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Posts posted by noob09

  1. hi guys,


    hope someone can help. basically im at a point now where im stuck.


    my situation or what i would like: i have a list of accounts. i log into those accounts in a new browser. i try to scrape a list contained within & unique to each of those accounts. i then want to go to or navigate through the scraped list and perform certain actions for that account.


    problem is that something goes wrong with the scraped lists & the actions subesquently dont perform.


    someone pleeeeease help! this is what ive got minus the UI stuff:


    clear list(%Posting)

    add list to list(%Posting, $list from file(#accountstopost), "Delete", "Global")

    define log in {

    thread {

    in new browser {

    navigate("https://www.example", "Wait")

    type text($element offset(<email field>, 0), $next list item(%Posting Accounts), "Standard")

    type text($element offset(<password field>, 0), #postingpassword, "Standard")

    wait for element($element offset(<password field>, 0), "", "Appear")

    click(<login button>, "Left Click", "No")

    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "")

    catcha solve("")

    scrape groups()

    decrement(#used threads)




    define scrape groups {

    click(<href="linkgoes here">, "Left Click", "No")

    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "")

    clear list(%Joined)

    add item to list(%Joined, $scrape attribute, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Local")

    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "")

    loop($list total(%Joined)) {

    navigate($next list item(%Joined), "Wait")

    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "")

    type text(<id="abc">, (#posttitle), "Standard")

    wait($rand(2, 5))



    set(#used threads, 0, "Global")

    loop($list total(%Posting)) {

    loop while($comparison(#used threads, ">=", #num threads)) {



    loop process()


    define loop process {

    increment(#used threads)

    log in()




    thanks guys and really hoping someone can hlep me out here!



  2. Hi guys


    I need a linkein bot that can:-


    *search & join groups based on certain variables eg. number of members, keyword, location.

    *join max amount of groups & withdraw "pending requests" when request limit is reached up to max limit of groups which is currently 50.

    * save group list names to file


    thanks - if anyone is interested in this job or has a bot that can do this, please let me know how much you want for it.


    a good understanding of Linkedin will be required to build this bot.


    Cheers & i look forward to hopefully hearing from someone :)

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