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Sebastian Rooks

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Everything posted by Sebastian Rooks

  1. ahah, That's kind of what I was thinking. I think that once I reach the capacity of the edition I've got, I'd be willing to spring for the last upgrade. But for now I've still got so much more to learn.
  2. "Script Error Error: Source "myfilename"-> ui html panel" Sorry, I'm sure that's not super helpful, but that's all that it tells me.
  3. Hey thank you so much! This looks like exactly what I'm after, I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. "Follow this topic", who knew? When I try to run it, I get an error for "on load". Limitation of professional edition, maybe? But it works for me when I remove that part. Thanks so much. I'm sure so many things are going to be built in the future using what you've shown me. Unfortunately, I get an error for the ui html panel also. But at least my problem is partly solved, and I'm learning new things!
  4. Hello UBot community! I've been using for about 3 weeks now, and I'm more excited every day. So far, I've managed to put together some little bots that are actually helping me, and I'm thrilled about it, and what I think I'll be able to do in the future. Now, I'm starting my first scraping venture and I feel a little lost. I've been searching/googling/youtubing, but I can't figure out which commands, or set there of, that I need to be using. If someone could guide me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. I'm not expecting anyone to spell it all out for me, just point me in the
  5. So, here's the problem I'm having. What I want to do is be able to load account data from a .csv to a dropdown menu, so that I can select which account to log into one at a time, instead of going through all of them. I found this code on this forum that works for me using ui drop down, but the rest of my bot uses the UI Editor, so I have to have this is a separate tab. That just can't be right, and helping a brother straighten that out would be much appreciated. How do I make this code work with a drop down in UI Editor without making my head explode? clear table(&npip) create table f
  6. Thanks LJ, I really appreciate it. I'm setting it up to run through a list of existing accounts. The plan is to replace existing existing account data with new account data. Many thanks, good sir.
  7. Thank you both for your help. I guess this is something that I still don't understand. I feel like I've tried every different attribute available in the menu, but for some reason it doesn't seem to want to recognize that the element exists. Clearly I don't know much about html (but I'm super excited about learning). When I click in the Name field above the bio, Ubot recognizes it as a text field. For some reason it's treating the bio field differently, and so far no attribute I've tried to select has cleared the box for me. I've tried innertext. Even with exact match, knowing that it would
  8. I'm trying to use the CHANGE ATTRIBUTE command to clear twitter profile text fields. I can't get it to work for the bio field. for the Name field it reads <username field>, and changes value to $nothing without trouble. I don't know what the deal is with the bio field. I've been trying <name=user[description]>, but it only seems to recognize it if the field is already empty. Can someone tell me how to overcome this? Either an alternate way to clear the bio field, or the right CHANGE ATTRIBUTE settings? Thanks!
  9. I tried to scrape the buttons, but I don't really understand that yet. I'm sure I'll get my head wrapped around that soon enough. Roughly 12 solid hours of trying to figure out this problem later, I got it. Turns out it had nothing to do with my code, Javascript menus, or calling the define. For some reason, sometimes, when an account logs into Twitter, and clicks the icon for the drop down menu it goes straight to settings instead of toggling the menu. Once I figured out where the problem actually was, I solved it by looping my click command while the dropdown menu did not exist, and the
  10. This is Ubot Day 5 for me! My first bot made a lot of progress yesterday thanks to what I've learned from this forum, now I've run into another problem I haven't been able to figure out. I'm working with Twitter. There are Javascript buttons and dropdown menus that need clicked. I'm experimenting with changing the attributes of selected elements (I don't understand best practices here). I've also experimented with using the click image option. Through a combination of those things, in a DEFINE, I can click through and it does what it's intended to do. In this case, it's to start from the a
  11. I really appreciate the encouragement and the help. I'll go over it now and see if I can't clean things up with your suggestions. Also thanks for clearing up the non auto updating variable. I feel more comfortable knowing that it's supposed to be that way. I tried adding the missing INCREMENT to the second loop while. It fixed something, and then it broke something else. lol. Now that part works, but when it moves to the next section, it skips one on the list. I think I'm going to try to rewrite what I'm trying to do using more DEFINES, IFS, and ELSE IFS, and less LOOP WHILES. I don't kn
  12. Hi, everyone. I'm new to this. I've been working with Ubot for 4 (solid) days now. I'm really excited about everything it is capable of but I'm having a pretty difficult time getting started. I've watched many of the tutorials, and done a ton of reading. I'm having a hard time getting some things to flow right, and I could really use a little guidance. I have no previous coding experience, and could really use a push in the right direction. I hope I'm in the right place. For my first bot, i'd like take a .csv of twitter account info, Username, Password, Proxy, import that to a table, Then
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