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Posts posted by Cyrax

  1. this is exaclty what i went through and was very painful


    mine was also stuck on the spash screen then magically it just started, i don't know what helped it to start as i was doing all the things u mentioned.


    double click another ubot instance leaving the current stuck one as it is , it works sometimes if you do this


    best of luck

  2. This is a shame, people having to seek alternatives. I know how it feels as ubot is probably the most temperamental app out there. even free crap software on the internet is more stable. I downgraded to ubot 5, but still no joy . keeps crashing randomly. hell of a time trying to get it install and run in the first place. just a plethora of issues sadly.

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  3. i started using ubot again after a long long break. so yesterday i created a bot to scrape from a major real estate directory. 


    i purchased a list of us cities and areas for $49 , the list contains about 45,000 areas 


    my bot is searching the site for realtors based on the area and state code 


    the bot has been running now for 20hrs non stop 


    my file size is currenlty 75mb full of urls  


    i have only another 42,000 areas/keywords searches to make


    and iam also very shocked because ive been using no proxies, just my normal isp ip !


    this may sound a bit odd, but genuinely i feel a bit bad , sad and guilty. 




  4. hello friends


    if one is running multiple bots at the same time, is it worth setting up virtualisation and running the bots independantly in each virtual box than running them all in the same os.


    reason i ask is because i have just upgraded to an i7 4770, it has total 4 cores and 8 threads. But still my system  gets very very laggy sometimes to the point that i have to wait several seconds for characters to appear when i type and mouse pointer moving ultra slow, even when the task manager shows cpu at 30% usuage.


    i have 16gb ram which only get used 50%. i have even disabled firewalls but still the same.


    any thoughts ?





  5. hello friends


    I been yearning for a new monitor for a while now, was hoping to grab a deal on black friday then christmas, sadly still stuck with a 1920 X 1080


    i am in a dilemma as i can't make my mind up if i should go for


    a) 27inch 2560 X 1440

    B) 32 inch 2560 X 1440

    c) 34inch ultrawide 3440 X 1440



    Do you use any one of the above if not do you have any suggestion for a monitor which you find great for working with ubot.



  6. Hello freinds


    the following script seems to just scrape the first 2 pages , but after the first 2 pages it still cycles to the next pages but doesn't scrape the numbers like in the first 2 pages.


    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")
    add list to list(%numbers$scrape attribute(<id=w"gvContractors_*_lblTelephone">"innertext"), "Delete""Global")
    loop while($exists($element offset(<tagname="a">, 104))) {
        click($element offset(<tagname="a">, 104), "Left Click""No")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")
        add list to list(%numbers$scrape attribute(<id=w"gvContractors_*_lblTelephone">"innertext"), "Delete""Global")


    i havn't made a bot in a while so maybe i am missing somthing obvious.


    any advise will be much appreciated


    Thank you


  7. i see there is a very popular plugin called http post plugin.


    does this plugin imply that ubot is not capable of making http post request with all it's built in features.


    i mean it just sounds absurd hat one has to buy a plugin to make http requests.


    whats your view, do u think ubot should natively support http features , since http is pretty much how bots communicate with other websites/servers.



  8. Advantages:

    Much faster than working with the browser


    thnx for the detailed explanation, just one question. Is it faster because you don't have to wait for page load ?


    say i have made a bot which goes like this:


    step1: navigate to url

    step2: wait for page fully loaded

    step3: click on button


    so with the http post is it that it skips step2, because technically it's not required because iam not using the browser

  9. i suppose this might be a dumb question. but i will ask anyway since i am so curious to find out.

    i am wondering what happens to the code that's generated after we program our bot and run it.

    my thoughts :

    is the code converted to JavaScript and than loaded inside the ubot browser. or is it independent of the browser, ie always external, where the ubot software is using our code to jointly work together to control the behavior of the html pages in the browser.

    Any advise or direction to some resource will be greatly appreciated


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  10. hi just starting to learn ubot again after long break so got a lot of catching up to do.


    Do you think it's necessary or good practice to set the user agent to firefox or ie, to prevent the host webserver from scrutinizing our activity and raising flags.


    or is the ubot browser seen as a normal browser and gets the same treatment. ?



  11. hello friends happy new year. Just wondering if there are others like myself who have been motivated and inspired to make a start in learning a programming language.


    I have decided to embark in PHP and have been learning it for a about 3 month now. I was initially in a dilemma as to whether l should learn python or php. but i eventually decided to learn PHP because i was already using wordpress, and since wordpress will be a kind of playground for me to apply my new php skills.


    Has ubot inspired you to learn a programming language ?


    if so which language are you learning ? and why did you decide to learn that language?



  12. Guys thank you for the freindly encouragements. I have taken time-out to learn php and mysql. So i can be better equiped to use all the ubot features.


    i am following a really amazing book called "head first php & mysql" , iam half way through the book and absolutely loving it since i can see my self using ubot like a pro.


    i always wanted to learn programming and bought the php book i mentioned over 3 years ago, but never actually studied the book until now. Thnx to ubot.

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