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Lino de Franca

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Posts posted by Lino de Franca

  1. Hello,


    I need to download a PDF file by clicking a button dialog. However, the bot loses control when it click the button to save the PDF. @Lilly presented a solution in an old topic ("File Download - PDF Google Analytics."). This solution seems to work only in the PROfessional version uBOT. Are there any alternative to the Standard version? Thanks for while.

  2. Ok, figured why it was having issues within the compield bots. It was trying to load an internet explorer pop up each time I'd click the pdf link. The compiled bots by default disables external pop ups like the one google was trying to bring up.


    What you need to do is grab the link for the direct link to the pdf (the link you tried to use with download file.)

    Create a script that navigates to that direct link, use the click dialog button command to click the Save button on the dialog, and then use the send keys command to press Enter. Use another click dialog button command to close the last dialog. That should download the pdf fine for you.




    Can I solve this if i don't have a ubot pro version ???


    Thanks for now...

  3. You can automate your automation. ;)


    I already looked into this because I'm designing a .NET scheduler application for my UBots (and they need to be run while I'm afk).


    What I used was AutoIt3. It's pretty good at automating Winforms. The below AutoIt3 script takes a UBot .exe as a parameter, then it opens the UBot .exe, waits for the window to become active, then sends a TAB key press, then an ENTER key press... which will tab to the play button and then press it.


    I even compiled it with AutoIt3 (like UBot it also compiles to .exes) and you can download the .exe from my blog.


    Below is the code you could compile yourself if you downloaded AutoIt3.


    ;Basic script to AutoRun UBot - takes an .exe as parameter 
    ;Put this .exe inside the same folder of the UBot .exe you want to AutoRun
    ;Call this script like this from console window or other app:
    ;AutoRunUBot.exe MyUbotExe.exe
    $totCommands = $CmdLine[0]
    If($totCommands <= 0) Then	
    MsgBox(0, "Need parameter", "You didn't pass a UBot .exe to run.");	
    $param1 = $CmdLine[1]
    $windowName = StringSplit($param1, ".", 0)
    ;Run .exe and wait for window name to become active window
    ;Tab and then enter will select play button and press it



    Thank you very much AKProgrammer !!! I will try your suggestion... Thanks...

  4. No. You do not need multiple licenses if you are running it on the same machine.


    Ok, Lord Brar. But I'm a solution developer and I would like to auto run bots in my clients' machines without the need of them to know the details. So...

  5. run it via command line:

    c:\path\to\ubotdevtool.exe "c:\path\to\bot.ubot" /auto



    If I run it in this manner would not can be taken as if I was running my development license ? Need I to buy one license for each "/auto" execution ???

  6. Yeah I know, but someone else might, right? :rolleyes: But I think you can start it through a bat file/command prompt and make it autorun through there.


    And Could I to pass parameters in the command line ???

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