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Posts posted by zdot

  1. I bought this nice Progress Bar few days ago and it is brilliant. It's a great plus for any Bot if you plan to sell them... Well done, easy to use and Arno is always online to help you out and assist you to set it up.


    I can't wait for the upgrades he plans to do.


    Great stuff. Work outside the box.

  2. its not you..   I'm recreating the videos and should have them available today..  Some reason it didn't save correctly and thought they did..



    I'm also recreating the manual for the licensing software to go more in-depth into each and every function and feature setting of the software, from the point you get the package, to creating the database, and setting up your deployment in the software.


    Great stuff. I thought I turned deaf suddenly.....


    As I said on skype:


    if I understand right, the $BotGuru Secured Function is no use if we use the Jane's plugin, and the "BotGuru Secured Licensing - Remote License Management" is to manage the database locally and to add customer manually too instead of messing around in phpmyadmin?.........


    also, can we add different host in  BotGuru Secured? I checked briefly and it seams that we can save only one mysql setting.


    Also, about the price. What is the setting if you do a dime sale? enter starting price and JVZoo/WF+ take care of the rest?

  3. I added a loggin to the forum first. 

    ui button("login to Ubot Forum") {
    ui text box("", #search)
    ui button("search Google") {
    define login {
        navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/", "Wait")
        click(<login link>, "Left Click", "No")
        wait for element(<innertext="Sign In">, "", "Appear")
        type text(<username field>, "usernmae", "Standard")
        type text(<password field>, "password", "Standard")
        click(<login button>, "Left Click", "No")
    define search {
        navigate("http://www.google.com/", "Wait")
        type text(<name="q">, "\"site:ubotstudio.com/forum + {#search}\"", "Standard")
        click(<name="btnK">, "Left Click", "No")
  4. Aymen,


    API integration is a great idea. Is there anyone else besides best spinner and spinner chief that you would like to include in that?








    Like TJ says about the facebook login app on other sites.



    Also, what I ask since almost a year: an undo button that actually undo....


    more stability.


    A search and replace in code view


    Ability to spot error in code easily. When we get the error message in code view, if the code is huge, it's really tough to spot the error...


    It's also really strange that a UI html editor and a Licensing solution isn't included

  5. I was one of the first Uboter who got the SMS software, as most of the guys in my list already know from my late night testing....

    The send message to stranger function is a must and will be extremely useful when I'll launch my first Bot.

    Some bugs occured when I first opened SMS, but 99% of them got fixed already, less than 24 hours later.

    You should all get advantage of this huge saving offer. This is quite an handy tool to ease internet marketing

  6. Ok after trying out both version of the bot, i have the same issue with the block text command.


    the block text is wrong. I get:




    <textarea rows="10" cols="100%">stats: <textarea variable="#stats" fillwith="value" style="width:">


    when I generate the code. I checked in the code and everything look normal........ I tried both bot, same issue.


    this is the code that looks absolutely normal:


    if($comparison(#UIElementType, "=", "block text")) {

    then {

    set(#ui element html output, "{#UIElementLabel}: <textarea variable=\"#{#UIElementVariable}\" fillwith=\"value\" style=\"width:\">", "Global")


    else {




    I don't understand where <br/><br/><textarea rows="10" cols="100%"> comes from. The code looks exactly the same for every command....


    Any idea on how to fix it?


    Apart from that, the bot is absolutely brilliant, and quite handy. I tried to understand what's wrong with it and I couldn't find anything...

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