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Everything posted by tnhomestead

  1. I think they call you, but dont remember for sure.
  2. Aymen -- never did get the latest emaiil for the update, when you get a chance can you check it out? Thanks
  3. had a system crash so need to download my plugins again, and you cant accept pm messages. Thanks Greg
  4. I setup a csv file, with my emails/passwords formatted as I wanted. Then used create table from file to load the table. I then set a loop variable to 0, looped through the file, starting at row 0 and cell 0. After that the rest is a piece of cake, used wait with random numbers to slow it down to human level. I will post the code on my new tutorial site later this weekend when I get a chance.
  5. I did it, but used a csv file with a list of emails/user names/passwords and went and created account, then logged in to that account, checked email, changed proxy and started all over again. Slower without threading, but since I was aiming to emulate a human the speed didnt matter. As you test, put them into success and failed lists so you know. Hope this helps
  6. Ok I setup the email wizard, then go to setup the email verify, ubot then crashes every single time. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Wizard says its connecting to the server(hotmail) but this is driving me batty! Thanks
  7. New to Ubot, wrote a few functions and when closed they went POOF, up in smoke like Cheech and Chong! So the question is, how do I save them for long term use and reuse? I have a standard license, but the ability to build a code library of functions is vital to me.can I save them as exes and reuse them? Tried to Google, but not much information on the define and how to save the functions/commands for long term reuse. Thanks for any help, hope there is a way to do this, too lazy to learn c#! LOL Well learning it anyway.
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