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[GET] Youtube Comment Voting Bot v.2

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UPDATED: 9/11/2013

Youtube Comment Rater



This bot still has an issue that some one on another forum pointed out to me yesterday. The problem is once the comment reaches the "Top Comment" the bot no longer can locate and continue to vote. This is happening because youtube no longer displays the comment on the /all_comments?v=[video id]  page once the comment reaches the top comment section. I will fix this later. To purchase the source code PM me




This bot is really simple to use. The only thing you need to know is that if you want to use proxies they must be paired with the accounts. You don't have to use proxies if you do want to but its not gonna do much for voting up comments.


Load your accounts into the bot in any of the following formats...

username;password (no proxy will be used)

username;password;ip:port (regular http proxies)

username;password;ip:port;user;pass (private http proxies)

This was created with UBot and due to the encryption AV's will show as a false positive.


Edit: Make sure you don't leave any white spaces when you copy the usernames from YouTube.


Bot Description:


This version has been recreated in v.4 so it is more stable than the other

version. It's also a little faster as well. However, it is still single threaded.

I just dont feel comfortable giving out a multi threaded version for free. http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


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Now that the new update is out a lot of the bugs that is causing problems like the crashing during proxy change I can fix. I will look into this bot today and update this thread with a more stable version.


@gypsy777, thanks for the mirroring.

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could someone please update this? and how to update the browser inside the bot? someone please...need this for my project.

Edited by Totem
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