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Posts posted by esthonwood

  1. Hi guys! I'm working on logging in to a client's website but when I do it on UBot, a popup appears instead of normally redirecting to the user dashboard. When I log in using a regular desktop browser, the popup doesn't appear. I have already used the "user agent" command but it still doesn't work. Could it be that their website detects that it's a ubot browser and prevents it from logging in? How do I get around this? Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions!  :)

  2. Hi everybody! So I'm making a bot for a client and I encountered a problem in the login process.


    When logging in from a regular browser, a successful login redirects me to the user dashboard. But when logging in from UBot successfully, it doesn't redirect to the user dashboard. Instead it shows a modal or in-page popup with nothing on it except for the "Close window" link.


    Any thoughts on how to get around this? Thanks in advance. Cheers!

  3. What's exactly wrong with it? It works fine for me.


    What are you trying to do?


    Are you trying to check each proxy against each site? then yeah it's wrong. you will need another loop inside the thread.


    Maybe your proxies are bad?


    I would say proxies are bad cuz I used your code exactly and it worked fine with my private proxies!


    Hi TC, what I'm trying to do is open each URL (from the %url list) inside a thread. When you say it works fine for you, do you mean that the proxy is successfully changed and the URLs are loaded fully?


    You see, in my case, it would open the URL inside a thread and the browser address bar would indicate that it's loading the URL but the browser just shows a blank white page.


    Hi Traffik Cop, I've adopted the code from your proxy checker above. Any ideas why, when I add the proxy, the bot won't work? I'm sorry for continuously bugging you guys, but I just can't seem to make the proxy work in a multi-thread :( Any help is greatly appreciated.


    ui open file("Proxy file"#proxy file)

    ui drop down("How many threads?""2,3,4,5"#num threads)

    define createLists {

        clear list(%proxy list nest item)

        clear list(%url list)

        add item to list(%url list"www.google.com""Delete""Global")

        add item to list(%url list"www.bing.com""Delete""Global")

        add item to list(%url list"www.clusty.com""Delete""Global")

        add item to list(%url list"www.dogpile.com""Delete""Global")

        set list position(%url list, 0)

        clear list(%proxy list)

        add list to list(%proxy list$list from file(#proxy file), "Delete""Global")

        set list position(%proxy list, 0)



    set(#used threads, 0, "Global")

    set(#completed rows, 0, "Global")

    loop($list total(%url list)) {

        loop while($comparison(#used threads">="#num threads)) {



        loop process()


    define loop process {

        increment(#used threads)

        run procedure()


    define run procedure {

        thread {

            in new browser {

                code procedure()

                decrement(#used threads)




    define code procedure {

        if($comparison(#completed rows"<"$list total(%url list))) {

            then {

                add list to list(%proxy list nest item$list from text($random list item(%proxy list), ":"), "Don\'t Delete""Local")

                set(#poroxy$list item(%proxy list nest item, 0), "Local")

                set(#poroxy port$list item(%proxy list nest item, 1), "Local")

                set(#user name$list item(%proxy list nest item, 2), "Local")

                set(#password$list item(%proxy list nest item, 3), "Local")

                set proxy credentials(#user name#password)

                clear cookies


                change proxy("{#poroxy}:{#poroxy port}")

                set(#current url$next list item(%url list), "Local")

                navigate(#current url"Wait")

                wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")



            else {



        increment(#completed rows)


  5. If your proxy username will be the same as password, you need to change line bellow (else password used would be blank ""):


     add list to list(%fnProxy, $list from text(#thread current proxy, ":"), "Delete", "Local")

    ...since you don't want to delete duplicates in that case.


    the proxy name is not the same as the password.

  6. Ok, so I've made some changes on my code and I've set all the variables inside the thread to be local. It still doesn't work. I apologize for bugging you guys, but I've been at this for days and I can't make the proxy to work inside the thread :( Any ideas?


    comment("Proxy is in this format: IP:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD")
    ui open file("Proxy"#proxy list)
    clear list(%proxy list)
    add list to list(%proxy list$list from file(#proxy list), "Delete""Global")
    clear list(%url list)
    add item to list(%url list"www.google.com""Delete""Global")
    add item to list(%url list"www.bing.com""Delete""Global")
    add item to list(%url list"http://clusty.com/""Delete""Global")
    add item to list(%url list"http://www.dogpile.com/""Delete""Global")
    ui drop down("Thread Count""2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"#num threads)
    set(#used threads, 0, "Global")
    set(#url list index, 0, "Global")
    set(#total urls$list total(%url list), "Global")
    loop(#total urls) {
        loop while($comparison(#used threads">="#num threads)) {
        increment(#used threads)
        set(#current proxy$random list item(%proxy list), "Global")
        thread {
            in new browser {
                if($comparison(#url list index"<"#total urls)) {
                    then {
                        comment("PLACE YOUR CODE TO ME MULTI THREADED HERE")
                        thread code(#url list index#current proxy)
                    else {
                decrement(#used threads)
        increment(#url list index)
    define thread code(#thread url list index#thread current proxy) {
        clear list(%fnProxy)
        add list to list(%fnProxy$list from text(#thread current proxy":"), "Delete""Local")
        set(#fnProxyUsername$list item(%fnProxy, 2), "Local")
        set(#fnProxyPassword$list item(%fnProxy, 3), "Local")
        set(#fnProxyWithPort"{$list item(%fnProxy, 0)}:{$list item(%fnProxy, 1)}""Local")
        set proxy credentials(#fnProxyUsername#fnProxyPassword)
        change proxy(#fnProxyWithPort)
        navigate($list item(%url list#thread url list index), "Wait")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")

