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Posts posted by arunner26

  1. itexspert,
    Check out the script below as one solution to grab those phone numbers not starting with 9:

    Don't forget to change the URL below to the full URL (milanuncios.com/ofertas-de-empleo)


    ui stat monitor("Numbers To Save:"%numbers)
    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")
    wait for browser event("DOM Ready""")
    set(#loop, 5, "Global")
    set(#loopindex, 0, "Global")
    clear list(%numbers)
    set(#ContinueLooking, 1, "Global")
    loop while($comparison(#ContinueLooking"=", 1)) {
        click($element offset(<class="i5">#loopindex), "Left Click""No")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")
        set(#WindowOpen$scrape attribute(<class="cerrarw">"outerhtml"), "Global")
        if($comparison(#WindowOpen"="$nothing)) {
            then {
                set(#ContinueLooking, 0, "Global")
            else {
        set(#number$scrape attribute($element offset(<class="telefonos">, 0), "innertext"), "Global")
        if($comparison(#number"!="$nothing)) {
            then {
                if($comparison($substring(#number, 0, 1), "!=", 9)) {
                    then {
                        add item to list(%numbers#number"Delete""Global")
                    else {
            else {
        set(#number$scrape attribute($element offset(<class="telefonos">, 1), "innertext"), "Global")
        if($comparison(#number"!="$nothing)) {
            then {
                if($comparison($substring(#number, 0, 1), "!=", 9)) {
                    then {
                        add item to list(%numbers#number"Delete""Global")
                    else {
            else {
        click(<class="cerrarw">"Left Click""No")
        set(#loopindex$add(#loopindex, 1), "Global")
    save to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\scraped phones.csv"%numbers)
    alert("Processing Complete!!!")

  2. I Use HMA Pro VPN,i never liked Proxies so my bots have HMA Support since all my customers already use it so bots can change IP automatically while HMA is Running and for me its the best way cause VPN are much Safer than Proxies Unless you use Private Proxies which i think its expensive but hey everyone works differently!


    You said while "HMA is Running".

    Do they give you a program that you run outside UBOT to make the VPN connection?

    Can you change your IP whenever you want?


    Just trying to figure out how you use VPN with UBOT.

  3. Hello,

    i have tested with private Proxys in your format (IP:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD), but it dont work. What to change for Username and Password?


    You would need to make a change to add set proxy credentials command:


                change proxy("{#AccountsProxyIP}:{#AccountsProxyPort}")


                set proxy credentials(#AccountsProxyUsername#AccountsPassword)


  4. The format of the file I used for the sample is:


        NOTE: Change the file input location before you use.



                   IP:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD    (Note: My code loads username/password but does not use them)


    The separator in the text file is colon.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi arunner, This is really helpful. How do you accomplish your technique of making sure the correct account is linked to a specific IP? Have you ever used VPN's or just straight Proxies?

    What I do is create a CSV file. Each row of the CSV file has all the information needed to use a proxy and also on that row is all the information needed to login to an account (such as a Yahoo Answers account, etc.)

    So I loop through that CSV file and put the proxy in place, then login to the account and do the work and then logout and repeat with the next row from the CSV file.


    Here is a link to a post where I show looping thru the CSV file to check the proxies. What you would add to that code is logging into an account and doing some work after checking the proxy.




    No, I have not used a VPN with UBOT but would like to know more about that.

    • Like 1
  6. Wiri,

    A dynamic IP means that the ISP can change your IP address at will without any notice.

    This is opposed to a fixed IP that does not change.


    My ISP uses dynamic IPs and generally my IP changes about once every six months or so.


    So if you have a process that hammers a site with dozens and/or hundreds of requests and you don't use proxies they will all be coming from your IP (which probably won't change during the run).

    The best technique I have used is to associate a proxy address to an account. That way when the account logs in, it comes from the same location every time like a person would.

    Then when the next account logs in it is coming from a different proxy IP address that is always the same for that account. So many hits on a site from different IP/account combinations.


    Hope this helps.

    • Like 1
  7. Looking great. 


    Can it edit elements?




    Hi Dan, no it can't.


    That's something that would be very difficult to add and to be honest I don't really see a great need for it. If you plan out your ui before-hand there should'nt be too many problems.




    Thanks for adding the ability to edit elements. It seems like you have come a long way since you wrote the comment above. Good for you!!

    Rock On!!

    • Like 1
  8. rkinks35,

    Yes, private proxies are the same an as ONE IP address.

    I'm not sure exactly how VPNs are used, maybe someone could explain that to us both.

    I don't make large numbers of accounts. I have been making BOTs where I have 5 to 10 accounts and each account always is assigned to the same proxy.


    So I login to a site with an account using its particular proxy, do whatever I came to do, log out, and then login wth the next account. etc.


    I'm not sure exactly what people are using huge numbers of accounts for unless they are selling them to other people.

  9. stacy,

    You just click on the box you want to type text into and drag it to the command area of UBOT Studio and release the mouse click and it will drop a type text command into the program..

    I don't know about weebly but I have noticed that that it does not work on some sites.

    I had to set the user agent to safari to get some of the commands working on yahoo answers.

  10. Hi arunner26,


    yes  you definitely can open up and add to and/or make changes to saved ui's at a later date.



    Thanks for clearing that up.

    Dan had asked the question "Can it edit elements?" as the first question and you had said no. So that is why I have been wondering ever since.

    "Edit the elements" must mean something else.


    By the way, when one buys the product, do you have a training video that is included with it?

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