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Posts posted by tnhomestead

  1. If someone else ends up needing this, I set a thread before I call the FTP connect, the thread is just a 45 sec wait and an if test. So if the FTP works, i set the connect variable to true, and the bot runs normally. If at the end of 45 sec the connect variable is still false, it pops up an alert about invalid name/password etc and then stops the bot.

  2. Okay, the ftp connection was working fine,then it started acting up on occasion -- now has stopped working! http://keepmysitesafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Ashampoo_Snap_2017.01.11_12h26m50s_001_.png

    This happens on every call to ftp, and its always object reference error. Have deleted all copies of ubot, and reinstalled and still get the error. Anyone have any ideas?

  3. Problem seems to be that if the connection details are wrong, you never get to the next line in the code. Before compiling, you get a pop up from the connection wizard if your details are not correct (ie unable to connect) but after compiling if the connection details are wrong your code seems stuck, and even the pop up doesnt show. I have an alert before and after the connection to ftp, the first one shows but you never get to the second one. Thinking of maybe trying a timer in a different thread and give it 60 to 90 seconds to connect, if not done by then show an error message.

  4. PHP 7 is the same(pretty much) as 5.6. Any tutorial that teaches 5.4 or better PHP will work to learn from. Even an earlier version of PHP is fine, just download WAMP or another such system to your computer and play. There are a couple good tutorials on Udemy, one has over 50 hours of content. And a lot of tutorials on youtube as well. A good place to start is here at http://www.w3schools.com/Php/, its not the best but it will give you a good primer on PHP. I was at a launch perty for 7, and one of the core devs told us all the new changes -- you wont notice the changes for 7 for a while.Thats why right now even most open source projects run fine on 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6.

  5. Okay, maybe use 3 lists -- one with data, another to track the data. IE list 1 is Chicago, New York, Memphis and list 2 is your used list and list 3 is your random list. Get a random list item from list 1, add to list 3 and save the item location to the used list(list 2). On the second  random to the last one, do a random number, check to see if its been used or not from list 2. If it has not been used save the item to the list 3 and save the item location to the used number list(list 2), if the item was used already, then get a new random number. This would allow you to build your csv pretty easily, leave your original list of thousands intact for future use and when you need a new list built, just delete the entries in the used list and start over.


    Hope that made sense and helps!

  6. Money doesnt rule everything or everyone -- I lived off grid not for money but for fun. And we already have found proof of alien life -- look up the WOW signal!

    But without money, we starve -- or the government takes our computers and property to pay taxes! 


    But back to my journey, had to work the last few days so not as much done as I wanted. The site is close to done, just a few last tweeks to make. The first page for the first bot is done.and the video for the the bot is finished -- I love Camtasia!

  7. Well got a few steps done! First bot is running and testing, tutorial site was moved to the new server and is running. The bot site is moved as well, and just needs tweaking to finish, also added help desk(Hesk) and have that up and running. 




    The things that will separate you from others is a simple bot and it can do just only one thing, but does it better than others as you don't need a ton of features.  Second your customer service, as this is very important in the beginning to build your reputation and trust. Also do not sell your bots for cheap as your customers will not value your product as much as they should, the average price point for my stuff is around $50.00.


    Thanks for the ideas -- I agree on customer service being number 1, and want to make sure my bots will do it better! The last one, my first bot will be cheap, I dont think its worth a huge amount. The second one is going to be at least 100, maybe a bit more per copy.



    Make sure you are working on a project every day in Ubot and you can easily reach your goal.


    Good point as well!

    well time for bed, got a long day tomorrow!

  8. Okay, I am going to start this to help keep me on track to my goals. I have had Ubot for a while, never used it much though. But now I am in a position where I want to be more independent and I think(hope) Ubot will help get me there. While I do not have a background as a marketer, I do have one in teaching and programming.


    So my goal is simple -- I want to make 3K a month so I can work at home instead of leaving every day! To that end, I am going to work on 3 things. I probably should do one at a time, but I prefer to work on more than one project. 


    First -- bots for sale! I have one in beta, with another finished and an upgraded bot for the third. They should be ready in the next week to sell, so will use the market here, WF, BHW, JVZOO etc for sales as well as my own web site.


    Second is a tutorial site for Ubot. I am writing short tutorials whenever I run into a problem or something crazy, on the grounds that if I get stumped others will too. The goal is to sell acess down the road, but also to get people to hire me to write bots.


    The third part is really not Ubot per se, but I have several domains that I will start pushing to get the customer visits up and try for more sales/conversions.


    And last ( yes I know that makes 4 ) I will be releasing small bots from time to time for free to get people to come back to my site (hopefully) and see if they will buy an upgraded version of the same bot.


    Today is get the sites up and running day, I have transferred them of my colo server to a cheaper server for now, and will be upgrading my server specs after it is shipped back to me. Then I will colo in Atlanta I think, if needed I can get there in 6 hours to work on it.

    • Like 3
  9. Thats hard to answer because there is a lot of information left out such as memory of the bot, are you scraping a 10 million item list or having 40 users connect at once? I would suggest a smaller server to start, you can always expand if needed. For SEO, I use a server from Powerup, Hosting due to unlimited bandwidth its cool to run scrapers/etc and that vps is only 1GB ram, but will easily handle 20 to 40 threads at once on 4 different tools.

    With that said, my old server is being shipped back from Turnkey Internet to be upgraded a bit, that will have 64GB ram, 2 TB hard drives and dual quad core processors -- and thats not really a big server. If you need specs like that, usually its better to buy a server and colocate it somewhere. As a cost estimate, it runs me about 70 a month to colo my server and it would be a couple hundred to lease it. 


    Good luck

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah you cant hide the location of the support files as far as I know. For the first problem, just use Actual Installer or the Ubot Installer and bundle the support files in with the code. That way you can put them in the proper location and they dont need to be downloaded. 

  11. Dumb question, but you are installing the support files into the appdata directory, right? Compiling your bot now, I am having no problems compiling bots and running them with 5.9.2 and using actual installer for my installer.


    Works fine for me, but I did change the click element to use the submit button instead of your choice. Installed it on 2 computers is all, but thats all I have! LOL

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