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Everything posted by ugakebet

  1. Oh darn.... oh well, chalk up another one for the enhancements again.
  2. Hey John that's what I'm saying. But is it possible to add the $element offset as well? Because ubot automatically uses the element offset option but it doesn't work for all the sites I want, hence I try to use the OR, but then I can't add the $elementoffset as well. I don't want to undo things as I've already got some sites working with $elemntoffset and would have to recode that portion again then, which I don't wanna do
  3. i am trying to register and on one site i can use type text($element offset(<email field>, 0), #forums_email, "Standard"), but at times it doesnt match the offset, so in such cases i only want to match the <id="email">. how do i go about incorporating both in the type text? basically i want something like this (but using $element offset OR <name="crap">) My link
  4. what i mean is how do i click and drag the farm left and right
  5. how do i navigate through the farm though?
  6. the question says it all, it is possible to do it with ubot? I mean, the clicks blah blah... Coz i cant really select flash as attributes...
  7. Well that makes 2 of us, but i seen what you were trying to do, i managed to get it to work through a very complex method, thank you. But i still dont understand why everything was being returned as a list for regex. Thanks again
  8. ummm... but i dont want to use a list as im already getting confused with the number of lists that i have The code im using is <id=$find regular expression($list item(%forum_names_demo3, $list position(%forum_names_demo3)), "(?<=\\,).*?(?=\\,)")> So if i have to use a list, then i have to add the list and add the regex to it, then change the above code to point the id to the 0 pos of the new list, then this new list needs to be cleared and reset everytime while im looping through the forum_names_demo3 list.... see how many steps. and zap, i tried everything to remove the global
  9. c'mon guys a little help, my bot has been stuck for the last 4 days because of this and honestly speaking ubot 4 is quite bad, 3.5 was better.. Who said that they learning curve of this s/w was easy, it is too tough (php was easier!)...
  10. ummmm... apart from returning position 0, any other way around? (just asking) bcoz currently im using change attribute(<id=$find regular expression($list item(%forum_names_demo3, $list position(%forum_names_demo3)), "(?<=\\,).*?(?=\\,)")> blah blah as u can see, im not adding the scrape to a list and i dont want to either. now what ------------------------------------ just to make things much clearer, i use Gskinnera to verify my regex, now if u visit that site and type in co in the pattern box, u will notice that all the co on the page get matched (around 6 times), however,
  11. in that case, why cant u do if($contains($list item(%QquestionUrls, #FirststLevelQ), "content-nation")) { then { } else { remove from list(%QquestionUrls, #FirststLevelQ) } and loop through this
  12. can you post up your ubot here, its a bit complex to understand, why cant you use the $substring parameter to search for content-nation (it will match exactly in the urls saved)
  13. hi john and anonym, i have attached 2 pics, one from ubot3.5 and the other from ubot4. notice in 3.5 there is the option to return back 'single' or a 'list' while in 4, it automatically returns back a list. lemme know how i get back the single element in ubot4, or can u suggest a regex to do the same. currently i am using (?<=\,).*?(?=\,) as my pattern this is in 3.5 (notice the return type=single) this is in 4 (no way to specify return type)
  14. in ubot3.5 i could choose the first instance of regex, how do i do it in ubot4. basically i want to turn off the GLOBAL option (so taht only one instance gets selected from my regex (?<=\,).*?(?=\,))
  15. hi rumen, it doesnt work, when i use (?<=\,.*?\,).* it selects nothing at all if i use (?<=\,).*?(\,).* then it selects cfield_6,First and/or last name., but i only want to select First and/or last name.
  16. i dont understand, i want to match 'First and/or last name.' from 'Name::,cfield_6,First and/or last name.' (basically i want to match whatever is after the second comma uptil the end, again it has to be generic)
  17. i have tried to use ^.*\, but it doesnt work?
  18. i have this Name::,cfield_6,First and/or last name. and i want to get First and/or last name. how would i do that? also i was thinking of using the positive lookbehind for the ',' such that i could find the first character after the ',' and match till the end of the string, so i would use (?<=\,).* but this matches from cfield_6,Firstblahblah, how do i modify that code to match the second instance of the ',' i.e. the ',' before 'First'
  19. thank u rumen, just what i wanted, another small question, if i wanted to match everything except Name::,cfield_6, how would i do that
  20. hey guys, i have managed to save the following text and i want to select only whatever is between the commas (i do not wanna save the commas, and i need a generic code that i can apply for different items) Name::,cfield_6,First and/or last name. in the above code, i need to save cfield_6 (no commas) i tried to use regex or substrings but cant seem to get it to work. PS, this cfield_6 varies and so i dont know its length, which alphabet it starts with, which alphabet it ends with blah . all i know is that i jhave to choose the first character after the first ',' and end with the last chara
  21. I was creating a list and realised that i have to use the 'add item to list' rather than the 'add list to list', can you tell me whats the difference in the two also, how do i use the 'replace regex' in the 'add list to list'?? i cant seem to use it, i can use 'replace regex' in the 'add item to list', but then everything is added as one item only, i need every item to be on a new line.... any ideas
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