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Randy Role

Fellow UBotter
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Posts posted by Randy Role

  1. Would need to see the actual page to see why it would be caused.

    looks like that it clicked a link that requires a new window


    the buttons clicking when posting on wall, page, group.

    you need to be using an offset and can change at times as well


    Thanks for the quick reply, TJ. Can I send you the link in private?

  2. click the close window in top left.


    if exists, click


    I wrote it happens when clicking a textarea - my mistake - it happens when I click the submit button. Then it doesn't submit the form because of this window.


    Closing it doesn't fix the issue because it doesn't submit the form, unfortunately.


    Why does this happen in the first place?


    Thanks TJ

  3. Hey guys,


    I've been using the connect to database feature for a while now, and today I ran one of my bots, and it wasn't connecting.

    I opened the .ubot file, and when trying to connect, it shows this error: http://screencast.com/t/Vyx2dKOpQBXo


    I'll mention that until today, it worked perfect with no issues. Another thing to take in consideration is that I connect to the same database using the same login/pass/server/database with a php script, using the same computer to connect, and it works fine.


    I'm totally lost. any ideas?




  4. Hey guys,


    Yahoo changed the layout of their signup page, and I'm having trouble clicking the 'Create My Account' button to move into the second signup page.


    Whenever I click it, it goes to yahoo.com.


    Any idea why?


    this is the code I use to click the button.


    change attribute(<name="IAgreeBtn">, "checked", "true")


    Thanks for any help!

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm having a really hard time getting ubot to work with flash player.


    I'm using TJ's way to clear flash cookies by navigating to this site: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html


    However, when the site loads, it says I don't have flash player installed. (http://screencast.com/t/7pTOphgWB) I installed it for IE, Chrome, Firefox and 'Other Browsers', and none fixed the problem.


    Any ideas what I can do to overcome this issue?



  6. I actually found an easier way of removing it than regex, using $contains.


    set(#serp position, $list total(%serp), "Global")
    loop($list total(%serp)) {
    if($contains($list item(%serp, #serp position), "http://webcache.googleusercontent.com")) {
     then {
      remove from list(%serp, #serp position)
      decrement(#serp position)
     else {
      decrement(#serp position)


    I hope it helps.

  7. Here is a crude way of doing it.


    add list to list(%google results, $scrape attribute(<onmousedown=w"return *">, "href"), "Delete", "Global")


    The only problem is that it is also scraping the link for the cached version of the page. I'm sure there is a way to regex out that part of the result.


    Works like a charm. Removed all cache links with regex $contains.



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