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Posts posted by Exfakto

  1. Hey, Just checked my referral bot, it is working perfectly. Even with public proxies, can see all hits counted by google analytics.


    Check it http://www.screencast.com/t/Dg7vrzTW :)


    Thanks for the video. That's exactly what I was trying to do. After running the bot for about 3 nights, each with about 2000 different proxies, I got maybe like 2 hits out of a total of around 6000 proxies.


    I'll keep doing some test to see what I can find and post them here.


    Thanks to all for the help.

  2. Hi Team,


    I created the following bot bellow which goes to a specified website and stays a few second then changes IP and loops itself. I input about 1000 different proxies that were scrapped using a Proxy Scrape robot I bought from another user here.


    The bot goes through the whole process with no problems. I left it overnight and did about 476 loops before getting to the end of the Proxy list and then stopped.


    When I went to Google analytics to see if the hits registered and the referrer was working right I was amazed, I only received 2 hits. Is there something in the order of my code maybe?


    I've done this with several different test sites that I have and same result.


    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    set(#loops, 0, "Global")
    ui stat monitor("Total", #loops)
    ui open file("Load Proxy List", #proxylist)
    ui text box("Set Referrer", #referrer)
    clear list(%proxy list)
    add list to list(%proxy list, $list from file(#proxylist), "Delete", "Global")
    set(#pos, 0, "Global")
    loop($list total(%proxy list)) {
    clear cookies
    set user agent("Internet Explorer 8")
    set referrer(#referrer)
    clear list(%break down)
    add list to list(%break down, $list from text($list item(%proxy list, #pos), ":"), "Delete", "Global")
    change proxy("{$list item(%break down, 0)}:{$list item(%break down, 1)}")
    allow images("No")
    allow flash("No")
    navigate("http://www.tiger-walk.com", "Wait")
    wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "")

  3. Thank you so much for this works like a charm! Now I can take the code and cross check it with what BotGuru gave me and I can learn what his instructions ment. baby steps here!!


    Thanks all!!


    try this


    set(#loops, 0, "Global")
    ui stat monitor("Total", "{#loops} of {#cycles}")
    clear cookies
    set user agent("Chrome")
    ui text box("Set Referrer", #set referrer)
    set referrer(#set referrer)
    ui text box("Cycles", #cycles)
    loop(#cycles) {
       set visibility("Visible")
       allow images("No")
       allow popups("No")
       allow flash("No")
       allow css("No")
       navigate("http://www.google.com", "Wait")
       type text(<name="q">, "insurance service los angeles", "Standard")
       click(<name="btnG">, "Left Click", "No")
    define CheckIpStatus {
           set(#IPConfig, $nothing, "Global")
           shell("cmd.exe /c ipconfig.exe > %USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\localip.txt")
           set(#IPConfig, $read file("{$special folder("My Documents")}\\localip.txt"), "Global")
           delete file("{$special folder("My Documents")}\\localip.txt")
    define HMAChangeIP {
           wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "")
           set(#IPConfigCompare, #IPConfig, "Global")
           shell("C:\\Program Files\\HMA! Pro VPN\\bin\\HMA! Pro VPN.exe -changeip")
           loop while($comparison(#IPConfig, "=", #IPConfigCompare)) {
           set(#IPConfigCompare, #IPConfig, "Global")
           loop while($comparison(#IPConfig, "=", #IPConfigCompare)) {

  4. drag the defines to absolute end of your code area, they dont and shouldn't be defined inside your loop, only called inside your loop.


    set a variable before your loop to 0


    at the end inside the loop increment that variable, and use a ui monitor and drag in that variable to monitor it..


    you can also space after the variable in that ui monitor node and put / #cyles drag in cycles variable so it shows 0 / total in the ui area


    Oh man, spent like 3 hours experimenting with the instructions you gave me to no use, Im just to green in the coding section. Can you dummy proof it a bit? just a bit?

    Once I get this solved it will solve about 5 other problems that are all related.


