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I Can't Make A Bot To Log In To My Google Account, Ex Gmail, Help Pls

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if you are using the latest version of ubot, the issue is most likely chrome79.


google is identifying it as 'automation', but as far as i know, you cant upgrade or downgrade the version on your own, so we may just be stuck.

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I can't make a bot to log in to my google account, ex gmail, help pls.

Wow did you fix this?


To the extent you're getting an "out of date" browser message, or words vaguely to that effect, there may be a workaround. I don't exactly recall where I spotted what I'm about to share with you, but someone else mentioned that if you go to a site like Reddit or maybe StackExchange (I can't exactly remember which site) and perform a login using the built-in "Sign in with Google" (or however it is that they describe that option), you'd then essentially be able to go to Gmail and already be logged in automatically. And I guess by taking the aforementioned route, you'll potential avoid the situation you're describing. I apologize for this being somewhat vague, but if you search the forum you'll more than likely stumble into what I'm describing being explained in a far more detailed way. Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

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