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Rasho Han

Fellow UBotter
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Posts posted by Rasho Han

  1. I am trying to make several bots that sign up to different sites for me, but I am at a point in my botting where I want to make better and more logical bots that do not break as easily and if they do they would report to me where the problem is.


    The huge problem I am having now is that I want to make each bot check for elements on a page and if they are there go forward with a "define" function. Now that part is easy and pretty cut and dry. However the part of "else" is what gets me. I had initially wanted to just return an "alert" error and then thought "what if I could loop a fix or reload of sorts a few times and then if they ALL fail I can return the alert?".


    I'll give a working example:


    I have a bot that so far goes to squidoo and clicks on the signup button, it then has an if statement that looks for the text "Create a new Squidoo account!" if the text is returned then it proceeds to do the fill in process I have contained in a "define" command. all is well! However if it does not find this text I want it to do something else, perhaps reload everything and start over, but only a few times. I know that if I just put the commands that go to squidoo again and try to click, that it will just get stuck in an infinite loop, and I don't want that obviously. So I decided to use a "loop" command, however I have no idea how I should be implementing this. Basically my question is more of a flow question than anything. I just can't wrap my head around it very well at all. Can anyone help me out in figuring what to do? This has given me no end of stress because this method of checks and balances is important to all the future bots that I make. I want to be a good ubotter and keep my personal tool arsenal strong and always up to date. My business depends on it.


    Thanks all!

  2. I believe the main reason not to own zenno is because it is run by people with little to no regard for their customers. Whereas ubot is run by decent people. Now of course there is no such thing as a businessman without some degree of avarice, it is nice to know that ubot is run with a far greater respect for it's customers and of sound business practices.


    The forum staff also tends to come off as a family of people, and that counts for a lot to me as well.


    Now add that to the ease of use of version 4, the ability to make exe's and it's constantly evolving system and you have something that is simply great! I honestly have a vision that ubot will one day be able to make more complex programs as close to a true programming language as possible. I also tend to believe that Seth has that same vision. That is why it is so much better than zenno, which is just a glorified macro recorder...

  3. A wiki would be a good idea as well!


    TJ, I agree with your post, however what about people who aren't forum goers or who don't even look at documentation? A lot of the market for IM and other web based business out there aren't exactly "smart". Not to sound crude or anything but over the years of marketing I have realized the sad and simple truth that if you want to market to the masses you need to be prepared to market to unintelligent people.


    Most people these days get a large portion of their computer education from youtube, and can't be arsed to read documents or forum posts, and many people still don't even understand the power of forums, or are "shy" or withdrawn.


    Now I know the answer to that argument may be "well then why the hell would such dimwits even need or want ubot?"


    So I answer with this... marketing is half delivering what is needed to those who want/need it, and half MAKING people believe they need it. I think that's truly some food for thought for the ubot staff, as to how to break out from micro niche market into a wider audience. Having extensive video training and video promotion is just the beginning of such a campaign.


    There are always people who are clueless and on the fence about buying ubot or similar programs, and most of them are the types that are also cheap or frugal. They would rather spend their money on football and basketball games for their xbox360 than something like scrapebox for instance. Hell most of the newbies on the warrior forum don't even own scrapebox, and don't even realize it can be bought for 57 bucks as opposed to 97. Now those people could be ubot clients, but the price scares them and their ignorance of what it can or cant do scares them as well.


    Then we have people who have done little research and still want to compare ubot to zenno. The various "on the fence" people are just sitting there waiting to be picked, but the marketing and tutorials are not doing the picking. After all, indecisive people are looking to be coddled, that is an important factor to sales. Some may think of tutorials as more of a courtesy to the community or a privilege, but honestly if you want to increase sales of a product it NEEDS to cater to the masses.


    I'm trying to illustrate the obstacles that are in place here that keep ubot from reaching it's full market potential.