  7. You need define around thread if you are passing any parameters inside threads, so that parameters don't change while thread is running. In your case variable " #url list index" is set globally, which means it gets changed all the times, even when it shouldn't...when thread is running and it expects constant value. I haven't reviewed TJ's threading, but this here doesn't look good at all.


    Besides that, I've noticed you are using Global variables int thread, which means they all write into one variable...instead you should use local variables, so each thread has it's own version of variable.


    Ok, I think I understand it now. I will let you know how this turns out. Thanks so much for your help :)

  8. You need to have an additional define command around thread.


    I think thats the problem, and variable #url list index,is getting constantly changed (even when it shouldn't, inside running thread).


    I followed LoWrIdErTJ's multi threading example except that I removed the defines. Is it really necessary for multi threading to work to put the commands in different defines?


    Also, I don't think there's a problem with #url list index because the whole code works. It only stops working when I added the proxy inside the thread. Try removing the  setProxy(#current proxy) command from inside the thread code and you'll see that it works. 

  9. Hi guys, so the multithreading works with my code below but only if the "sexProxy" define is removed from inside "thread code". How can I make it work with proxy? Any suggestions?



    define setProxy(#fnProxyWithCredentials) {
        clear list(%fnProxy)
        add list to list(%fnProxy$list from text(#fnProxyWithCredentials":"), "Delete""Global")
        set(#fnProxyUsername$list item(%fnProxy, 2), "Global")
        set(#fnProxyPassword$list item(%fnProxy, 3), "Global")
        set(#fnProxyWithPort"{$list item(%fnProxy, 0)}:{$list item(%fnProxy, 1)}""Global")
        set proxy credentials(#fnProxyUsername#fnProxyPassword)
        change proxy(#fnProxyWithPort)
    ui open file("Proxy"#proxy list)
    clear list(%proxy list)
    add list to list(%proxy list$list from file(#proxy list), "Delete""Global")
    clear list(%url list)
    add item to list(%url list"www.google.com""Delete""Global")
    add item to list(%url list"www.bing.com""Delete""Global")
    add item to list(%url list"http://clusty.com/""Delete""Global")
    add item to list(%url list"http://www.dogpile.com/""Delete""Global")
    ui drop down("Thread Count""2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"#num threads)
    set(#used threads, 0, "Global")
    set(#url list index, 0, "Global")
    set(#total urls$list total(%url list), "Global")
    loop(#total urls) {
        loop while($comparison(#used threads">="#num threads)) {
        increment(#used threads)
        thread {
            in new browser {
                if($comparison(#url list index"<"#total urls)) {
                    then {
                        comment("PLACE YOUR CODE TO ME MULTI THREADED HERE")
                        thread code(#url list index)
                    else {
                decrement(#used threads)
        increment(#url list index)
    define thread code(#thread url list index) {
        set(#index#thread url list index"Global")
        set(#current proxy$random list item(%proxy list), "Global")
        comment("Multithread works when I remove setProxy below")
        setProxy(#current proxy)
        navigate($list item(%url list#index), "Wait")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")



  10. navigate("https://twitter.com/MariahCarey/media/grid", "Wait")
    wait for element(<class="grid-media ratio">, "", "Appear")
    focus(<class="header-subtitle js-nav">)
    loop(50) {
        type text(<class="grid-media ratio">, "\{DOWN\}", "Standard")


    Wow, this is awesome, thanks, zap! I didn't know about typing text to an element other than a textbox and using the word "DOWN". Is there a documentation for this?

  11. Hi guys, so I want to scrape the images in the media grid but scrolling down to the bottom doesn't seem to work. The media grid overlays the timeline. When I used the javascript to scroll to the bottom, it's the timeline that's being loaded instead of the media grid. When I use the mouse to scroll down, that's the only time that the media grid is shown.


    Any ideas? Here's my code:



    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")
    loop(5) {
        run javascript("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")



  12. I think you should convert $date to UNIX timestamp first and add the number of hours (converted into seconds). When those two numbers are added, convert the result back from UNIX to UBOT DATE.


    This one seems to be the best and easiest solution than my complicated function LOL! Thank you for your help :)

  13. I think you should convert $date to UNIX timestamp first and add the number of hours (converted into seconds). When those two numbers are added, convert the result back from UNIX to UBOT DATE.


