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Data Only Pulling For A Few Lines But Script Continues To Run?

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I am trying to scrape specific data from multiple pages from the same website.  I am able to get this to work, but on multiple different sites it only pulls data for the first 18-20 url's then does not pull any data but continues to cycle through all of the rest of the pages.  Also I am running into an issue where I need the blank lines either kept as nothing or a placeholder put in place, otherwise when the data is written to the table it will not line up with existing data in the table. I am really new to this and any help would be appreciated.


clear table(&data)
clear list(%newprice)
clear table(&url)
clear list(%url)
plugin command("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "create table from excel", "\\\\vinc\\main share\\website Pricing Data\\URL\\PricingUrllist.xlsx", &url, "Website Name", "Sheet Name", "False")
add list to list(%url,$plugin function("TableCommands.dll", "$list from table", &url, "Column", 3),"Delete","Global")
define Scrape Data {
    loop($list total(%url)) {
        navigate($next list item(%url),"Wait")
        add item to list(%newprice,$find regular expression($document text,"(?<=<script id=\"cxtPixel\" type=\"text/javascript\">\\n*.*\\n*.*\\n*.*\\n*.*\\n*.*ice: \")\\d*\\.\\d*"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    add list to table as column(&data,0,4,%newprice)
Scrape Data()
plugin command("TableCommands.dll", "add table to table", &data, &url)
plugin command("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "save to excel file", &data, "\\\\vinc\\main share\\website Pricing Data\\Data\\WebsitenameData.xlsx")

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