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Posts posted by itexspert

  1. Yelp doesn't give you the option to see Emails YellowBook Does as well as Yellowpages but these sites mostly offer the same exact data so i would not hope much for emails i am sure you could get phone numbers etc...


    I Know cause i build Yelp as well as Superpages Scraper,Yell,YellowBook,Yellowpages,Spoke.com scrapers in the past.....


    Anyway I hope you sell a lot of Copies! 

  2. Release Date: 15/9/2015

    Great to have You Back Here Guys Our Brand New Manta Leads Generator V2.3 is Out.
    SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE>>> PM - Me http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif 
    REBRANDING AVAILABLE>>>>  PM - Me http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif 
  3. Release Date: 2/9/2015

    Great to have You Back Here Guys Our Brand
    New Manta Leads Generator V2.2 is Out.
    Manta.com Scraper Will Scrape:
    SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE>>> PM - Me :rolleyes: 
    REBRANDING AVAILABLE>>>>  PM - Me :rolleyes: 

    Get ASIN = Get URL

    sample asin to url

    set(#html,$scrape attribute(<id="atfResults">,"innerhtml"),"Global")
    add list to list(%asin,$find regular expression(#html,"(?<=data-asin=\").*?(?=\")"),"Delete","Global")

    You are a genius,i actually realized just how tired i was when i saw your simple solution when i woke up this morning.


    Thanks Pash!

  5. Hey guys i seem to hit a snag i have been working straight for 4 hours on something and now a friend of my wanted me to incorporate something different to help him sadly my brain is half dead and i need your help:


    I am on this page:




    What i am trying to do is download all HREF-s Direct links to Products Listed you know like:






    If anyone can help please do i am stuck on this one!

  6. I just checked everything and all systems are fully operational. No downtime or issue whatsoever. 


    Login problems are individual and related to single accounts. If I receive a support ticket I will work with you 1:1 and resolve the problem.


    Kindest regards


    I Would just like to State as a fact that Dan is a great guy and he helped me with both Exbrowser issues and Xpath issues and in every instance every error i got was due to my own lack of knowledge about both of these software's so keep that in mind when you are working with Exbrowser Plugin.



    Now to other topic,Hey Dan will you Incorporate Exbrowser Current URL Parameter  you know in Ubot we have $url but i didn't saw anything like this in Exbrowser for now,is this possible?


    Kind Regards!

  7. I am simply surprised by over-delivery of itexprt, within one month they are releasing the update , while most software creators wont bother updating although many of them will promise to update, these folks released a much needed update for instagram. I will definitely be buying and testing more products of itexperts in future. Thanks for your great commitment to over-deliver for your customers.

    Thank you ,i am glad you find our product Useful!

  8. NO!


    Hollywood does not deserve even more Money than they already have.


    MPAA is the worst kind of organisation and its no wonder nobody wants to work with them that is why they are "Looking for new programmers" its bad enough everyday things are expensive as hell now they want everyone to start paying for music and movies??


    Torrent websites or Server piracy trough services like Simply Debrid or Real Debrid will never end cause quite frankly there are 99% of people who watch movies and they don't have much.


    There are only 1% of Rich idiots who are trying to make even more $$$ out of the 99%.



    I am not saying that artists and producers should not be payed or anything,its their product and they deserve to get payed,what i am mad about is the prices that Hollywood sets these days its just too expensive.


    Music is well not as expensive as it used to be but its still pretty steep.


    Movies on the other hand are disgracefully expensive and that is why piracy will exist for as long as Movies and Music is out there.


    Think about it Why would anyone pay for movies?? Its like paying for P0rn!


    What i mean is the principle is the same,MPAA cannot protect their products in fully They tried to Stop PirateBay 7,8 times in 4 years till this day this website exists and they have over 2,5 million downloads weekly,that's how un-competent MPAA is !



    Personally i will not join them cause their cause is doomed to fail because people will find new ways to keep piracy alive.


    That is my opinion!

  9. Instagram Marketer Pro v1.2http://itbots.net/uploads/3/5/3/7/3537892/8255405_orig.jpg


    We released New Update for Instagram Marketer to help everyone to avoid detection from Commenting on Pictures, main new feature is the ability to create Spinned Comments to Avoid any form of Detection by Gramfeed.
    We Continue to Update and Improve our Software as promised.
    If you need Compiled Bot or Source Code please Let us Know! :) 
  10. First Post Updated The Gig sales Were Updated basically in 3 months of Promotion we made 500$ ----> I Know it doesn't seem like a lot, but our Girl that works on This Gig really made it with our Software!
    And Check For Yourself to Summarize:
    2 Months of Use of Our Software (She did the Rest on her Own)!
    85  Sales (Only 81 Reviews)
    500$ Made (Proof Below) 
    So As you can See Our Strategy Works as Described.
    Best Regards you Guys and Remember All Sales are Private so PM us if you want a piece of this!

  11. I had the opportunity to test the software and I must say that this is a great software that worked extremely well , excellent work and on the top of the day great support when I was facing some technical challenges, I would highly recommend this to anyone


    Thank you Bud I am Glad you find our Product Useful!


    There will be a sale soon you guys if anyone is interested PM me!


    Best Regards!

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