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Everything posted by DjProg

  1. Great that's what I need. Most of the time my script crashes because for a reason or another the choose "didn't choose" (most of the time because the attribute as a different name, i'm targeting a plateform with multiple versions and multiple language and the scraping with scrapebox can't tell me if i have a version X or Y or language A or B of the plateform) Thanks for your help i'll try il tomorrow.
  2. Hello Lilly ! I'll look into this, the problem is not that they are displayed but that they are stopping the script. I definetely CAN'T, that's the whole point of this "analyzer" bot : get me the URLs which could work with the "posting" script. I'll try I already added Delays. The problem is actually NOT with the "choose by attribute" but with the following "click chosen"... The "choose by attribute didn't chose anything so the "click" is crashing. Any idea ? And is there a way similar to the old 'GOTO' to skip one iteration of the loop in case a crash appears ? Thanks for yo
  3. Hello Guys, New ubotter here ;-) Well i'm not a total newbie as i've been programming about 5 years in the past. So far, I'm able to do tons of things with Ubot. However I find myself facing a real issue : how do you handle errors (especially in loops) ? Do give you an idea of what i'm doing and why it's so important : - I'm going to create a bot (how original ;-) ) - Before this bot can run, i'm doing a "target website" analyzer bot - This Analyzer Bot will go to about 1K websites, visit a few pages and check if these pages are 'standard' - By "standard" the bot will just look if th
  4. Hello Ubotters, I have a few very easy questions : i'm working mostly on MAC OSX, and sometimes either use a virtual windows XP with VMWare or use a separate XP computer. The question 1 is : Can I install Ubot on both machines with only one licence ? (Off course I assume I will not be able to use it on both machines at the same time, but I want do be sure that at least I can have the choice to use it on my MAC windows virtual machine or on my old XP machine) The question 2 is : will it run without any problem on a virtual XP with VMWare ? Question 3 : Does someone knows when a "r
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