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LordFrz last won the day on April 4 2015

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About LordFrz

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  1. Put your tags in a list. Then set #tag to a random list item.
  2. Does anyone know the correct way to reference the ubot form from a plugin. For example I would normally use this.width or formname.width to get the form width. But I can't seen to figure out how to do this from a plugin. Thanks a bunch
  3. Probably but, when I needed a save to clipboard function I was never able to download that plugin. I was always added to a mailing list and never received the plugin. I wound up using Aymens' C# compiler to use the clipboard function. So I just made my own, that can be obtained without any mailing list op in. Nothing against the maker of that plugin, im sure its not something that was done intentionally.
  4. A simple plugin that lets you easily use your clipboard. Contains a Copy Command, and a Paste Function. Copy Command located under (“Data Commands”)Paste Function Located under (“Data Functions”) Example Code: ui text box("Enter Text Here: ",#UIText) ui stat monitor("Text Entered",#UIText) ui button("Copy Text") { plugin command("UbotClipboardPlugin.dll", "copy", #UIText) } ui button("Paste") { set(#PasteVar,$plugin function("UbotClipboardPlugin.dll", "$paste"),"Global") }Download
  5. I dont know, you might try scraping the innerhtml, then look for the regular expression between the start of the href and the ending quotations.
  6. Just use the get function to grab the page HTML. The check if "Blog not found" exists. If it does, add that URL to the list.
  7. Thanks guys, I decided to try Aymens CSharp Compiler plugin, which is awesome by the way. Here is how I decided to do it. Works flawlessly. define copy_link { plugin command("CsharpCompiler.dll", "csharp container") { plugin command("CsharpCompiler.dll", "csharp add .net assembly", "System.Windows.Forms.dll", "System.Windows.Forms") plugin command("CsharpCompiler.dll", "csharp add namespace", "System.Windows.Forms") set(#copyfunction,$plugin function("CsharpCompiler.dll", "$csharp compiler", "String cpy =\"\"; Clipboard.SetText(\"{#variableToBeCopied}\"); return cp
  8. I am needing to copy the text from a stat monitor, and can not find anything to fit my need. My bot outputs a url to the screen, and I need to copy it. The only UI elements that I can even highlight text from are the text boxes, but I am not able to change there value from the code. And the stat monitor text in not copyable. I have tried making a copy button, by loading my url variable to browser and using keyboard commands to ctrl+A and ctrl+C but it did not work. I even tried to download the plugin that said it had a copy to clipboard function, but I never got the download link from the
  9. OK got it workin, here is how I did it is anyone is interested. on load("Tab Loaded") { clear list(%CampaignList) clear table(&ListOfCampaigns) add list to list(%CampaignList, $get files("{$special folder("Application")}/Campaigns", "No"), "Delete", "Global") set list position(%CampaignList, 0) loop($list total(%CampaignList)) { set table cell(&ListOfCampaigns, $list position(%CampaignList), 0, "<option value=\"{$list item(%CampaignList, $list position(%CampaignList))}\">{$list item(%CampaignList, $list position(%CampaignList))}</option>")
  10. Its not, and I already have html code for the forms I need filled out. Quite a few options on the forms, so I was kind trying to avoid redoing them each with the ui components. I think I try a workaround in the morning and see if it works. Thanks for the info though.
  11. I am making my user interface and have run into a problem. The following code works perfect, but I am not entirely sure how to utilize a similar function with the html panel ui component. Is there a way to use both the html panel and a ui component? Problem is when I use html panel for my ui the non html panel ui components disappear. on load("Tab Loaded") { clear list(%CampaignList) clear table(&ListOfCampaigns) add list to list(%CampaignList, $get files("{$special folder("Application")}/Campaigns", "No"), "Delete", "Global") add list to table as row(&ListOfCampaigns,
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