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Posts posted by msimurin

  1. I checked up with Seth and UBot Studio does indeed support iframes. If you could go into details as to what you are trying to achieve, we would love to help you with it.


    As for Multiple Tabs - why would you need them?


    I guess he meant multithreading form submit with multi tabs, like senuke does for example, would be neat to have in ubot for faster job.

  2. I imagine it as something like:


    - select node then press enter to run node

    - left click on page element defaults to chose by attribute

    - while holding right click and selecting element with left click=change chosen attribute


    or simply, select something with left click then press for example c(for change chosen...), d(decode chosen captcha)etc...

  3. That's awesome man thanks! It's the easy stuff you don't think of that always cool to see. (I'm but a simple caveman, your modern ways befuddle me. :D )


    I've been using google.com -> search on keyword -> click show options -> click blogs.


    This gives you a list of blogs that google thinks your keyword is related to. I figured if google thinks they are related, that may help when I backlink to them too. No proof of that though. That's a lot of links either way.


    actually thats great idea with relevance and google

  4. When i use checkbox it works perfect in ubot code, soon as i compile it it seems the exe ignores the if and evaluate checkbox false or true part inside. Anyone else experienced this?


    So for example, i have checkbox that sets ubot to use or not to use decaptcher.




    Chose by attribute(captcha image)




    #decaptchervariable - evaulate = true



    use - decaptcher this image


    if #decaptchervariable - evaulate = false


    use - decode this captcha manually



    chose by attribute captcha enter text field


    change chosen attribute to $captcha



    I tested this inside ubot dev tools with source and it works PERFECT, soon as i compilte it BOOM skips the if parts with evaluate... and just continues clicking on submit information button....


    I also noticed if i first click checkbox in compiled bot few times(i guess to warm it up) it works fine, unless i touch this then it simply doesnt work.

  5. So, right now i have a huge bot that i dont know what it doesnt do and i feel stupid seeing this little thing makes me ask for help.


    Its about check box. I just dont get it how to use it with if command. For example to navigate to google if its true and to nav to yahoo if its false?

  6. I don't know what you mean. I had clear list at the top of the script so I removed it and put it in another (connected script) and cleared it that way instead but I still have the same problem. Does it matter where you put "clear list" in the script? 


    It's almost like it has something to do with line positions.


    Did you set list position to 1?


    Remember that it starts with 0,1,2,3,4 etc...


    Still i see no need to set list position to anything when creating new list since it starts with first place by default so just try to remove any set list positions


    Othr then that you might be adding something to list that has no value or seems blank to ubot and it just adds blank space, thats my guess.

  7. That tutorial was very good, thanks for pointing me to it.


    I have a CSV file as follows.


    1) URL, username, password.

    2) URL, username, password.

    3) URL, username, password.

    4) URL, username, password.


    I want to be able to (at every run of the script) have the URL set as the NAV, but then on each repeat of the script have the next URL in the row created.


    I therefore took my master list (as above) and created a list from this text called "URLS". That url list is then cleared before running and I can use the $list item to specify the position in the values to take the URL (in this case 0).


    As I do not want to run this in a loop, because there are some user inputs that have to be done manually, I am having problems telling the ubot to goto position 0 of the next URL (from bullet item 2) in the list above). If I use the next list item, ubot will load username into the nav (from bullet item number 1).


    How can I make ubot goto a new row and the same position every time it runs.


    I've attached a graphic of where I am at.



    why not simply make a list for urls and another list for login data? that way you can use next list item

  8. Ok, seems we are getting somewhere, could you guys(who used this with ubot) just lay down some examples how to use it?


    Since reg exp is found when choosing attributes i am assuming they are used to locate anything on the website and chose it by attribute right? Now good thing would be to have some examples to sart with this...



  9. The problem with email verifing is that most of email inside sections are in framset or javascript, its impossible to find html tags or anything to grab links


    Does anyone have a clue what to do about this?


    I was trying to find free mail service with option to recognize chose by attribute but it seems there is no way to do this with ubot, or i am missing something?

  10. Ok, i claim not to be expert with ubot or the best lol but i feel like i pretty much can do most of stuff with it atm and i feel it was easy to learn. So there is no tutorial section yet here and tutorials are kinda spreaded apart which maybe makes it hard for newbies to organize themselves and find a good place where to start, or how to start that is.


    So first thing to do and is very important part, so read on....


    - go to download.com and get vdownloader(this will alove you to save tutorials on your hard drive and its important to have them there, i ll explain later why)

    - head to vimeo.com and search for "ubot tutorials"

    - now open vdownloader, paste the url of every single tutorial there and save it to your hd and vdownload will also convert it to readable video format(or you can just copy link from your browser and it will be autoadded to vdownload)

    - When that is done this is where interesting part comes. Assuming you are totally new go ahead and open ubot tutorial 1(which is your start), now assuming you are using windows media player or any other program do this, right click on the top window bar and make sure you chose "always stay on top"


    Example picture:





    What this will let you do is having ubotdevtools open while creating bots(or following tutorial) while having ubot tutorial videos open and on your screen in the same time which will make it alot easier to follow what is inside the video and do it in real time yourself in ubot.


    Example: Seth starts script 1 he picks chose by attribute and after that change attribute, you simply pause the video, do it yourself in ubot and try to understand what is going on. Imo this is the best way to learn because you are not only following 30 minute video trying to memorize stuff, you are doing examples in REAL TIME, which goes directly inside your BRAIN CELLS. Remember that experience is much more valuable than just learning and trying to memorize. - This is why it is important to save videos on your HD because if you use IE or Firefox you will constantly need to switch back windows from firefox video to ubot which will make a mess of your thoughts and much harder to follow and concetrate then applying things and watching vid in same time.


    This way i built myself keyword google tool done in tutorial by simply following everything in the video, and experience of this was really invaluable when learning Ubot.


    - Start from Easier tutorials(tutorial 1) and move on the harder stuff the more you get better


    - Soon you will reallize everything falls in place and you will see Ubot is really nothing and i really mean nothing hard to learn, it just takes few hours to fammiliarize yourself with it. After that its just matter of experience.


    More good information:


    - http://ubottutorials.com

    - http://ubotlibrary.com




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  11. This is easy, i could explain it but better check seths tutorial on keyword google tool, you can find it on vimeo.com


    Its the part when he starts scraping data to check competition, just watch that part and you will understand.


    Just a hint: use $page scrape on <cite> tag as this is google html tag for links, its really simple to do.


    You could also go to advanced search options and use link format for nav that shows 100 results, it will go much faster if you do this.

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