.


    Do you have any troubleshooting advice or videos on this?



  13. hi , is there any way to remove Untitled Bot and those texts ?




    Yes, I confirmed with Ubot support this is an issue and unfortunately, it has still not been resolved even after 2-3 ubot release updates. However, Jason did help with a temporary fix until it is addressed in ubot itself. If you use this plugin:


    and on load the button visibility option to hide it on startup with any bot, the extra text at the top will disappear.




    However, this has a side effect when you run it in ubot while editing, it turns off your 'Run' button so you can't test running manually while editing. Since this plugin hides


    I truly hope ubot fixes this soon as it is very annoying, looks unprofessional and a pain with the side effect.


    Hope this helps!

  14. Did you try re-downloading the GUI Hero from the download link and try again?

    Did you enter payment email to verify or did that not come up?

    If you didn't enter a payment email, go into the c:\gui hero folder and delete the licence.lic file and try again. I did this long time ago to get the license working again, not sure if this is your issue, just a thought.


    yes i did 
    but nothing load 

  15. I changed margin-top: -30px; to margin-top: 10px; and it moves the tooltip window. See image: attachicon.gifUntitled.jpg


    Are you sure your changing the correct value?


    If yes can you send me your UI so I can see whats going on?


    Hi Darryl,

    Yes, image capture below. That's why it was strange when I would change the top margin and the tool tip wouldn't move, regardless of what I changed it to. Both in GUI Hero and in Ubot, never changed the location of the tool tip, however the z-index did put the tool tip in front of everything else. I'm PM'ing you the GUI now. Thanks much for your help!



  16. Hi tripros, I made a screencast to demonstrate. 

    1- To re-position the tool tip window change the margin-top value.

    2- Add z-index:900; to the tooltip code as demonstrated in the video to place it on top of the image.


    See screencast here: http://www.screencast.com/t/OV1EE98npD1


    Thanks much Darryl! The z-index helped keep the tooltip on top, but regardless what I change the top margin to, it never moves. This has been the issue for a while and can't figure it out :) Anything you can suggest to resolve? Thanks again!



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