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Everything posted by gavner25

  1. Please help!! I need to paste new html to replace the current html in the 'edit html' section of tumblr. However, when i use exbrowser type text or type text 2 or change attribute, it simply wont work. Can someone give me advice?? See video link to see the section im referring to. https://www.loom.com/share/2722fa31dda94c11b640f97115418822 Gavin
  2. Ok, thanks. I did just change to firefox instead and it worked fine.
  3. Thanks but when i use this i get the same error as with all other ccommands i have tried. 'no such frame element is not a frame.......(session info: chrome=75.0.3700.142)(driver info: chromedriver=2.43.600210(68dcf5eebde37173d4027fa8635e332711d2874a).platform=Windows NT 10.0.18362x86_64) Source: scripts external browser main-> -> run plugin command
  4. How do use exbrowser to type text into this iframe html editor in the link below. How do i use the switch to iframe feature.? https://www.loom.com/share/db3684b035254859883a3322fdcdaac3
  5. Just to add. This text box im trying to fill only works with the 'id' and nothing else like @class or @type
  6. How do i use the type text feature on Exbrowser with a variable that keeps changing each time i post an article. This works: //*[@id=cke_930_textInput] but the "930" changes to a different number each time it loads. How can i get around this? Do i use the 'contains' feature or wildcard or something ?
  7. ok, can you explain what the document text function is for ?
  8. Hi, For some reason im stuck trying to scrape the urls from the blog h2 titles on this page using exbrowser http://carsandauto.over-blog.com/ I have tried all of the different xpath variables with the href attribute using the Exbrowser scrape list elements attribute function. e.g x://h2/a x://h2 x://*[@id=content]/article[2]/h2/a x://article[@class=post] but i dont get any results in the debugger??
  9. Thanks guys. It actually worked by by adding the {ENTER} command in the type text node.
  10. thanks for that code. It still does not work for me though. It still gets stuck when pasting the url ??? (
  11. I don't have exbrowser. Can this be done without it?
  12. I'm having an issue adding urls to tumblr when either posting a video or a photo. If i use the 'type text' command tumblr wont allow to click the 'post' button. However, if i manually paste in the url using ctrl v or right click paste it allows me to click the post button. See the video here. I first tried to use the type text command, then i manually pasted it in. https://www.loom.com/share/4bd9ae6b46e449eaba3279c25618eaee
  13. I just want to be able to click on the "latest" blog on the page each time i publish a new one. How can i do this?
  14. Where can i download a previous version of ubot. I want version 5. I had upgraded to 6.0 from 4.2 as i havnt used ubot in years, but i see there are many issues with 6.0. So where can i find earlier versions?
  15. Hey, thanks. Sorry im new to ubot so im not sure where i would put that command. Can show me exactly how to do it ?
  16. I have a blog here, and i want ubot to be able to click on the latest blog on the page each time its created. On the right side you can see 3 blogs. How can i configure ubot to always choose the latest one at the top of the list? see blog page here https://speedcarsairports.blogspot.com/ Can i do a search for the title of the blog (which i have in a text file) and select the title based off that? or is there another way to do it?
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