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Posts posted by jambon

  1. Got an email today about UBot Studio X pushing me to pay $97 for an update. This is actually the second email I've got in the past few months about it. Though when I go to the site I see nothing about it - there is no mention of a "new version" to speak of.


    Checking the Ubot timeline page it only shows updates till like 2016. https://ubotstudio.com/site/thank-supporting-us/


    And the news thread on the forum here hasn't been updated in like 2 years!


    The only mentions of this new version seems to be people on the forum pissed that it isn't working and looking to downgrade to version 5 again. Has no official marketing effort been made for this new version yet? No video demoing new features? No new screenshots? No comparison to version 5? No detailed explanation of what is supposed to make this new version so special?


    Is there literally ANY reason to even CONSIDER upgrading/paying for updates right now? Apart from the emails saying things like "this is a HUGE update" and "this is easily the BEST version of Ubot Studio we've ever released" - there has been ZERO information I can find on the site that shows this version has even launched fully, let alone explains what sets this version apart and makes it a "must-have" update.


    Am I completely missing something here?


    Don't get me wrong - I'm excited for a new version of UBot Studio and would happily pay for the updates. I'm just frustrated that it's been so hard to find information about it.

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  2. Hey there, wondering if anyone knows of a plugin that will allow me to have autocomplete setup for text fields in my UI.


    Something where as you start typing in the field it will try to autocomplete the phrase in the textbox from a list. If anyone knows of a plugin that does that please let me know.




    (Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section).

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