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Posts posted by gl00se

  1. ui text box("Minimal Value of Cycles",#minVal)
    ui text box("Maximal Value of Cycles",#maxVal)
    ui text box("Minimal Pause (Seconds)",#minPause)
    ui text box("Maximal Pause (Seconds)",#maxPause)
    ui text box("Full Path for Picture Upload Folder",#picUpload)
    ui text box("Full Path for Title Upload File",#titleUpload)
    loop($rand(#minVal,#maxVal)) {
        allow popups("No")
        click(<id="dropdownAdd">,"Left Click","No")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
        click(<innertext="Upload a Photo">,"Left Click","No")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
        add list to list(%photos,$get files(#picUpload,"Yes"),"Delete","Global")
        change file field(<name="imageToUpload">,$next list item(%photos))
        click(<value="Upload">,"Left Click","No")
        change dropdown($element offset(<tagname="option">,0),"Amateur")
        click($element offset(<tagname="option">,0),"Left Click","No")
        change dropdown(<name="board">,"Just some fine looking women")
        add list to list(%title,$list from file(#titleUpload),"Delete","Global")
        type text(<name="title">,$random list item(%title),"Standard")
        click(<name="submit">,"Left Click","No")

    This is the source code. Just a tip, the website in question is NSFW.

  2. Hey there! I just started using uBot recently and it's an amazing piece of software. Unfortunately, I have a small problem, which I am sure can be fixed really fast!


    To explain my situation, when I am running this bot in the uBot, it's working perfectly, no errors what so ever, but when I compile it and make it a standalone .exe, it won't open the file from a folder anymore. Basically, what happens is that a dialog windows appears so that I can choose a file. The whole point of writing this bot was NOT to do that hehe :).


    Hopefully, I explained it well enough.


    If you can see from the source code, the problem appears right after the "Upload the photo".




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