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Posts posted by sacofpotatoes

  1. Great thanks! removing the eval seemed to fix that part of the code, however its happening in a different part now, and after it happens once here, just like the last one it screws everything up and ubot needs to be restarted again before it will work. Here is the part where it is happening now.


            set(#Board Name,$scrape attribute(<class="boardName">,"innertext"),"Global")
            click($element offset(<class="thumbImageWrapper">,1),"Left Click","No")


    Specificly it happens at the set #Board name.


    Do you see anything wrong there?


    Thanks for all you help!

  2. sure I was able to do a bit more digging, and the issue starts here 


            set(#Random Number,$rand(3,32),"Global")
            set(#Random Board,$eval($multiply(2,#Random Number)),"Global")


    for some reason instead of multiplying "random Number" by 2 to get "random board" it turns random board into "True" then later on it tries to scrape a URL ( which doesn't really have anything to do with that part of the code) and it also returns "True" then the only way to get it to run again is by restarting Ubot in its entirety then it will work until it does it again.


    Here is the second part that returns true


            add item to list(%UsernameURL,$url,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
            set(#username1,$replace($list item(%UsernameURL,0),"https://www.pinterest.com/",""),"Global")





    Edit: it seems to happen the second time the script goes through the loop, the first time it works fine. then the second time it tries to set the random board it sets it as "true" instead.

  3. The Variable is unique, and I have tried to clear the variables using the set command and just leaving what I set it to blank, it still seems to do it. I have also changed the variable to a list and then cleared the list after each loop and it seems to set the list to "True." at this point i think its something in my code that is screwing up because it not only sets the URL variable to "true" it sets another one as well. and when it does this it seems to screw up multiple things that have nothing to do with these variables. for instance after it happens it can no longer log in because it will no longer input information in the password portion of the login area while running or stepping, however if i run that portion of the code manually even after this it works fine.


    is there another way to clear specific variables without using "clear all data" because there are some variables that I do not want to clear.



  4. Hi, Thanks for the response,


    I don't think that is the problem as it will hang on that process for hours, it almost seems like it will hang until I stop it. I am running it now through ubot with show errors on, and am about to write an autohotkey script to automatically press continue every-time an error pops up and see if that solves the problem.

  5. I have a bot that seems to be able to run correctly most of the time but for some reason, I would say about 1/40 times, when it uses the "create table from emails" command it just stops there and does not continue. does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?




    Edit: it actually seems to be a problem with the connect to mail server command.

  6. thanks for the replies,


    Brutal I do not believe that is the issue because the bot will be working fine and then it will stop, and I can just leave it alone (and have) and it will not do anything for hours (I have to restart it to get it to work). 


    KrazyLarry, I suspect the problem is a coding issue but I have no idea where to turn to look farther into it, do you have any idea what type of coding issues might cause this so I can do some research and figure it out?



  7. HI,


    I am new here and tried to look around for this problem but could not find anything, nor can I figure out what exactly is causing it. I have a bot that will run fine for a random number of loops (usually under 40) then it will just stop at a random step, the browser will not freeze or anything, I can still manually interact with the page, but ubot just seems to stop issuing commands to it and it just sits there. any ideas?



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