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  1. WebSite: https://signup.mail.com/#.7518-header-signup2-1 I reference video Just like follow link: https://www.screenca...om/t/2d0Xzb2BaH set(#ApiKey,"XXXXXXafab534ba50e40XXXXXXX","Global") click(<class="recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark">,"Left Click","No") wait(10) set(#text,$plugin function("UltimateCaptchaServices.dll", "$2Captcha Service", #ApiKey, "", "", "", "", "Solve Captcha", "Recaptcha-NoCaptcha", "", "Yes", "No"),"Global") But what is the problem with no response? Please Help Me, thank you!
  2. I am using pash Advanced Captcha plugin trying to solve invisible recaptcha with 2captcha service. it is working fine on the recaptcha demo form, but i have spent whole day try on a live website with no luck... please help if you have experience with this type of recaptcha, thanks comment("advanced captcha") navigate("https://www.domain.com/register","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) set(#fname,"jason","Global") set(#lname,"jones","Global") type text(<full name field>,#fname,"Standard") type text(<email field>,"{#fname}{#lname}{$rand(111,99
  3. Hello fellow Ubotters! I'm a member of 2captcha.com marketing team. We are one of the oldest captcha solving services around. We can solve any type of captcha and when the new captcha type comes out - we are the first to come up with solution. Google's reCaptcha v2 bypass algorithm is a good example of our talented research team's work. Our aim is to provide you with a seamlessly working way to overcome captchas for all your projects. In fact I will be more than happy to provide you with a $2 coupon so that you can test 2captcha.com for yourself. Just leave a message here or pm me.
  4. I am using the recaptcha code from Abbas which works great. However, on some forms there is no submit button to click after the code solves the captcha. I have http post plugin. Does anybody know what code to use to submit the solved captcha after it has been solved when there is not submit button? I am using 2captcha. Maybe it could be done with javascript? Ideas? Thank you.very much
  5. Hi all, I am writing a bot but I am stuck in recaptcha. I used 2captcha and could solve it. However, there are no submit button so I cannot submit. I tried calling data-callback function, like driver.execute_script(“handleCaptcha();”) in python, but it fail. As I know, that system use PerimeterX. Is it possible to bypass this service? Thank you!
  6. Everybody has the fear of the new google invisible recaptcha,but 2captcha is able to solve the recaptcha Invisible Captcha Demo Page https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo?invisible=true 2captcha Guide to Solve the New Invisible Recaptcha https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#invisible
  7. I've been trying to get the 2Captcha API to work with HTTP Upload for sometime now and all I'm getting back is ERROR_ZERO_CAPTCHA_FILESIZE with any captcha image I use. Am I missing something with 2Captcha? set(#CAPTCHAAPI, "", "Global") set(#RespondsUpload, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http upload", "http://2captcha.com/in.php", "key={#CAPTCHAAPI}&method=post&json=1", "{$special folder("Desktop")}\\captcha.jpg", "captchafile", "image/jpeg", "", "", "", ""), "Global") [solved] - My connection was blocking the file upload [EDIT] - Not my connection, was the wrong API method.
  8. I have a ubot script that used Deathbycaptcha to solve captchas, now I want to use 2Captcha to solve the new ReCaptcha. Let me know if you can do this to integrate 2Captcha on my script. I need this done as soon as possible.
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