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Perle Gouthier

Fellow UBotter
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Posts posted by Perle Gouthier

  1. The reason that gmail is hard to bot is not because of the dropdowns and the coding of it.... but of the fact that gmail suspects quickly that you are using a bot and will have verification mechanisms in place to stop using bots. Even if it works well the first time.

    Good luck anyways..

    I already know ^_^

    I am keeping account creation to a minimum, I will be using it more for posting and liking stuff on G+


    Hehe....how nice. If only my mother would bought me UBot at 18. :)


    I don't think the download exists (according to this discussion), so I guess you would have to contact the support, I think they should be able to help you getting v4.


    Yeah, Gmail is being quite pain in the ass...after a few quick tries I got it working with this:

            click($element offset(<class="goog-inline-block goog-flat-menu-button-dropdown">, 0), "Left Click", "No")
            wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "")
            wait for element(<class="goog-menu goog-menu-vertical">, "", "Appear")
            type text(<id=":0">, "December
    ", "Standard")

    I'll try it out now! :D ( btw, yes my mom is a total sweetheart! I consider Ubot my sweet 16 gift! :D )

  3. Welcome aboard,


    I think its great you've gotten a head start at such a young age.


    You can manipulate the dropdowns by changing the user agent to ie6.


    But I would say that starting out with a gmail account creator might not be the easiest things to do.


    Gmail is notoriously hard to bot.


    Good luck,


    thanks, well I am really ambitious, after all it's all I can do for my family's business... :)

  4. I did it, but used a csv file with a list of emails/user names/passwords and went and created account, then logged in to that account, checked email, changed proxy and started all over again. Slower without threading, but since I was aiming to emulate a human the speed didnt matter. As you test, put them into success and failed lists so you know.


    Hope this helps

    AWESOME! how did you do it exactly?

  5. Ive removed your other 2 duplicate posts, please make sure to post the question in the proper section of the forum, and only needs to be posted once.


    yeah sorry about that, my browser's really slow I accidentally double-clicked


    at what stage are you stuck at making it?



    uploading image and text, I got the whole logging in to facebook thing covered, but I can't post images and text within the group

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