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Posts posted by littleoverweb

  1. Hello Aymen, someone suggested this plugin might solve my problems sending SMTP mail.


    I have a bot which loops through Yahoo accounts sending SMTP mail one by one. But if there is an SMTP error then the bot just stops. 


    Does the Send SMTP function in your plugin allow the bot to simply move on to the next account in case of an error? I could not see this mentioned specifically in your videos.

  2. I currently have a bot which sends emails via Yahoo SMTP connection.


    Occasionally the Yahoo accounts get blocked and the bot then can't get a mail connection and can't send. If I run this as a compiled bot it just stops dead. If I run it from within Ubot then I have to babysit and keep pressing "Continue" until all mails are sent.


    Does anyone know of a way I can get the bot to just say "OK, skip to the next account" if the send fails? Running the accounts through a cleaning process beforehand is ideal but I have over 5k so it really takes a long time, and by the time I finish, more accounts might be blocked :-\


  3. Hey guys


    I used to have a bot to post gigs on Fiverr (and similar sites) for me automatically.


    Fiverr changed their design a while ago and I'm trying to update my bot to work.


    Major problems with the post gigs page. I'm unable to select any of the fields, either with type text, change attribute or even just click.

    I've tried using image, I've tried viewing source and manually selecting an html attribute. 


    Can anyone help? Obviously you'll need a Fiverr account to try it... 

  4. Hey guys,


    When using the standard UI Save File feature, the user is able to browse to the folder location and either select a file to save to, or type the name of a new one.


    However, when using the UI HTML panel, this doesn't seem to be possible.

    If I set it to type="file" then they can select a pre-existing file by browsing to the location, but they cannot type in the name of a new file.

    If I remove type="file" then they can enter the full path including a new name, but typing in the whole file location is a pain.


    Is there any way using the UI HTML panel to let the user browse to folder and then write the name, as is possible with the standard UI elements?


    Alternatively - is there any way after the bot has finished running for it to pop up a "save file" dialog box? 

  5. Uniquebot, I like your thinking. The concept itself makes a lot of sense and could be quite revolutionary.


    However, I'm not sure if the huge variety of different signup forms and sites out there will truly lend itself to this type of approach. Especially the ones which aren't English-based.

  6. Ahhh. The bot already checks for an update at launch, but it's just one update file if required. I don't think my users will be comfortable downloading different files (or with many different bots launching themselves) so I guess this idea is a non-starter.


    Thanks for your response!

  7. Hey all,


    I have a bot which I'm building for resale which goes through signup and posting at various sites.

    Because sites frequently change their signup process (in order to frustrate botters like us, haha) I'm anticipating having to release updates fairly frequently.


    What I'm wondering is if there is a way to call a define command from an external file? So for example I code my bot like this:


    Define sign-up at site A

    Define sign-up at site B

    Define sign-up at site C


    Then run all those custom commands depending on what the user has selected.


    So what I was thinking was that if site B changed its signup and the custom command had to be updated, if I held the define command on my server as a text file, could I just download the most recent definition for each site, instead of having to push out an update to the entire bot every time I need to change one part of the program?


    I hope that makes sense...

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