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Posts posted by oneano

  1. Im using public proxies, some work some do not. So what I need to do is test the proxy when my bot starts and if the proxy doesnt work move on to another proxy. I know how to move on to another proxy, but what is a good way to test the proxy?


    Just taking a guess I come up with this, but is there going to be a better way?




    change proxy("")

    navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/resources", "Wait")

    if($exists(<src="/assets/red_logo.png">)) {

    then {


    else {



  2. set(#pic, "{$random list item(%path)}1.jpg", "Global")


    change file field($element offset(<id="photo[]">, 0), #pic)



    gives me this error - it seems that the image path isnt assembled or that the site doesnt want to take it.



    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'Unable to read the file: /tmp/phpiaWmpV' in /var/www/html/functions/photo_md5.php:9 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/functions/photo_md5.php(9): Imagick->readimage('/tmp/phpiaWmpV') #1 /var/www/html/views/poststeps.php(142): photo_md5_store('/tmp/phpiaWmpV') #2 /var/www/html/headers/base.php(77): include_once('/var/www/html/v...') #3 /var/www/html/index.php(81): require('/var/www/html/h...') #4 {main} thrown in/var/www/html/functions/photo_md5.php on line 9

  3. I have been trying to come up with a way to upload a random image file. What I have right now is




    change file field($element offset(<id="photo[]">, 1), "{$random list item(%path)}2.jpg")


    I have list %path that is C:\newfolder\images1\, C:\newfolder\images2\ etc in a list. The issue is when ubot places this string into the file field, the server kicks back a php error. So Im guessing that I am doing something wrong. What am I doing wrong?

  4. Working with hotmail has been difficult for me, I couldnt figure out how to log in so I had to use the bot bank ... now I find that the page freezes on the new security question page. . . .Then I have to navigate the inbox, it seems rather complex to me, any tips on how to handle it?

  5. Yeah, that's fine. I was just saying that is the only part of the mix that is likely causing the issue. Dialup inherently causes issues regarding connections, etc in an environment such as UBot that is completely dependent on 100% up time. Any break in a connection can cause everything to fail.





    It doesnt seem to be a break in the connection, the connections are mostly fine. I do expect some errors of course. But with ubot, I seem to get a lot of them that I not get with firefox when running side by side.


    What I want to do is when I get a error such as a DNS error, I just want to refresh the page. Using a javascript refresh doesnt work since the page never actually loaded. So i am trying to come up with a way to store current URL into a variable.

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  6. Well...there are a multitude of members who have functioning craigslist bots, so having said that, it's clearly not UBot and it's clearly not craigslist. The only non-constant is your dialup service which tells me that is the culprit. So your title is a little off the mark, as it works fine. You might want to explore other proxy options.





    Im just trying to get some idea on how to get it to work, Im being negative about anything.

  7. After working and tweaking and working more on ubot. I cannot get it to work with dialup, Firefox does not have the problems that I have with ubot.


    I am posting to craigslist


    I use dialup as a geolocated proxy service, yes, its kinda slow, but its not that bad with craigslist a very minimal site.


    The issue is errors, I get them all of the time with time outs and dns errors. Why? how can I fix this? I was thinking that I could make a subroutine (define) to control these errors but I couldn't get it to work.



    any ideas on what I can do? Thanks!

  8. I get random connection errors I have tried adding a java script refresh if the error is detected but it doesn't work for me.


    It would be nice if I could back up using something like GOTO but ubot doesn't support that command.


    What is the best way to handle random connection errors and page time outs?

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