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Found 4 results

  1. Hi! In this tutorial I will attempt to show you how to use a "define" command/function, I call them "methods". A method can be a group of nodes or just one node that accomplishes a specific task. Much like if you have separate tabs to do different things in your program. Tabs are containers, defines are custom containers that can contain groups of other commands and functions even your custom commands/functions. Why do I need to do all this extra work man? Saves memory - Local variables and list are not saved to memory when used inside defines. Reusable code - You can reuse these methods a
  2. UBot Boot Camp Intermediate Part 2 http://network.ubotstudio.com/store/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/11/ubot-interm-part-2-boot-camp-550-b-600x600.png Hello UBotter! When you finish this you will be able to make large bots with structure and readability. Nothing worse than writing a large bot and the site changes for whatever reason and you are spending hours looking for that snippet of code. Again, you don’t need all this structure for a smaller bot. However, it is a good practice to just do it and you will just be in the habit. In the long run it will save you time and use less co
  3. Hey all, Just a quick tip or tutorial,I guess this has been covered somewhere,and probably in more detail,if it has please leave a comment showing where,and I will close this thread,just done a quick search for callback function on ixquick,no results Wrong Way and the Right Way of creating Callback functions ie piloting your code from top to bottom or bottom to the top To save extra loops,and as a new user you have probably come across the following dilemma, Problem your script is near the end and if something you require happens you want the script to go back to the beginning,or most im
  4. Although I believe these should actually be implemented as core functions in UBot, there are some math functions that I missed when coding, such as INT (Integer), Round, etc... I decided to write one for my own use and to share with you guys here (please test it and see if I missed something?) So I started with a Round function, with two input parameters: first the number to be rounded second, the number of digits allowed as decimals in the result The code would have been simpler in most cases, but to cover some extremes and some particular instances and combos, it kinda... grew... lol
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