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Posts posted by arunner26

  1. Hi,

    I need your help again...


    See my NOTE above: The first three commands you would probably want to put in their own define and call them by button or onload.

    It will look something like this if you skip the define and just put the 3 commands in the on load command:


    on load("Bot Loaded") {

         clear list(%Usernames)

         create table from file("C:\\Users\\Andy\\Documents\\AccountsList.csv"&AccountList)

         add list to list(%Usernames$plugin function("TableCommands.dll""$list from table"&AccountList"Column", 0), "Delete""Global")


  2. corvuscorax,

    Here is some code I have for that:

    Note: The first three commands you would probably want to put in their own define and call them by button or onload.


    clear list(%Usernames)
    create table from file("C:\\Users\\Andy\\Documents\\AccountsList.csv"&AccountList)
    add list to list(%Usernames$plugin function("TableCommands.dll""$list from table"&AccountList"Column", 0), "Delete""Global")
    ui drop down("UserNames:"$text from list(%Usernames","), #UsernameSelection)
    ui stat monitor("Username Used For Login"#UsernameSelection)
    ui stat monitor("Password Used For Login"#PasswordSelection)
    ui button("Login") {
    define LoginCode {
        set(#TableLookupIndex, 0, "Global")
        loop($list total(%Usernames)) {
            if($comparison(#UsernameSelection"="$table cell(&AccountList#TableLookupIndex, 0))) {
                then {
                    set(#PasswordSelection$table cell(&AccountList#UserNameFoundIndex, 1), "Global")
                else {
            set(#TableLookupIndex$add(#TableLookupIndex, 1), "Global")
        comment("--- add additional loging code here ---")

    • Like 2
  3. Could be a lot of things. Without seeing your code it's hard to say. But if you switch between tabs while your bot runs.. That could explain the issue.


    Yes, it is difficult to debug without seeing the code.

    In this instance the code is debugged already and runs like a champ in UBOT 4.

    Start to finish thru many steps and consistently finishes.

    In 5.5.11 it continues to run but stops adding to the lists.

    In addition, the problem moves around and starts happening some where between 30 and 40 iterations of the loop.

    I think there may be a memory issue lurking in 5.5.11


    I have seen that bug of switching between tabs and I am not doing that; however I do have a define in each tab 2-7 which is being called by the "controller" in tab 1.

  4. Bealad00,

    Yes, I did see that error yesterday actually. I was changing the value of a column within a loop that was the subject of comparison in the loop while command.

    I changed that column used in loop while to another variable. Once done with changing the original variable inside the loop I set the new variable used in the loop while comparison.

    Sorry if the answer is confusing.

    I think there was a timing issue.

    That seemed to solve that issue above but eventually I moved the whole project back to UBOT version 4 from 5.5 because of other issues.

  5. fastlinks

    Thank you for your time spent testing.

    I may have over simplified what is happening with my list of what the bot does to shorten the description.

    There are 8 tabs in my bot, each with its own define. The problem one we are talking about is the first to run.

    It may be that the fact that the code is in a define and is called that is the problem.

    Yes, fastlinks my code in the define is similar to your example code and I do have the wait for statements in there.

    The bottom line is that I don't think I have a coding error because when I run the bot in UBOT 4 it runs through perfectly.


  6. fastlinks,

    Thanks much for your time to test. You missed what I said the problem was.

    UBOT 5.5.11 works well until it reaches 30 to 40 keywords then stops adding to the list.

    My test has 57 keywords.

    You have only 12 keywords in your test.

    Also the other two things my loop is doing is building two other lists to become columns in a table.

    1. keywords found (some URLs are duplicate)

    2. Date added for each URL


    1 and 2 become columns in a table later.

  7. Trouble with UBOT 5.5.11.


    The first part of the bot I am writing does this:


    1. Enter keywords

    2. Create a search phrase from the keyword and search Google.com

    3. Scrape all the URLs from the first page of the Google SERP for the search phrase.

    4. Add the URL results to a list.

    5. Repeat 1-4 for all the keywords in #1


    UBOT 5.5.11 can do between 30 to 40 keywords before it stops adding to the list. It keeps on running but does not really function properly.

    The place where it stops working is random even when running the same keyword list.


    I put the code back into UBOT 4 and it ran flawlessly for the whole 57 keyword test with no problem.


    I guess its back to UBOT 4 for me. i'll try 5.5x again in a few months.

  8. automaton,

    I don't think there is a way.

    I think one big feature missing in UBOT Studio is an "ON ERROR CLAUSE".

    With an "ON ERROR CLAUSE" control of the program when an error is encounter is passed to code that can decide what to do about the error condition.


    When I encountered this problem with connecting to an email server I switch over to sending emails using a webpage.

    • Like 1
  9. pftg4,

    Excellent suggestion. I tried many different user agents and most did not work.


    The one that seems to work well is Safari.

    I guess the html code for that browse needs to be simple and so it works.


    The other thing I learned in the process is that when posting to a Yahoo Answers question that the answer may only appear to the person posting it when they are logged in.

    I am wondering if the answer does not show up to the whole world until it is moderated. Time will tell about that.


    Thanks, I really appreciate the help.

  10. Hi Ubotters,

    I'm trying to use UBOT to submit an answer to a question on Yahoo Answers but the Yahoo form does not appear to work in UBOT browser.

    I can use UBOT to type the text in the form and click SUBMIT but the nothing happens and the answer is not posted to the site.

    Has anyone seen this and do you have a way to make it work?

    Thanks in advance to those who respond with ideas.

    This is how the form looks in UBOT (and it does not function):



    This is how the form looks in FIREFOX:


  11. itexspert,

    The local machine IP is assigned by the customer's internet service provider.

    The way to change the IP that appears to websites on the internet is by using proxies.

    If you want it to be transparent to the user that the bot is switching IPs then I would have the bot scrape a site on the internet for free IPs and rotate those as the bot is used.

  12. itexspert,

    I would not leave my proxies in the bot.

    I would have the bot read a csv file or txt file to retrieve their proxies and ports.


    In my proxy checker sample code below I have the file location hard coded.

    Before I sell the bot I would change that hard coding to a button where the customer can select the file with their proxy IPs and Ports in it.



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