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Posts posted by kamran

  1. There is always a way around sticking points. And the forum is very useful. I have yet to find a problem that was not solved. If I cannot do it myself, I ask in the forum, and some guys here are very helpful, they will not only tell you how to do it, they will do it themselves and give you the source file

  2. Hey guys,just ran into a problem that i thought would be very common but surprisingly the search did not bring up any discussion. I am trying to create a bot for signing up in a particular type of forum. The problem is some of these sites have captcha and some dont, so I need to create a conditional to first check whether a captcha is required or not. So the flow would be like this:


    search page for *code* and *captcha*

    if they exist


    choose the captcha by attribute

    decode the captcha






    problem is, I am not able to create an if loop where it checks whether a certain word (like captcha or code) exists in a page or not...can some1 help me. Thanks in advance

  3. If all the sites have the first name field labeled as "First Name" and the source code is all pretty much the same with the exception of the id field being labeled a different number, you could always do this:



    choose attribute by

    *First Name*


    Thanks for taking the time to reply. However, it still did not work. The outer HTML contains only

    <INPUT style="WIDTH: 300px" class=input maxLength=100 size=40 name=ht_field_id_8>


    and if i click on <INPUT> and choose TR the outer HTML can be chosen but that doesnt work. Any other suggestions?

  4. Hey guys,

    i ran across a problem i need help. I am trying to choose a form field by attribute and have it do it in the same way for several websites running the same script. The problem is, the attribute is different from website to website. For example, the first website would have the "First Name" field attribute as "ht_field_id_8", the next website would have it as "ht_field_id_1". I cant use wildcards because that chooses all the fields first name,last name, username etc...all of them have the attribute as "ht_field_id_*" where * is some number.


    I cant choose by any other attributes as they are same for all the fields. I cant choose by position as that changes from website to website.What do I do? Any solution would be very much appreciated.


    More info: This is how source code of the first name part of the form looks like:


    <TR><TD style="WIDTH: 45%" class=tableCellTwo>

    <DIV class=defaultBold><SPAN class=highlight>*</SPAN> First Name</DIV></TD>

    <TD style="WIDTH: 55%" class=tableCellOne><INPUT style="WIDTH: 300px" class=input maxLength=100 size=40 name=ht_field_id_8></TD></TR>

  5. Thanks a lot for the bot some_guy, i have an issue i hope you have a solution. the bot doesn't seem to work beyond the first page. It manages to scrap 100 urls but after than the bot stops making it seem as if the scrapping is over, but when i check the text file its only 100 urls. Any help?

  6. Hi Ubotters,

    I was creating my first bot, but got stuck. I cant figure out how to crop and append urls. This is what I am trying to do:

    I have a list of URLs, all of them look like this:





    and i want to change and navigate to:




    as you can see, the part until "index.php" remains the same and after that I want to remove the "?AHT=8&id=3Wl87CEOPD" and instead add "/member/login/" to the end.


    Can someone give me an idea how to go about doing this in ubot.


    I will appreciate it very much. Thanks

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