This is what I built to test and it works but what I need is the bot to take user inputs for the names First and Last fields from a UI box these list can be fairly long but under 1000 names in each along with compiling the bot to run from anywhere without ads and such.
add list to list(%fname,$list from file(“C:\\Users\\seank.PMC\\Desktop\\Bots\\fname.txt”),”Don\’t Delete”,”Global”)
add list to list(%lname,$list from file(“C:\\Users\\seank.PMC\\Desktop\\Bots\\lname.txt”),”Don\’t Delete”,”Global”)
add list to list(%numbers,$list from file(“C:\\Users\\seank.PMC\\Desktop\\Bots\\numbers.txt”),”Don\’t Delete”,”Global”)
loop(200) {
reset browser
click(,”Left Click”,”No”)
wait for browser event(“Everything Loaded”,””)
type text($element offset(,0),$next list item(%lname),”Standard”)
type text($element offset(,0),$next list item(%fname),”Standard”)
click(,”Left Click”,”No”)
wait for browser event(“Everything Loaded”,””)
save element image(,”{$special folder(“Application”)}\\\\OIG–{$next list item(%numbers)}–{$random text(3)}.png”)
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hare ram
Hi i am interseted in your project plz ping me on my skype id-live:71826713e7a729e6 or mail me