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Stormproxies And Http Post?

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Has anyone gotten uBot to work with StormProxies or other 'backconnect' provider and ubot? Below is a sample code i was testing. They say that when you make a http request to your single ip they provide you that they rotate the ip on the backend on each connection from their pool of 70k. When testing the code below though the IP does not change on each request in the loop. But if you stop the program wait a bit and start it again it IP will change but then repeat the new IP over and over. 

loop(20) {
    set(#soup,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "https://www.whatsmyip.com/", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36", "", "stormproxy-ip", ""),"Global")
    add item to list(%ips,$plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #soup, "(?<=Your IP<span class=\"hidden-sm-down\"> Address</span> is:</h1><p class=\"h1 boldAndShadow\">).*?(?=</p>)"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")

On the other hand if I use this code and the normal ubot browser then it works fine and changes on every connection.

loop(20) {
    change proxy("ip-address")
    set(#soup,$document text,"Global")
    add item to list(%ips,$plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #soup, "(?<=Your IP<span class=\"hidden-sm-down\"> Address</span> is:</h1><p class=\"h1 boldAndShadow\">).*?(?=</p>)"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")

Anyone have any ideas?

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Has anyone gotten uBot to work with StormProxies or other 'backconnect' provider and ubot? Below is a sample code i was testing. They say that when you make a http request to your single ip they provide you that they rotate the ip on the backend on each connection from their pool of 70k. When testing the code below though the IP does not change on each request in the loop. But if you stop the program wait a bit and start it again it IP will change but then repeat the new IP over and over. 

loop(20) {
    set(#soup,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "https://www.whatsmyip.com/", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36", "", "stormproxy-ip", ""),"Global")
    add item to list(%ips,$plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #soup, "(?<=Your IP<span class=\"hidden-sm-down\"> Address</span> is:</h1><p class=\"h1 boldAndShadow\">).*?(?=</p>)"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")

On the other hand if I use this code and the normal ubot browser then it works fine and changes on every connection.

loop(20) {
    change proxy("ip-address")
    set(#soup,$document text,"Global")
    add item to list(%ips,$plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #soup, "(?<=Your IP<span class=\"hidden-sm-down\"> Address</span> is:</h1><p class=\"h1 boldAndShadow\">).*?(?=</p>)"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")

Anyone have any ideas?


Just from a glance I suggest at least moving your HTTP code into a define, don't let that sit out for testing its probably not a good idea. Threads in Ubot work off defines and if you don't use one they can run on the same one and things could get weird. So at least start there.

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define start {
    loop(20) {
        add item to list(%ips,#soup,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
define testloop {
    set(#soup,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "http://mysite.com/ip.php", "", "", "stormip", ""),"Global")

Something like this also doesn't work. I made a simple php file to host at my site that only reports ip. 

define start {
    thread {
        loop(20) {
            set(#soup,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "http://mysite.com/ip.php", "", "", "storm-ip", ""),"Global")
            add item to list(%ips,#soup,"Don\'t Delete","Global")

also doesn't work. 


Something about http post isn't being counted as a unique request when using their service. 

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Looks like a issue with http post. If I change it to Heopas and this code it works fine again. 

define start {
    loop(20) {
        set(#soup,$plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas HTTP Get", "http://mysite.com/ip.php", "stormproxy-ip", "", "", "", 15),"Global")
        add item to list(%ips,#soup,"Don\'t Delete","Global")

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