    Finally, the people who aren't directly in IM or SEO or anything like that. How are they reached and sold to? That's a lot tougher, these are the people I spoke of that marketing is designed to attract by MAKING them believe they need it. That is done with clever marketing and outside the box thinking, the same thing that commercials do on television. "Do I really need a sham-wow? Maybe it may be handy, wow look at what I can do with it, I'm sold!" That is what ubot sorely lacks in both it's training videos and it's marketing videos. It's only really attracting intelligent people who most likely will just learn a normal programming language some day anyway.



  4. More tutorials would always be nice. I think the biggest problem with the current ones now is that things seem to be covered from the perspective of people who are coders by trade to begin with. The main problems I have seen are, moving fast without explaining things as deep as they could be. Sometimes the tutorial may come of as rushing through things, especially without editing in post production. Of course editing out useless parts like dragging a node into the bot creation panel multiple times, or skipping over something to move on, and other various flow ruining mistakes (*John!*) :P . Something that seems so rushed or curt is never good for learning.


    Understanding complex things sometimes takes the theory and philosophy to be explained rather than just the practice, that is another thing missed by all the tutorial sites and especially the video ones by the ubot team themselves. I believe that the pinnacle of tutorial producers is 3dbuzz.com honestly something to look at if any of you plan on making tutorials or continuing to make them. Those people approach tutorials in such a way that a moron could learn php or C# like a pro.


    I must say the best site of all is John's but still he seems to hate post production and sometimes feels unprepared.


    While still on the subject of tutorials, ubotbuddy asked before what specific nodes need going over, and I would have to say; All the simple things that can be built upon on ones own like: understanding how to use lists (making,adding to,outputting, and adding to), apply proxies in different ways, how to combine features and use nodes to support each other, rotating and looping, if's, etc etc. Of course each of such tutorials should also reflect the theory behind what is being practiced. That really is of paramount importance to people without coding backgrounds or to those who may over complicate ubot for some reason or another. It is sometimes hard to believe how easy some things are to do, I guess it's just human nature to over complicate.



    Honestly I think that with really good tutorials ubot can take a much stronger hold on the market, especially since when you break down much of what it can do and how easily it is once learned: it beats the pants off zenno poster... People need to see that, and right now they do not.

  5. Hi Eddie,

    I just finally got around to checking this thread again. Personally I would like to see some form of SQL Server Compact Edition incorporated into ubot. In other words it's own functioning database, not simply a connection to an outside database. The closest example I can think of is the program "SEO Link Dominator" by Steve Hawkins. It is a tool that imports link pdf's and lists into a database and stores that along with signup info for semi automated filling of manual link sources. I can't think of a better example, however the program "Sick Submitter" version 4 has a newly built database with custom query building so that all of the info in any given SEO campaign that are done within the program can be accessed and edited.


    Hope that gives you a good idea of what I mean. I mainly think it would imporve the higher level uses of SEO projects.



    What exactly would you like to see in terms of databases? Would you like to be able to connect to external databases and execute SQL on them, where you would get results back as tables?


    I guess I would like to know what features you feel like you need databases for?


    Thanks :)

  6. Hello all,

    I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to force a specific gender based name in a bot I'm working on.

    Basically there is no gender in the form I'm filling out, but I want to be able to allow the end user to pick either male or female and have that reflect in the account signup's username and or first name. The way gender is chosen now in ubot v4 it is either male female or any, so is it even possible to pass a variable from the UI to control which is chosen for the first name?


    I have a dropdown set with either male or female as selections and was thinking of how to use the set command on this. Any insight/ideas? thanks peeps!

  7. I use oracle XE and Application Express because it is web based and can run in a browser. But the forms and "apps" must be made within it. I know how challenging it is to use databases in general, never mind with ubot. The need for database management in applications today is becoming stronger. I know I would love to see this built into ubot as well! Hope to hear good news soon! :D

  8. That's the company we use, they are VERY good, hope it gets added ;)



    Thank you all for the names! Really appreciate it!


    Great idea Tessel, but right now our number 1 priority is with UBot Studio. That could be something we could look into for the future.


    For proxy companies, we recommend http://anonymous-proxies.net


    We tested their proxies and they are compatible with UBot Studio.


