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Posts posted by CanadaJones

  1. As an aspiring Ubot expert myself, i've invested alot into my Ubot education.  While I dont claim to be an expert in the software itself, I would argue that I am an expert in the best training material out there, lol.  Provided below is a list of sources to courses that you can take to aid you in your Ubot training:


    1. Ubot Studio Tutorials - These are the free tutorial videos that you can watch.  Some of them are filmed by Frank Thomas (great instructor btw), and I believe some of them may have been filmed by Jason (dont quote me on that).

    2. Ubot Wiki - Another set of free tutorials, however these are not videos.  Whats cool about the Wiki is that anybody can add to and edit the wiki, plus it has source code for all of the lessons in there that you can copy directly into Ubot to see how it works.  In my not so great experience one thing that i've found that helps is just picking a day and decided to go through all the data commands.  Try to learn and internalize it all, then pick a day to move on to the Flow commands, etc. etc. until you've gone through the entire list.

    3. Ubot Buddy 30 Day Training - This is a 30 day course developed by one of the mods here UbotBuddy/Buddy Shearer.  The course is very good, he covers alot of detail but unfortunately he can a bit monotone.  Also his videos are on average 30 minutes long, so video length + monotone can sometimes = sleepy.  Make no mistake about the content that he covers though, its very good.  Buddy also provides a shit ton of source code for everything so you can learn directly from the source code itself.

    4. Ubot Scraping Course - This is a course that focuses on scraping in Ubot, and is created by HelloInsomnia (another Ubot forum mod).  Very good clear and concise course focusing on teaching you the fundamentals of Ubot as it relates to scraping.

    5. Beyond The Basics - This is HelloInsomnia's 2nd course where he delves a bit deeper into more intermediate to advanced concepts.  I honestly felt this course did a great job of covering some "basic" material as well, definitely a must buy.

    6. Ubot Skype Group - The skype group is arguably the best resource we have.  So many expert users all in one place.  Typically it takes under a minute for a question to get answered.

    7. Automation League - As Deliter mentioned, this is a great resource (and its free)


    Best advice I can give is to go through the free materials first (Ubot Studio Tutorials, Wiki, Automation league).  You'll find a great deal of information in those, and you dont even have to pay for them.  After that you can supplement your training with the paid courses.

  2. Pash has a plugin that does that... it will click main buttons... run, stop, pause for you thereby negating the need for defines if you do not want them.



    Additionally, you could always create a bot that uses advanced shell onload, and that advanced shell opens/starts your target bot... that is part of the stealth upgrades we have now.


    Great contribution as usual Brutal.  Which Pash plugin are you referring to?

  3. clear cookie or open download ulr on other browser.


    No. config file for Advanced Ubot 2 only. on download url of Advanced Ubot 2 >> download file "Advanced Ubot 2 Config.txt" >> move it to "Document" folder. >> restart ubot program.



    Something is wrong, my debug window doesnt look like it should, it still has the default Ubot debug look.  Here's a screencap of what it looks like now:




    Here's what its supposed to look like:




    I put the config.txt file in my documents folder, was there something else that I was supposed to do that im missing?



  4. Pash,


    Im not sure if this plugin does this already (knowing you it probably does and I just dont know it).  Lets say I have a text file called Names.txt.  The text file contains the following









    Is there a way I can get a line from the file (whether it be the first line, random line, or the last line), and remove that line after getting it? For example:


    Get First Line From File (which would be Billy)

    Remove Line After Take


    Would be really helpful if something like that existed.

  5. Hmm. Not really sure if this is what you are looking for.

    Switch to Code view.

    Select the Code you need.

    Copy it to the clipboard and then paste it into the new bot.


    Without code view.. well.. Get Code view :-)


    Or open the Ubot File (ZIP) and then copy the stuff from the .ubot files.





    Ahh yes, save different codes to separate text files labeled by name and recall them when I want? Perfection.

  6. there is a great deal more crashes with 39 than 21, and 21 still has its issues as well.

    I tend to try to stick more with the 4.2.20, but would be loving to use the latest in 39 for things once its more stable.


    I have clients reporting immediate crashes and no more than 30 minutes of run time before crashing


    TJ what do you tell your clients once they report these things, considering there is little to nothing that you can do to prevent the crashing? How do you manage things on a customer level to keep them satisfied?

  7. @Nick,


    2 questions:


    1. Could you elaborate a bit on both the purpose of functions, and commands, as well as how they're different? After closely examining the example robot provided to us in this thread, I noticed that there is a functions tab, and a commands tab, and each tab has a "Define My Function" and "Define My Command", and im very hazy as to what each is supposed to do.


    2. I noticed in your Defines you have Parameters, and Returns.  This is something that I havent seen alot of in my limited experience of Ubot, and I think learning it in the beginning would help us all out on getting off to a great start.


    Thanks as usual bro!

  8. Nick,

    Thank you VERY MUCH for sharing this with us! I have 2 questions if you wouldnt mind me asking.


    1. You said: 


    "Typically, I put commands and functions in their own tabs and when I compile I hide them so users don't see them."


    Is hiding the tabs in compile a basic feature to compile (I havent compiled my first bot yet), or is there some secret sauce to this as well?


    2. You said:


    "When I build a command I do so in the tab I am making it for initially. Then I go to code view (ctrl + i) cut it and paste into commands tab where I need it to go."


    Do you leave the command in the tab that you were making it for initially after you've copied and pasted what was in code view into the commands tab, or do you remove it?

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