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Posts posted by a-harvey

  1. Not sure if this will do what you want, but I use it to ammend the data etc showing when your roll over an exe created by another software product I use.

    Its supposed to be white lable but shows who they are if you use this function of the software ahhhhhhh!




    It may solve your problem, certainly does work for me in changing some of the created detail.


    once you change the details you need to hit complile and then save - it will create a duplicate


    hope this helps


  2. Hi,


    New here so sorry for just asking for some help in the first instance, hopefully be able to offer back advice myself when I get into the software.


    I am trying to scrape the following data from this url, move to the next page if it exists and place into a csv.




    Lot number




    I then need to move to the next page if one exists so I am able to grab all the details for the one sale.


    So far what I am able to do is scrape all the date from the one page but not move to the next etc.  I have place the items inside the look and outside but must be missing something!


    Using the if next button command, does it matter the fact its got an offset ?


    here is my code, its working for the first page fine, a minor issue in that the lot is scraping two additional elements but I can delete these later to make all the same number. 

    Is how I have done it the best way.


    Many thanks



    clear table(&saleroomscrape)
    clear list(%scape)
    clear list(%title)
    clear list(%Lot number)
    add list to list(%Lot number,$scrape attribute(<innertext=w"Lot *">,"innertext"),"Delete","Global")
    add list to table as column(&saleroomscrape,0,0,%Lot number)
    add list to list(%title,$scrape attribute(<href=w"http://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/1818-auctioneers/catalogue-id-sr1810075/lot*">,"innertext"),"Delete","Global")
    add list to table as column(&saleroomscrape,0,1,%title)
    add list to list(%url,$scrape attribute(<href=w"http://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/1818-auctioneers/catalogue-id-sr1810075/lot*">,"fullhref"),"Delete","Global")
    add list to table as column(&saleroomscrape,0,2,%url)
    save to file("C:\\Users\\Andrew\\Desktop\\saleroom.csv",&saleroomscrape)
    loop(15) {
        if($exists($element offset(<class="next">,1))) {
            then {
            else {
                stop script

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