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Posts posted by rulez05

  1. hello


    I like to create a text box that will hover the variables or any kind of chr to **** so it can't see by anyone only the one who input the text will know what is it. like on password when you type Integer or character to a ui text box it will appear as *****

  2. I'm also standard version and I think I will go Strait to developer edition in first week I already sale some software well all of them are only simple bot.. and when you do experiment on other web you can see the disadvantage of standard version I hope there such thing as coordinate clicks because on standard you can't really manipulate flash or play them

  3. hello I just buy UBOT about 20 mins ago And I try to edit the hotmail account creation software And I can't do it for some reason I'm unable to click it or right click that thing And those bot bank works??? how can filled it with the user name list that I have like connect a data base or text file to fill those data on random basis..


    Thanks :) I heard community here are great Nice to meet you all :D



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