    Use the IP authentication method. It does not rely on log ins with usernames and passwords but it is still secure.

  9. I have been messing with regex to try and get this to scrape only the text of a tweet. So far regex has been the hardest thing to learn and understand for me. I tried the following with no results, I have no idea why it does not work, it seems al together for me. I'm using regex magic to generate the regex needed.


    \b((<span id=))"msgtxt[0-9]+" class="msgtxt en">.{32,}</span>\b


    @"\b((<span id=))""msgtxt[0-9]+"" class=""msgtxt en"">.{32,}</span>\b"


    @"\b((<span id=))""msgtxt[0-9]+"" class=""msgtxt en"">.</span>\b"


    (\<((<span id=))"msgtxt[0-9]+" class="msgtxt en">[\s\S]</span>\>)


    Those were generated by using this as an example

    <span id="msgtxt62628851133591552" class="msgtxt en">only text and spaces here!! Yeah</span>


    The actual message had a bunch of url junk and I just replaced that with the message "only text and spaces here!! Yeah" so that I could read it better.


    Here is the bot, for further reference. I really believe it is something simple I am missing.

    Tweet Scrape A5b.ubot

  10. Aol's "Retype Password" How would I clear that before having my bot input the password there? I have tried clicking on it with "click button" and tried clearing it with a blank type but nothing works. Anyone know of a workaround for this? Thanks!



    Hmm never mind, it seems sendkeys to chosen actually works, I tried it then it hung for like 5 minutes for some reason, after trying again it worked like a charm!

  11. Wow it works like a charm! It still picks up the @ but I believe that can be fixed by using the advanced search to filter out such stuff, that is what I will work on now. When this is done I am going to make it free in the buy-borrow-steal section.


    I plan to make it grab stuff in more than 1 page too. This will be a bot to scrape the tweets so that people can use them for blog commenting. Pretty nice idea huh?


    Is there a way to order and organize the list in a better way? Like into a csv file and have 1 tweet per line?


    My inital idea was to make this a comment scraper for blog commenting and release it as a paid bot (something cheap) but since praney has been such a help that would be immoral and douchy so I will gladly release it to this and other communities freely :)



    Thanks Praney! And thanks to the rest of the great ubot community, we are small now but I have a feeling soon there will be a lot more people getting this badass software!

  12. I have been trying to find out how to scrape tweets to a list without all the hash tags and member names but can't seem to understand it all. I have a real hard time understanding what to do with regular expressions but I believe that is the only way to do it. I have tried wildcards with msgtext to no avail. Maybe it is the scrape chosen attribute that I have wrong? My goal is to scrape the tweets for just whatever the person wrote, and not anything else, then to order it in a readable list.


    Here I have included what I have made so far, I wish I had not taken a vacation from botting or maybe I would get it by now...

    Tweet Scrape A4.ubot

  13. Hey all!

    I am trying to make a plugin updater that takes from file on your pc and uploads it automatically to a webpage via "browse" within the web page. Firstly is it possible to input this file from ubot to the webpage browse window via the selected file in ubot's "browse". And secondly if so how?


    If this is not possible any other ideas on how it could be done?

  14. I have done something that updates plugins and the install of wordpress. That is fully functional, but what about the ftp uploading of wordpress? How would that even be handled? Once uploaded I can easily have the installation part done.


    Also working on adding in "plugin from file" uploading to a finished site. In testing phase now...

  15. Awesome! Thanks guys! So much good info!


    I'm going to play around with a few different mail providers, for me they must be pop to work with my programs like sick submitter and seo link robot and article marketing robot. I don't think I'm going to put one up for sale or anything but who knows.


    Praneys hotmail bot was very detailed and complicated! but i learned about capcha breaking with it and that was great! Thank you all! I love this community :)

  16. Hey let me ask you something - if you had access to the ui customization but without the license removal, would you be content with that?


    I would love more ui options in all versions yes! Is this a possibility?


    Also what exactly does "remove the license" mean? the "powered by ubot and you" link on the bots or does it mean something about the actual studio when working on bots?

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