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Everything posted by byrne1916

  1. why don't you share it here? It can't be that hard, it's only a small part of a big bot.
  2. I tried what you said but as you can see it doesn't work for me, it keeps upping the same image. still not switching.bmp P.S do you not sleep John? lol
  3. Yeah, I tried but it just does exactly what the other way does, it keeps loading up image 1... I've put in a loop and each time it re-uploads the first image in the folder. (I have that selected as the file to upload) Does the command $next list item not mean it would go to the next item in the list? I'm after trying to use a zipped folder so I wouldn't be targeting just one image, but instead it just tried uploading the whole folder. I'm sure this is painfully simple here. Gona keep at it and see if I can figure it out...
  4. Hi, (second post for the day!) I'm using tagged.com and I just want to upload 1 image per account. I can automate uploading images fine, BUT when I go to switch to the next image my script just keeps uploading the same image file. I've tried using the increase feature but that didn't work right, I'm pretty sure this is really simple, and an experienced ubotter will just see what I'm doing wrong right away. I've attached a screenshot of what working for me at the moment, if anyone can just tell me how I can get the script to switch to the next image when I go into my next account I'd
  5. Man thats some tidy code! The wild card you used was just the ticket... I have to admit it was a torture for me. My way is a complete mess, it's just mouse clicks everywhere and even a loop. I have it looping because most times Its on the second time around things get selected... very odd. The reason mine looks different is because tagged are beta testing a new tool bar so some accounts have a different layout than others... talk about hassle aye! The video and code was more than enough, I can't say thanks enough John! I'm returning to ubot after a long break and my head is thumping... j
  6. Hi, Please the attached screenshot! I just can't select this button no matter I do, I'm trying to make a bot that will put skins on new profiles. I also get an error when I first select "change skin"... sometimes it loads and sometimes it doesn't..? I give a delay command to give it time but sometimes it just won't load up, I'm guessing it's just tagged being a badly programmed site. Gilesy
  7. No I never "compiled" a bot, I'll look around the forum now! Sound for sending such a fast response dude, I really appreciate that! I've better things to be doing then updating forum settings, I tried there but couldn't see anything to switch, I'll try again when I'm not too busy
  8. Hi, I have the Pro version of ubot and I emailed myself a bot I created and tried running it on another computer but it won't run? I remember when I didn't own ubot I could still run ubot bots? I reckon the answer is in the tutorials somewhere but I don't fancy watching them all just to find out the answer... it must be something simple I'm forgetting? I also searched the forum but couldn't find a thread. Thanks alot, Giles
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