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Super Dave

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Posts posted by Super Dave

  1. For anyone jumping into this I've already completed the main bot that will load blog credentials from a CSV file and loop through them to update each blog attached.


    We're running into issue with the end of line characters from dsaunier's text editor. For some reason the bot is not recognizing the end of line, and adding the login name from the next blog into the URL of the previous. This is causing the bot to error on initial login and not loop to the next blog.


    FYI to anyone looking to help, dsaunier is working with fr_FR wordpress blogs as well as English.

  2. Alright botters thanks for the support! I knocked out 5 projects for you guys this weekend and am open to additional requests starting NOW! I got asked a lot about the "5% chance" line in my OP so let me take a sec to clear all that up...


    Frankly I'm sorry for needing it up there in the first place - but lets face it, there are people who will try to ruin this fantastic offer with ridiculous requests. As much as I'd like to roll up my sleeves and build you the next google, it's going to cost more than $50 and I'd be doing us both a disservice if I let you expect anything less.


    Here's to success, All.



  3. Also keep in mind that there will be elements that are difficult to pull off a page all at once. In these cases it might be useful to scrape the surrounding HTML(the easier stuff) then use the write-to-browser feature to spit it back out one at a time. This will let you scrape from within generic elements that otherwise would give you tons of false matches.

  4. I recoded your test file to do what you're looking for.. As I understand it, you want to set 5 random user agents and save the output from your test.php file right?


    The only thing I need to mention is that all the user agents in your file need to be of the same length or else there's going to be issues with pulling them randomly. The useragent masker works by directly modifying the memory and can only change to a string thats of equal or less length.


    Does that clear everything up?


    • Like 1
  5. http://superdave2u.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/theawesometer_fullpic_artwork.jpg


    OK Get this: I enjoy working with people who have a value for the skills and experience I bring to the table. I'm looking to build my rep around these boards and create profitable relationships within the industry. I'm not the pump and dump type ;]


    I specialize in building portable libraries that can be used for multiple projects and most work well together. As an example, I have created a twitter library for a client that includes subs like "create account", or "change profile picture".


    I'm more that happy to sub out a website or build around a particular function you need available in all your bots. I'm sure after discussing the specifics of your project we'll have a great plan in place to tackle your needs.


    If it sounds like we'd make a good fit I'd like to offer my services to you, at a discount, as an opportunity to build a track record between us. Tomorrow starts the weekend and I'm banging out projects 'til my fingers bleed.


    Bot Bashing Blowout Pricing : $50*


    Reply below or PM me with your requirements right now and LETS DO THIS!


    There's a 5% chance your request will not qualify for this promotion and I respectfully reserve the option to quote based on the scope and nature of the project. Don't hesitate to contact me with your requirements.

  6. Twitter has implemented a new system to track users of their web-interface using a combination of javascript, DOM objects, and browser-based localStorage to store user session tokens. Your help exploring this will speed up finding a better solution, but so far it looks like uBot is somewhat powerless against this (kinda, read below).


    If you want to see this in action, head over to twitter and after logging in do whatever you normally do to clear cookies[link]. You can browse away form twitter, or remain on the page.. as long as ubot is open the twitter session will stick with you.


    Here's where things get tricky. I'm currently sifting through the 20k+ lines of javascript libraries twitter loads up to make the site functional. Somewhere in these libraries is the answer to killing the session cookie using their own functions. Until I can track down those functions(More eyes on this would be awesome!) I've come up with a somewhat 'clunky' method to achieve anonymity with Twitter.


    Most of my bots for twitter are designed to login and stay on the same session. The ones I use to confirm accounts are the exception and needed a way to clear this session data. As I mentioned above it sticks with ubot as long as the window is open..


    Here's how I'm doing things now..


    The first thing I did was to modify my existing bot to make it's actions a one-time-only bot. Meaning, I clicked the play button and it masked it's useragent, cleared cookies(the ones we can at least), pulled a job from the manager, uses that data to login in confirm logout, then reports back to the manager with a status (confirmed/suspended/retry/review) before stopping. I compiled the bot as "TW-dbConfirm-Single"


    Then, in the same directory I created a DOS batch file to auto run the single instance of the bot, delay, then loop:


    @ECHO Launching TW-dbConfim...
    @TW-dbConfirm-Single.exe /auto
    @SET timeCt=30
    @IF (%timeCt%)==(0) GOTO START
    @ECHO Launching TW-dbConfim in %timeCt% seconds...
    @PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL
    @SET /a timeCt=timeCt-1


    My ubot single-instance will run, do it's thing, and then close. When the program completes the batch file then moves on to the timer loop until %timeCt% reaches 0 and then jumps back up to START.


    So there you have it.. Hopefully this helps you guys who work w/Twitter and we can help each other get past this ;]

  7. For this test I used a combination of:

    - What OS is running

    - System Root DIR

    - Path to cmd.exe

    - processor identifier

    - processor level

    - processor revision

    - processor architecture

    - num of processors


    to create a hash string. I figure it to be fairly unique but if you want, run it for your self and see the other submissions at the end.


    *note the only thing saved at my server is the hash token with a timestamp. I don't log IPs or anything like that for this test



  8. I do something similar to manage bots based on the computer name of the box. The process involves using shell commands to echo out variables that are available in dos. I can't say for sure how 'unique' something like this would be but what I would do given what we've got would be to make a hash of the different dos vars and use that as your identifier..

  9. I suggest instead of saving names directly to a file.. first add it to an %output list then save the list to file on each loop. From what I remember, "Save to file" does not append, it overwrites so each time to try to save your new var you're overwriting the last ones saved..


    Keep in mind too that if you do it this way your memory requirements go up with the longer you run it/the size of your %output list.

  10. This is why I wanted to know if there's any other command in UBot that changes the value of a given field (like a form command or something like that).


    I've use 'send keys field chosen' for certain drop downs and haven't had trouble with them.

  11. With the standard license you'll need to first make sure the page you have loaded has javascript elements so that ubot can use js functions. If you need help with getting a page to load javascript so that this stuff works send me a PM and I'll walk you through a hack for non-js enabled pages..


    Let's assume the page has JS loaded already. From there, I'd set #variable = to an eval of : "{1}".substring(0,X);


    {1} is the ubot filler for your variable you want trimmed, and X is the length you want it trimmed to. Eval tells ubot to 'evaluate' what's in the box. In this case we're telling ubot to use javascript to load the string and cut a chunk out, starting at the 0 position going until the Xth character. Hope this helps

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