    Thanks again

  5. Thanks for the quick reply as always. Im a bit to new to fully understand the instructions you gave me. Can you please copy/paste the code I added here and make the changes?

    Dont get me wrong, i'm not trying to be lazy, I'm just very new to the coding aspect of uBot since I upgraded to pro about 5 or 6 days ago and I know trying to figure this out will take me another day.


    My goal is to learn as much as possible from guys like you to one day help other noobs in the future.


    Your help is always appreciated.

  6. Hi team,


    I created a Google search bot, it then goes to the specified link, goes through a couple of steps then changes the IP address using a great HMA code I found here from Bliss. Once its done it starts over again.


    I created a UI window which tells the bot how many loops to do, but I wuld like to know exactly how many loops it has already done.


    Like "Loop 45/100" or something similar.


    Thank you very much in advance


    ui stat monitor("Total", "")
    clear cookies
    set user agent("Chrome")
    ui text box("Set Referrer", #set referrer)
    set referrer(#set referrer)
    ui text box("Cycles", #cycles)
    loop(#cycles) {
       set visibility("Visible")
       allow images("No")
       allow popups("No")
       allow flash("No")
       allow css("No")
       navigate("http://www.google.com", "Wait")
       type text(<name="q">, "insurance service los angeles", "Standard")
       click(<name="btnG">, "Left Click", "No")
    define CheckIpStatus {
           set(#IPConfig, $nothing, "Global")
           shell("cmd.exe /c ipconfig.exe > %USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\localip.txt")
           set(#IPConfig, $read file("{$special folder("My Documents")}\\localip.txt"), "Global")
           delete file("{$special folder("My Documents")}\\localip.txt")
    define HMAChangeIP {
           wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "")
           set(#IPConfigCompare, #IPConfig, "Global")
           shell("C:\\Program Files\\HMA! Pro VPN\\bin\\HMA! Pro VPN.exe -changeip")
           loop while($comparison(#IPConfig, "=", #IPConfigCompare)) {
           set(#IPConfigCompare, #IPConfig, "Global")
           loop while($comparison(#IPConfig, "=", #IPConfigCompare)) {

  7. Thank you for the honest reply. Please send me a PM when they are ready and I'll buy them ASAP. Thanks!


    Hi JP,


    Although it spends enough time to view the videos before the thumbs up and sometimes these views count, the bot was and still isn't built for views so I can't guarantee that.


    Having said that, please don't make any purchase for now cos I'm currently working on a far more sophisticated solution for all the bots and redesigning them accordingly!




  8. Hi Team,


    This is my first post here since I bought my uBot about 5 days ago. I created a simple bot that does youtube views for specified videos. The bot switches IP automatically from a proxy.txt file I have which has about 100 proxies in them.


    Is it possible to have 3 of the same bot running at the same time, on the same computer, but each using a different proxy.txt file so I can speed up the views count?


    Bot 1 = Proxy-list-1.txt

    Bot 2 = Proxy-list-2.txt

    Bot 3 = Proxy-list-3.txt


    Will it create a conflict between them? If so what would you guys recommend in order to run multiple bots all switching IP's at the same time


    Thank you for your help in advanced.

  9. First of all thanks to Kreatus for his awesome support in helping me with a little problem I had registrating the software. He is super quick on the replys and extremely helpful. Now, this bot is SICK!!! Works like a charm! This will be saving me tons of time and money to do other productive tasks. I'm on my way to purchase his other bots as well.


    Quick question, I have the Pro version of uBot and have created several bots myself, if I need a specific action or command I can't figure out myself to add to my bot, can I hire you to make the modification to my bot??


    thank you

  10. Nevermind, I need a Pro licence which i just bought, this works like a charm!!! Thank you for sharing this info.


    Hi Bliss, I've been looking for your solution for almost 36 hours. Thank you for posting. i have a question, I'm rather new to this. I have the Standard version of uBot Studio. Where exactly do I paste this code in order to try it out?


    Please explain, I will be most grateful.


    Thank you,



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