    I created my own function, instead, but if mine doesn't work as expected, I will definitely try your suggestion. Thanks :)

  14. Hi guys, how can I add a user specified number of hours to the current date ($date)? For example, a user would input "6" and the script will need to add 6 hours to the current date. I have been using the datetime manipulation plugin but I can't seem to make it work. Any ideas?



    Thanks :)

  15. did it worked for you my friend. because i am having same trouble. the html ui can work on web browsers but not in ubot and complied .exe hmm even i imported jquery and js proper way

    Yes, it worked for me but I had to put all my javascript between the closing body and html tags :)

  16. This is the code for that element:


    But it's still on the page so you can't wait for it to disappear. I just use wait for everything loaded and then append an extra second or more of course if you want.


    That's exactly what I did. It's not an elegant solution but it works and suits my purpose. Thanks :)

  17. Use "wait for element" and provide the element you are waiting for, instead of using "wait" which adds a fixed delay.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm having difficulty using "wait for element" when scrolling to bottom of a page where it has endless scrolling, like tumblr. I couldn't "catch" the element long enough to capture it. Any more suggestions?

  18. Hi guys, I noticed that the wait for browser event command (everything loaded) sometimes doesn't wait for the browser to fully load especially when it's dealing with sites that have endless scrolling and/or when it is inside a loop. I need to add an additional wait command of a few seconds after it. Any way to get around this problem?


    Thanks :)

  19. Hi there, I created a whole HTML page with jQuery using my NetBeans editor and it works perfectly when I tested it on Chrome. When I copied and pasted it to the UI HTML panel and compiled it, however, it didn't work. The checkboxes wouldn't be checked, and the textboxes gets cleared right after the focus left. Is there a workaround for this?


    Here's my UI HTML Panel:


    ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>Tumblr Bot</title>
            <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">
            <script src=\"http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.0.min.js\"></script>
            <!--<script src=\"http://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js\"></script>-->
                body \{
                    background-color: #025076;
                    color: white;
                    font-family: Georgia, Helvetica, sans-serif;
                .image-header \{
                    float: left;
                    padding-right: 15px;

                .error \{
                    color: red;
                    text-align: center;
                $(function() \{

                function showProxySelection() \{

                function showAccountFileSelection() \{
                    <td colspan=\"2\">
                        <div class=\"image-header\"><img src=\"http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/087/6/3/tumblr_icon_by_slamiticon-d5z7n1k.png\" width=\"120px\"/></div>
                        <div class=\"image-header\"><h1>Bot</h1></div>
                    <td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td>
                    <td colspan=\"2\">
                        <div variable=\"#error\" fillwith=\"innertext\" class=\"error\"></div>
                    <td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"checkbox\" variable=\"#use proxy file\" fillwith=\"checked\" onclick=\"showProxySelection()\"/> Use proxy list file</td>                
                <tr class=\"proxy-selection\">
                    <td valign=\"top\">Proxy list:</td>
                    <td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"file\" variable=\"#proxy list file\" fillwith=\"value\"/>
                <tr class=\"proxy-selection\">
                    <td> </td>
                        * One proxy per line<br/>
                        * Proxy format: IP ADDRESS:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD
                <tr><td> </td></tr>
                    <td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"checkbox\" variable=\"#use account file\" fillwith=\"checked\" onclick=\"showAccountFileSelection()\"/> Use account list file</td>                
                <tr class=\"account-selection\">
                    <td valign=\"top\">Account list:</td>
                    <td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"file\" variable=\"#account list file\" fillwith=\"value\"/>
                <tr class=\"account-selection\">
                    <td> </td>
                        * One account per line<br/>
                        * Account Format: E-MAIL|PASSWORD|TAG

                <tr class=\"single-account\">
                    <td><input type=\"text\" id=\"email\" variable=\"#email\" fillwith=\"value\"></td>
                <tr class=\"single-account\">
                    <td><input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" variable=\"#password\" fillwith=\"value\"></td>
                <tr class=\"single-account\">
                    <td>Search Tag:</td>
                    <td><input type=\"text\" id=\"tag\" variable=\"#tag\" fillwith=\"value\"></td>
                <tr><td> </td></tr>
                    <td>Follow limit:</td>
                    <td><input type=\"text\" variable=\"#follow limit\" fillwith=\"value\" /></td>

                    <td>Follow interval (seconds):</td>
                    <td><input type=\"text\" variable=\"#follow interval\" fillwith=\"value\" /></td>

                <!--            <tr>
                                <td valign=\"top\">Scrolls to bottom:</td>
                                    <input type=\"text\" variable=\"#scroll limit\" fillwith=\"value\" /><br/>
                                    Note: Tumblr has endless scrolling. <br/>
                                    Enter how many times the bot will scroll to page bottom.
                <tr><td> </td></tr>
                    <td colspan=\"2\">Status: <span variable=\"#status\" fillwith=\"innertext\"></span></td>
    ", 450)




    Thanks :)


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