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    2 bots: post articles/post to joomla & wordpress from an excel file

    • 1 bid
    • $100.00 Avg Bid (USD)
    • Open 6 years ago

    Project description:

    2 bots, but in fact a lot of code is common

    General idea is to create or update articles(=joomla) or posts(=wordpress)  taken from an excel sheet

    (Many people have already done very similar here, so easy money. Exemple: )

    Common instructions (very logic in fact)

    • no GUI; takes all parameters from .exe arguments (nothing to reinvent here; i saw some free plugin doing that in uBot). Excel path so as other parameters are all passed like that.
    • bot logs into admin (“/wp-admin” or “/administrator”) with sitepath & credentials as parameters 
    • Bot closes when finished with standard .NET code (just OK & error needed). But I am open to other mechanisms you can suggest.
    • one of the excel column is the category id, one column is article id: if article id is empty –> create article, if not empty –> update :). If creation, then the bot must fill the empty cell with the article id just created (a save excel at the end for next time)
    • bot loops through all then line start at line “StartLine” (=a parameter) and ends when line is empty
    • create/update articles as said above, 1 per excel line: title is taken from a column (another parameter), while content is build from a text file template(path also is a paramter): as example, all “{A}” in the text file are replaced by column A, all “{B}” are replaced by column B and so on  until last column to be agreed (ex: “AZ”)


    • using latest ubot; as said, no GUI required
    • imitates human user in uBot style (no direct database update)
    • both compiled & code version required
    • you need your own joomla & wordpress sandbox for your tests (installs in number of free places)
    • pay with Paypal

    I am a c# coder, with no time for uBot focus. Clearly this is a typical uBot task

    Make offers, budget above is an indication only

    Have questions before you bid? Click here to open a private conversation with the Employer, or leave a public comment below.


    Waqar Ashraf
    UbotStudio Senior Developer
    In Process


    Member Since November 30, 2017
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    • Earning: $0.00
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