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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Hey fellow botters; got a puzzle for you today. I've been working with a Table that I want to compile a Keyword List out of. It looks like a longer version of this: It doesn't have to be a &table, it could be 3 separate %lists instead... But either way what I'm trying to wind up with is a single %list that combines the first two columns, both apart and together, with the 3rd column, all in a big list. So here is the exact output I'm looking for in this case: Widget Cog Sprocket New Widget New Cog New Sprocket Used Widget Used Cog Used Sprocket Red Widget Red Cog Red Sprocket Blue
  2. Alright, back on the main topic now; I've sent in a ticket including both a copy of a working bot just under the limit, and a broken bot just above it. The Helpdesk software doesn't show me that the attachments got through, but they certainly took their time uploading and there were no errors. Let me know how else I can send these ~8 MB worth of files in if they aren't there now. HTH, Luke
  3. This was a totally new topic though! If it had been appended to my "I LIKE BIG BOTS" thread I would have received that email... And as for watching a whole forum... That's like logging in and browsing the whole forum, right? Way to much info.
  4. On the topic of thread visibility, I have a lot of problems with the forum layout here. In the other 3 forums I frequent, (And many I don't frequent) all have a button or link somewhere called "New Posts" or "Latest Posts." Clicking said link allows you to see all of the new posts made on the forum in either the last 24 hours to your last visit. The closest thing here on UBot's forum is that crappy 5-post box on the right side of the front page showing the 5 latest post updates. 5. I've been on this forum dozens of times since December 7th, when this thread was started, and not once ha
  5. SOMEBODY SHOULDA PM'D ME! Just found this thread today... You know I would have sent mine in for testing way back when you asked... Anyway, here's my current dilemma: Each and every bot I have saved works. (It may take 10 minutes to compile, but it does so. Whenever a monster bot won't compile, I usually wind up splitting that into 2 smaller bots, so at the current time I do not have a bot that fits the bill. Would you like my biggest current bot? I guess just copying and pasting a few more nodes in it would cross the line...
  6. Actually the star of this show turned out to be Shift-Enter, which I guess I missed somehow before. When was that added? Anyway, since you can put variables like your DB username inside variables, I chuncked it down to just 3 top-level variables in total, not 28. Pretty sweet. Thanks again, Buddy!
  7. Ah... I see where you're going with that... Set variables for all the chunks inbetween the variables that I'm putting into it, so at the end there will be about 28 Variables in total. -Then just line up all 28 into a $save to file together. Looks like I can make it work, I'll try in the morning when I'm not so sleepy. Thanks BB! Just what I needed to go on. -Luke
  8. Here's a challenging one for you all. (Assuming I'm not blind as a bat.) I'm trying to GENERATE the wp-config.php file for wordpress on the fly. I have an FTP program my bot can use to upload it into place, but I need for the bot to input variables into the file, such as server Database name and password. For the life of me I can't figure out how to put this much data in ubot's memory at once... I do something similar all the time will filling Text Areas in forms, but this is to save to file, not fill text area, and the blank for all that code is just one line tall... Can't wrap at all.
  9. Follow up: I've been doing a TON o' proxy-ing lately and although the paid proxies I got from anonymous-proxies.net were flawless and did what I asked of them 100% of the time, I've come to realize that proxies get EXPENSIVE when you use a lot of them. SO, I migrated over to using open proxies that I scraped just for the session. My bot for that worked ok, but still lotsa waiting and list checking so that didn't seem the best for using lots of proxies either, especially if your bot using the proxies isn't really smart about handling slow/down ones. I am pretty happy with a sweet app I
  10. I consistently get around 60% with megapinger... It's up to your proxies, mainly. I use mattseh's proxyfinder for grabbing those, but a better solution (higher than 60%) would be to rent a bunch of dedicated proxies for the month, ~$2 or $3 each, you'll likely need 50 of them. -But wow, that would get you something like 95%, I'd bet. You could also use those proxies for many other projects.
  11. Yep, beat you to that one. -But thanks for trying to help! It's appreciated. I'm definitely going to be using such lists more now that I've added some of the more blackhat link building methods to my arsenal. So far this fix has allowed me to do everything I need it to. Cheers, Luke
  12. Word. I try and I try, but quite a lot of the time I wind up doing it this way in the end.
  13. Now when did they add THAT to ubot? I just KNEW it was something simple I was overlooking, thank you for pointing that out. Cheers, Luke
  14. Hello fellow botters, Today I've got a question. I'm stumped on something that seems simple so hopefully i'm just overlooking something... There is a website that gives me keyword lists. For each file, without a Bot I would: 1. Click a "Download here" link to download the Zip file. (abc123.csv.zip) 2. Open in it 7zip, (Windows file associate does that for me automatically) 3. Then open the resulting csv file with yet another program... Desperate to automate some part of this sluggish process, I'd at least like to get all of these Zipped files all down to my local machine... But when
  15. Thanks, John! Love the theme...
  16. Hey iglow, Did you think about selling this through the new ubot store? I wonder if it would be a good fit...
  17. Back in December or so I asked for them to do this, by way of putting a checkbox in the upper-right corner of every node so we could tick the box to comment individual nodes out. Seth thought it was a good idea but said it would take a while to implement... Here's hoping it's been "a while." The solution I'm using for now is to make a Sub around the code in question, and simply not call that sub. I call this sub "The Sandbox" and just make it whenever I need it and drag the code into it right where it was already... It's pretty fast to do unless you have a ton of nodes you're trying t
  18. You're both very welcome. I use mine every single day now, and was starting to feel selfish for not spilling this before!
  19. Thank you Seth & co for the Contains Qualifier! The more creative among us have likely already thought of a few better uses for it than I, but the first use I had in mind was to do the obvious thing and see if any desired objects were on the page first before scraping them. Then I thought I could check to see if a particular Keyword was on a list or in a table first before processing it, or removing it with a replace command. (Like a negative keyword.) In fact, the combination of Contains and Replace allows us to do lots of fun things to keyword lists that I was using 3rd party s
  20. I'm in a good mood today and I thought I'd share another one of my favorite automation tricks with you guys. If you have your own hosting account, even a shared one, you should be running your own private FTP server, just for your bots' use. Here is the freeware one that I use: http://www.net2ftp.com/homepage/download.html To see it in action first, simply go to: http://www.net2ftp.com -And try theirs... But I wouldn't recommend using their installation more than once or using it with anything you wouldn't want others seeing. (Maybe I'm paranoid, but it's simply not under your co
  21. Aha! So the curtain has been lifted... So far I like it a lot. A very smooth idea, although one has to wonder what your cut is. I personally would buy from it, and I know a few programmers on here would would likely sell on it with glee. Here's hoping it catches on! -Luke
  22. Peter, look around. You're in a community of developers... This isn't the place to find lots of customer testimonials. iglow sells on wickedfire (at least) and has his own blog too. Try there for testimonials.
  23. Seconded... One VPN is like using One Proxy IP address. You really need to rotate a list of proxies, as thin as possible, for Facebook not to see the same IP address not creating multiple accounts over and over with. Thankfully I haven't had to make a large list of accounts at FB, but if I were going to, I'd first make a bot that scrapes TONS of proxies and then tests them somehow. (Or better yet, I'd buy & use Scrapebox.) The GOAL would be to have 1 working proxy on the list for every account I have the bot make at FB... but 2 or 3 would do in a pinch, depending on how tight FB's gr
  24. Am I going blind? I can't find it... just the word "Private" by email address...
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