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Posts posted by Yagami

  1. Hi,


    I'm struggling for many days now to run a simple Python script that requires selenium to open an HTML page. Do you guys have any script example to share so I can compare and see what is not working with mine? 

    This is my script (I'm not even sure if it's the way to do it. I didn't find any newbie-friendly documentation so far, so I improvised):

    define $Python file path {
    define Command Python {
        run python($plugin function("ExecutePython.dll", "Execute From Code", "import selenium
    from selenium import webdriver
    from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
    chrome_options = Options()
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(\'C:\\Users\\home\\VisualCodeProjects\\chromedriver.exe\', chrome_options=chrome_options)
    driver.get(\"https://my.outbrain.com/login\")", $Python file path()))
    Command Python()

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Hi there,


    I'm trying to click an element to upload an image but it doesn't work. And if I click on the wheel in the click command I get this error:



    When I click on stop script Ubot crashes.

    Any idea what am I doing wrong?


    I<m trying to click on image in the first li.

    <ol id="MediaUploadedImages" class="ui-sortable">
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div><div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);">
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder"><div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	<li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>
    	</li><li class="pic-placeholder">
    		<div class="image-area" style="background-image: url(https://ca.classistatic.com/static/V/6337.1/img/placeHolder/generic.svg);"></div>
    		<div class="image-toolbar"></div>

    Thank you,

  3. Toi tu es français. Je l'ai deviné en lisant quelques lignes de ta description. We say long tail, not long train (mots-clés à longue traîne) :D

    I'm on a big thing at this moment and it's growing insanely fast. I've got the dev edition to create simple bots for this starving community but it'll be too long for me to answer all the needs.  Et c'est pas demain que ça va s'éteindre ;)

    I'm a marketer with 14 years experience in SEO, Adwords and FB ads and I would like to do a JV with you. Your site needs a lot of optimisation. You've got some gold nugget there, but you are doing some things wrong.

    I don't want to sell you any service of mine. If you are interested, just shoot me a PM. 

  4. Hi,


    I had to apply a regular expression to modify my list and the only way I found to do this is to create a temp list that will contain my initial information and then use an add list to list to apply the regex.

    add list to list(%column212,$plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas Xpath Parser", $plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas Text Encode/Decode", "HTML Decode", %followers), "//div[@class=\'_st _ss _sw _sk _5j _sm _sq _no _np _nq _nr\']", "InnerText", ""),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    add list to list(%column2,$find regular expression(%column212,"\\d+(\\.)?(\\d+)?k?(?=\\s*followers)"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")

    Is there a better way to to modify a list without having to create others?


    Thank you

  5. Hi guys,


    I just discovered xpath and holly cow, this thing is so powerful. At first I was like "Ok, why complicate things when I can use REGEX and wildcards?" Then I watched a video on how to extract URL and classes, than I was shocked at the simplicity of the thing. With a simple line of code (see below) I was able to extract, decode & put in a list the offset of the class I wanted, where before I had to set variable (for new list item), create a loop, set a list, add to list, create a REGEX, decode & increment, 7 lines in total.

    alert($plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas Xpath Parser", $plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas Text Encode/Decode", "HTML Decode", %followers), "//div[@class=\'_st _ss _sw _sk _5j _sm _sq _no _np _nq _nr\']", "InnerText", ""))

    So I just wanted to say to newbies like me, check xpath out, it really deserve it. You'll thank me later.

    You can start by downloading the free plugin and tutorial (75 min of videos) here: 



    For advanced users, is there any free tools that help create xpath expressions?


    Thank you,

  6. Hi.


    I'm trying to extract "xx.xk" in the string "17 board • 2.1k followers" and format it to 2100. Here is my code:

    set(#string,$scrape attribute(<class="_st _ss _sw _sk _5j _sm _sq _no _np _nq _nr">,"innertext"),"Global")
    set(#k,$find regular expression(#string,"[0-9]*.[0-9]k"),"Global")

    Is there a better way to do this?


    Thank you,

  7. Hi,


    I'm trying to scrape only profiles that have more than 1k followers, but I can't see how to do that. A little help would be appreciated. Here is what it looks like on the page followed by the html code of an offset.



    <div class="_0 _3i _2m _kq _ll">
    <div class="_0 _3i _2m _2f">
    <a href="/lovely_cat_dogs/" rel="">
    <div class="_0 _3i _2m">
    <div class="_0 _3i _2m _2f" style="width: 100%;">
    <div class="_mm _29 _2f _mp _53">
    <div class="_0 _3i _2m _2f" style="background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239); padding-bottom: 100%;">
    <img alt="We Are Cat, Dog Lovers" class="_mi _25 _3w _2h" src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/avatars/smarttshirt_1477233185_280.jpg">
    <div class="_mq _2h _2k _2l _2j _2i">
    <div class="_0 _3i _2m _6u">
    <div class="_0 _3i _2m _11 _3w _2 _2v _35 _6o">
    <div class="_st _ss _su _sl _5j _sm _sq _nw _nx _ny _nz _sr">We Are Cat, Dog Lovers</div>
    <div class="_st _ss _sw _sk _5j _sm _sq _no _np _nq _nr">
    <!-- react-text: 1327 -->
    <!-- /react-text -->
    <!-- react-text: 1328 -->8<!-- /react-text -->
    <!-- react-text: 1329 --> boards<!-- /react-text -->
    <!-- react-text: 1330 --> • <!-- /react-text -->
    <!-- react-text: 1331 -->
    <!-- /react-text -->
    <!-- react-text: 1332 -->1.1k<!-- /react-text -->
    <!-- react-text: 1333 --> followers<!-- /react-text -->
    <div class="_t9 _2h _55">

    Thank you,


    Edit: Here is how I scrape the profile

    add list to list(%searchlist,$scrape attribute(<href=w"/*/">,"href"),"Delete","Global")
  8. Hi,


    I've compressed my compiled file with mpress and moved it to my desktop and run a antivirus scan on it. It wasn't flagged as a virus by Avast but my bot is not opening after the compression. 

    Do you think that this is may be a solution to prevent false positive if we can find a way to compress our exe and it is still working correctly?


    Thank you,

  9. Thank you Sanjeev, That  was helpful, but I want my own menu in a different language.

    I want to either translate the actual menu and add my own fields or completely hide the English menu and create my own. Is that possible?

    An other option would be to have all my UI in my main tab and access my other tabs through a button.

    Example :

    In the screenshot below I want to be able to login in the actual tab and scrape followers which the code is in another hidden tab but still execute on the browser of the first tab. Thank you.



  10. What a dumb error, my bad. 5 days scratching my head and making up theories about what should be the problem when it's an error in my code. Thank you a lot Varo.


    At least I've dived my nose in what I'll need in the future in order to speedup the process by using sockets. Even though I've solved my issue I still wonder how to do a HTTP POST request to Pinterest, as the tutorials I followed all have something like ?page=x as URL that you have to call, but with this baby it contain a lot of data that it's almost impossible for me to guess how to do it :/


    Thanks again Varo and the others (more than 5000 profiles on my list as I'm typing this YEAAAH :) )

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